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Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires

Bentley & Ziegler, TRADITIONS AND ENCOUNTERS, 2/e. Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires. Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires. Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires. Formation of the Islamic Empires The Ottoman Empire Osman Ottoman Expansion Mehmed the Conqueror

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bentley & Ziegler, TRADITIONS AND ENCOUNTERS, 2/e Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Islamic Empires

  2. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires

  3. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Formation of the Islamic Empires • The Ottoman Empire • Osman • Ottoman Expansion • Mehmed the Conqueror • Süleyman the Magnificent

  4. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires

  5. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Formation of the Islamic Empires • The Safavid Empire • The Safavids • Twelver Shiism • Battle of Chaldiran • Shah Abbas the Great

  6. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires

  7. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Imperial Islamic Society • The Dynastic State • The Emperors and Islam – “the Book of Mirrors” • Steppe Traditions • Women and Politics

  8. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Imperial Islamic Society • Agriculture and Trade • Food Crops • Tobacco • Population Growth • Trade

  9. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Imperial Islamic Society • Religious Affairs in the Islamic Empires • Religious Diversity • Christian Mission in India • Akbar’s Divine Faith • Status of Religious Minorities • Promotion of Islam

  10. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • Imperial Islamic Society • Cultural Patronage of the Islamic Emperors • Istanbul • Isfahan • Fatehpur Sikri • The Taj Mahal

  11. Chapter Twenty-Eight:The Islamic Empires • The Empires in Transition • The Deterioration of Imperial Leadership • Dynastic Decline • Religious Tensions • Economic and Military Decline • Economic Difficulties • Military Decline • Cultural Insularity • Piri Reis • Cultural Conservatism • The Printing Press

  12. Yeah! We finished!

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