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Welcome to the Course Legal English. 湖南大学法学院 /Law School of Hunan University 任课教师:石玉英 /Stella Shi Yuying E-mail : stella824@sohu.com. Lesson 1 : What is a Legal System? Lesson 6 : On Legal Behavior Lesson 8 : The American Bar Lesson 9 : Origins of the Common Law. Lesson 1
Welcome to the CourseLegal English 湖南大学法学院/Law School of Hunan University 任课教师:石玉英/Stella Shi Yuying E-mail:stella824@sohu.com
Lesson 1: • What is a Legal System? • Lesson 6: • On Legal Behavior • Lesson 8: • The American Bar • Lesson 9: • Origins of the Common Law
Lesson 1 What is a Legal System?
1. modify(细节方面的)修改 n. modification Modification of contract 合同的变更 Modification of custody 监护判决的变更 Modification/reversal of judgement 判决的修正/撤销 Modification of lease 租赁条件的变更 Modification of statute 制定法的修改
2. amend 修订/修正 a. amendable 法律允许修正的 Amendable process 可补救/纠正的程序 a. amendatory 修正的 Amendatory statute 修正法 a. amended 修改过的 Amended pleading 修改过的诉状 Amended return 修正税单、修正的纳税申报表 n. amendment 正式修正案、修正程序 Amendment of constitution 宪法的修正 Amendment of statute 制定法的修订 n. amends 补偿、(由加害方对损失进行的)赔偿
3. conform Conform to 遵守、依照、符合 Conform to proof 与证据一致 Conformed copy (内容)一致的副本
4. paper 文件、书证;诉讼文书;票据、证劵 paper bloacade 纸上封锁(只发表封锁宣告,而未采取具有实际意义的封锁行动。亦称虚拟封锁:fictitious blockade) paper credit 票据信贷、证劵信贷 paper days 法庭辩论日 paper loss/profit 账面损失/利润 paper money 纸币 papers of ship 船舶证件
5. n. tort 侵权行为 侵权行为法 Torts/law of torts/tort law 侵权行为人 Tort-feasor a. tortious 侵权的 Tortious battery 非法侵犯 v. n. torture 拷打、施酷刑、虐待 Return
Lesson 6 On Legal Behavior
1. 作为 Feasance/action 不作为 Nonfeasance/omission 不作为因果关系 causation of omission
2. decision 判决、裁判、决定、裁定 opinion 作出判决的理由 decree (衡平法院的)判决、裁判、决定、裁定 Judgement 判决 Finding 裁决 Finding of fact 对争议事实的裁决 Finding of law 对适用法律的裁决 Order 裁定 Sentence (刑事)判决
Verdict 陪审团的裁断 General verdict 概括裁断 Special verdict 特别裁断 Unanimous verdict 一致裁断 Majority verdict 多数裁断 Verdict of guilty 有罪裁断 Verdict of not proven 罪证不足的裁断 Verdict of not guilty 无罪裁断
3. 举动犯 act crime 作为犯 crime with action action crime 结果犯 consequential offense 加重犯 aggravated offence aggravated crime 结果加重犯 aggragated consequential offense 情节加重犯 crime with aggravated circumstances 危险犯 potential damage offense 具体危险犯 concrete potential damage offense 抽象危险犯 abstract potential damage offense 过失危险犯 involuntary potential damage offense
4. sue Vt. 控告 Vi. Sue upon 提起诉讼 n. suit 诉讼(衡平) Put in suit 起诉 Suit money 诉讼费用 n. suitor 原告、起诉人 Suitor’s deposit account 原告存款账户
原告、起诉人 suitor orator Plaintiff Complainant Accuser Demandant Indicter 被告 Defendant The accused respondent
5. custody 监护、监管、保管 Custody of children 羁押、拘留、监禁 in custody 6. prosecution 刑事诉讼、公诉方 检察官 Prosecutor 检察院 Procuratorate 7. conviction n. 定罪、有罪判决 Convict v. 定罪、宣判….有罪 n. 已决犯、既决犯 Convicted adj. 已被定罪的、被宣判有罪的 Return
Lesson 8 The American Bar
1. practise v. 开业、经营 开业律师 Practicing lawyer practitioner 法律实务、法律实践 Practicing law Practice of law Practice n. 练习、诉讼程序 模拟法庭 Practice / moot / bail / simulated court practice acts 诉讼程序法 practice directions 诉讼指南
2. bar (法庭)围栏 法庭 Trial at bar 正在进行的审判 Case at bar 审理中的案件 律师、律师业 (法官界 bench) 律师协会 Bar Association 准许执业 Bar Admission
3. misdemeanor 轻罪 轻罪犯人 misdemeanant felony 重罪 重罪犯人 felon Felonious adj. 恶意的 Felonious homicide 恶意杀人 Felonious offence 重罪 Felonious intent 重罪犯意 Felonious assault 恶意企图伤害罪
4. forfeiture 没收(财产)、丧失/剥夺(权利) Forfeiture of charter 吊销执照 Forfeiture of property and rights 财产及权利的丧失 forfeit v. n. 丧失、失去 forfeitable adj. 可没收的
5. roll 正式的名单、记录 call the roll 点名 Roll of honour 阵亡将士名册 Strike off the rolls 从开业律师名册上除名
6. courtroom 法庭、审判室 初审法院 Trial court / court of first instance 上诉法院 Court of appeal 终审法院 Court of last resort Return
Lesson 9 Origins of the Common Law
1. common law 普通法(特点如下) 遵循先例 stare decisis 陪审团审理 Trial by jury 法律的至高无上性 Supremacy of law 对抗制 Adversarial system (与纠问制inquisitorial system对应)
2. equity 衡平法 Adjudicating in personam 对人裁决 特定履行 specific performance 禁制令 injunction 命令性禁制令 mandatory/compulsive injunction 禁止性禁制令 restrictive/preventive injunction 临时性禁制令 interlocutory/interim injunction 永久性禁制令 permanent/perpetual injunction Adjudicating in rem(普通法)对物裁决 损害赔偿 damages
3. title 产权、所有权(普通法上的所有权包括以下3个要素) 占有 possession 占有权 Right of possession 单纯所有权 Right of property 4. freehold 完全保有地产 Leasehold 租地持有
4. jurisdiction 管辖权 Jurisdictional amount 管辖金额 Jurisdictional defect 管辖权瑕疵 Jurisdictional facts 确定管辖权的事实 Jurisdictional limits 管辖权限制 Jurisdictional in personam 对人管辖权 Jurisdictional in rem 对物管辖权
5. comission 委员会 Interstate Commerce Comission 洲际商业委员会 委任状 Comission day 巡回审判开审日 授权、委托 Comission agent / C.A. 代理商 佣金、手续费 犯(罪) Commit suicide 自杀 commissioner 行政或司法长官、专员、特派员
6. franchise 公民权、特许经营权、特许使用权 Franchise agreement 特许协议 Franchised dealer (franchisee) 特许经营人、特许商人 franchisor 特许权人、特许权授予人 Return