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User Group Presentation – Release 2.17 (No Meeting)

User Group Presentation – Release 2.17 (No Meeting). Overview – Release 2.17 Highlights Black font – See Screen Shot in Presentation for more detailed explanation Blue font – No Screen Shot in Presentation. GLOBAL CHANGES

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User Group Presentation – Release 2.17 (No Meeting)

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  1. User Group Presentation – Release 2.17(No Meeting)

  2. Overview – Release 2.17 HighlightsBlack font – See Screen Shot in Presentation for more detailed explanationBlue font– No Screen Shot in Presentation • GLOBAL CHANGES • Notifications are now properly sent when Program Officer on Awards or Applications has been reassigned. (Ticket 16435) • Reports due notifications will be adjusted appropriately when awards have been extended (Ticket 20188) and when CZM section reports are no longer required. (Ticket 23247) • The “Days Acceptance is Overdue” field on Delinquent PPR Acceptance notifications has been fixed. (Ticket 21803) • INBOX Tab • Total Federal Funding amount for a Partial Funding task has been fixed. (Ticket 16401) • RFA Tab • Applications Report now works from the Competition Launch page as well as from the RFA Launch page (Ticket 13362) • NOAA Mission Goals have been added as a required field on RFA Details pages for Competitive and Universal RFAs. (Ticket 18273) • Creation of RFA publications has been simplified. Standalone FRN is again available. (Ticket 18371) • APPLICATION Tab • For GMD Users - Actions which have cleared OLA will not need to do so again if sent back to FPO for revisions. (Ticket 13009) • For GMD Users – Credit Check tasks will only go to Grants Officers with new special “Credit Checker” role in their profile. (Ticket 15918)

  3. Overview – Release 2.17 Highlights cont. • APPLICATION Tab cont. • For FALD Users – “Review Award File” option has been removed from FALD task when FPO forwards BAA Award File for review. This option was causing system error. (Ticket 16382) • NEPA Document (Ticket 13902): • A list of Categorical Exclusion categories has been added and is required if “CE” is selected for the first question on the NEPA document - a.) Level of Review. • An additional option of “Not Required” has been added for the first question of the NEPA document - a.) Level of Review. • AWARD Tab • PPR Task option to “Send Progress Report for Optional Review” has been removed if there are no Optional Reviewers in the route. (Ticket 12927) • System prevents further action and provides an error message when a Recipient tries to submit an Expanded Authorities No-Cost Extension within the last 10 days of the award. (Ticket 13007) • Award Funding totals are now adjusted to reflect amendments which have been declined. (Ticket 13040) • AAR Workflow changes - Recipient and FPO will have workflow on AAR, Grants Specialist and Grants Officer will have workflow on Amendment if AAR turns into amendment (Ticket 14403) • Problem causing some Expanded Authority No Cost Actions to be routed to Grants Specialist for approval has been fixed. (Ticket 16197) • Data entered in the final SF-269 is now validated against the recipient drawdowns recorded in the Data Warehouse and an explanation is now required if a match is not made. (Ticket 19864)Also printed version of the SF-269 has been fixed to print the remarks. (Ticket 20495) • Workflow has been updated for new awards which have been rejected by the Grants Officer or declined by the recipient. (20033)

  4. Overview – Release 2.17 Highlights cont. • AWARD Tab cont. • Problem with Closeout Extension date on AAR page has been fixed. (Tickets 21151 and 22688) • Problems with Enforcement Action functionality for GMD have been fixed. (Tickets 21244, 21259, 21926) • Problem preventing recipients from viewing awards with an open Public Affairs task has been fixed. (Ticket 22524) • Problem with status of some submitted PPRs still showing as “Delinquent” has been fixed. (Tickets 22782 and 23079) • REPORTS Tab • Award Tracking Report • FY08 Applications/Awards no longer appear on reports for FY07. (Ticket 22103) • Award Status fixed for No-Cost Extensions which have completed workflow. (Ticket 21070)

  5. NOAA Mission Goals (Ticket 18273)http://www.ppi.noaa.gov/

  6. NOAA Mission Goals –Universal and Competitive RFAs Universal RFA Details Screen Competitive RFA Details Screen Step 1: Click on “Add/Edit” under the Mission Goals section of the RFA Details Screen

  7. NOAA Mission Goals Checklist Step 2: Use checkbox to select one or more* Mission Goals to associate with this RFA *Note – Check with your Program Manager to determine if you are allowed to select more than one

  8. NOAA Mission Goals Checklist cont. Step 3: Click the “Add to RFA” button under the list of goals

  9. NOAA Mission Goals Checklist cont. Step 4: The selected goal(s) will be displayed at the bottom of the screen under the “Add to RFA” button. Click “Save and Return to Main”

  10. NOAA Mission Goals cont. Step 5: The selected goal(s) will now show on the RFA details screen.

  11. Simplified RFA Publications (Ticket 18371) Step 1: From the RFA Details Screen, after completing all of the required fields, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen, then select the “Create Publication(s)” button.

  12. Simplified RFA Publications cont. Step 2:Immediately press “Save and Return to Main” before entering any data.*** This will create the FFO document. You will remain on this page but can now leave and come back as needed without losing data. Since you no longer have to do the Synopsis or Standalone FRN in a separate step you do not have to be concerned about having to make corrections in two different places. *** If you leave this page without pressing “Save and Return to Main” you will lose whatever data you have entered and will have to start again from the “Create Publications” button on the RFA details screen.

  13. Simplified RFA Publications cont. Step 3: If you leave the FFO Details page, you can come back to it by clicking on the ID link for the “Federal Funding Opportunity” under Sub Documents of the RFA Launch page.

  14. Simplified RFA Publications cont. Step 4:Fill in data for each section of the FFO as applicable. Periodically press the “Save” button to clear the “(empty)” tag from the sections that have data. (TIP: Search for an RFA from a previous year and use the “View FFO Report” button to generate a clean document that can be used to cut and paste data into the new FFO.)

  15. Simplified RFA Publications cont. Step 5: At the bottom of the page select the radio button for “Synopsis” or “Standalone FRN” to indicate which type of announcement will be published. This is very important so the FALD attorneys will know which type of document to review. NOTE: You can at any time generate a printable version of the FFO, Synopsis, or Standalone FRN using the “View…Report” buttons at the bottom of the screen.

  16. Simplified RFA Publications cont. Step 6: When all of the data fields have been entered and modified appropriately, click on the “FFO Routing Slip and Start Workflow” button. This will allow the user to prepare the routing slip which will send both the FFO and Synopsis (or Standalone FRN) to FALD. There is no longer a separate workflow step to send the Synopsis to FALD.

  17. NEPA Document (Ticket 13902):1. New List of Categorical Exclusions (see Select/View CE)2. New “Not Required” option under a.) Level of Review Click on “Select/View CE” for complete list of CE Categories and Descriptions

  18. NEPA Document continued:New List of Categorical Exclusions Use checkbox to select appropriate categories. At bottom of screen select “Save and Return to Main” to go back to NEPA Details. NOTE: The selected categories are not displayed on the NEPA Details screen; you will have to click on the “Select/View CE” link to see which ones have been selected.

  19. Award Action Request (AAR) Workflow (Ticket 14403)** for AARs that turn into Amendments (AMD) ** 6 5 2 3 4 Start AAR 1 AAR AAR Search for Awards via The Awards Tab Access Grants File page and Select Award Action Request from the Action Dropdown menu Select type of Award Action Request, enter required fields and Start Workflow Review Award Action Request/ Forward to Authorized Representative Recipient Authorized Representative, PI, Co-PI, or Finance Representative Recipient Investigator 7 8 9 10 AAR AAR Done Review Award Action Request/Forward To Agency 1.) Review Award Action Request 2.) Forward to Grants Specialist Recipient Authorized Representative Program Officer 15 14 13 12 11 16 AMD AMD End AAR AMD Review Amendment Notification 1.) Review Amendment 2.) Approve Amendment 1.) Review Amendment 2.) Forward to Grants Officer Grants Officer Recipient Authorized Representative Grants Specialist NOTE:Workflow comments by Recipient and FPO will be found on the AAR, comments by Grant Specialists and Grant Officers will be on the Amendment. Previously the Recipient could not see workflow comments by FPO if AAR was returned because the comments were on the unfinished Amendment document.

  20. Award Action Requests which get processed as Amendments

  21. 7 Grants Officer 8 CBS 1st Approver Workflow – Rejected and Declined Awards (Ticket 20033) Done Start End Reject Award File Grants Officer Status = “Rejected” 1 3 2 Start Approve Approve Approve Award File CBS 1st Approver CBS 2nd Approver Grants Officer 6 5 4 ASAP Recipients Only CBS 1st Approver ASAP Authorization ASAP Certification Finance Office Recipient Authorized Representative Decline Award 9 Done End Acknowledge Declined Award Remove Award from CBS (De-obligate Funds) System Closeout Date Status = “Declined”

  22. Additional Resources • GrantsOnline.QandA@noaa.gov • GrantsOnline.HelpDesk@noaa.gov • (301) 444-2112 • (877) 662-2478 (1-877-NOAAGRT) • Grants Online PMO Website at www.ofa.noaa.gov/~grantsonlineto Access: • Grants Online Training/Support Resources • Frequently Asked Questions • What’s New page

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