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GENITIVE PHRASE. 1. Possesor Phrase Possessee Noun ( Genitive Noun phrase ) ( Head Noun ) Possessee Noun Possesor Phrase ( Head Noun ) ( Genitive Noun phrase ). Evenki ( Altaic ( Tungusic ): Russia ). kungaka -r evike -r- tyn

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  1. GENITIVE PHRASE 1. PossesorPhrasePossesseeNoun (GenitiveNounphrase) (HeadNoun) • PossesseeNounPossesorPhrase (HeadNoun) (GenitiveNounphrase)

  2. Evenki (Altaic (Tungusic): Russia) kungaka-r evike-r-tyn child-PL toy-PL-3PL.POSS Gen N ‘(the) children’stoys’ (Nedjalkov 1997: 82)

  3. Gela (Austronesian (Oceanic): SolomonIslands) mimi-nabolo bladder-CONST pig N Gen ‘(the) pig’sbladder’ (Crowley2002: 530)

  4. English • John’sbike Gen N • theroofof thehouse N Gen

  5. İYELİK EKLERİ Tekil Kişiler: Ben (-ım, -im, -um,-üm)  Kitab-ım         Sen (-ın, -in, -un, -ün)     Kitab-ın       O  (-ı, -i, -u, -ü, -sı, -si, -su, -sü) Kitab-ı Çoğul Kişiler: Biz (-ımız, -imiz, -umuz, -ümüz) Kitab-ımız       Siz (-ınız, -iniz, -unuz, -ünüz)  Kitab-ınız       Onlar (-ları, -leri)            Kitap-ları

  6. GenitivePhrases in Turkish • kapı-nınkol-u Noun-GEN Noun-3rd Sg. Poss. (PossesorPhrase) (PossesseeNoun) • Sınıf-ınkapı-sı Noun-GEN Noun-3rd Sg. Poss. (PossesorPhrase) (PossesseeNoun)

  7. Dryer’ s Database Order of GenitivePhraseConstituents in 1248 Languages 685 (54.9 %) GenN 467 (37.4 %) Ngen 96 (7.7 %) don’thaveany dominant wordorder

  8. in APiCS Order of GenitivePhraseConstituents in 76 Languages 35 (46.1 %) NGen 33 (43.4 %) GenN 8 (10.5 %) don’thaveany dominant wordorder

  9. NounPhrases(containingan adjectivemodifyingthenoun) 1. AdjectiveNoun 2. NounAdjective

  10. GününaKüne (Chon (Puelche): Argentina) atek a bahai mountain LK big N Adj ‘bigmountain’ (Adelaar & Muysken 2004: 562)

  11. Assamese (Indo-European (Indic): India) dami kitap costlybook Adj N ‘costlybooks’ (Goswami & Tamuli2007:475)

  12. English • a redflower Adj. N • an oldman Adj. N

  13. Türkçe • fakirgenç Adj. N • beyazkelebek Adj. N

  14. Dryer’ s Database Noun-Adjective Word Order in 1366 Languages 878 (64.3%) NAdj. 373 (27.3%) AdjN 5 (0.4%) don’thaveany dominant wordorder

  15. in APiCS Noun-Adjective Word Order in 76 Languages 49 (64.5%) AdjN 20 (26.3 %) NAdj 7 (9.2 %) don’thaveany dominant wordorder

  16. DEMONSTRATIVES • Demonstratives can be a freewordor an affix. • Demonsrativeword can preceedorfollowthenoun • Demostrativeaffix can be prefixorsuffix on thenoun • Demostrativewordoraffixmaypreceedandfollowthenoun

  17. Konzime (Niger-Congo (Bantoid): Cameroon) mʉdлâ(k) personthis.CL1 N Dem ‘thisperson’ (Beavon 1986: 174)

  18. Minnesota Ojibwe (Algic (Algonquian): USA) a’awwemittokōsi thatFrenchman Dem N ‘thatFrenchman’ (Schwartz & Dunnigan 1986: 300)

  19. Barbareño Chumash (Chumash (Chumash): USA) heʔ-l-ʔašḱaʔ this-art-coyote Dem-N ‘this coyote’ (Wash 2001: 58)

  20. AgarDinka (Nilo-Saharan (Nilotic): Sudan) (220) mòл-è man.cs1-dem1 N-Dem ‘thisman’ (Andersen 2002: 14)

  21. Malagasy (Austronesian (Barito): Madagascar) iotranoio thishousethis Dem N Dem ‘thishouse’ (Keenan & Polinsky 1998: 567)

  22. English • this/ thatbook Dem N • these/ thosebooks Dem N

  23. Türkçe • bu/şu/okitap Dem N

  24. Dryer’ s Database Demonstratives-NounOrder in 1223 Languages 560 (45.8 %) NDem 542 (44.3 %) DemN 28 (2.3 %) withdemonstrativesuffix 9 (0.7 %) withdemonstrativeprefix 17 (1.4 %) wordoraffixbothpreceedandfollow 67 (5.5 %) no orderorstrategy is dominant

  25. THE NUMERAL 1. NumberNoun 2. NounNumber 3. VerbNumber

  26. Hungarian (Uralic (Ugric): Hungary) négytoll fourpen Num N ‘four pens’ (Keneseiet al. 1998: 96)

  27. Buma (Austronesian (Oceanic): SolomonIslands) mwoetili housefive N Num ‘fivehouses’ (Tryon 2002: 576)

  28. AráraKaró (Tupian (Ramarama): Brazil) maʔwłt ip ʔłymatetcagárokōm=nem manfishcatch.IND yesterdaytwo=ADVZ ‘themancaughttwofishyesterday.’ (Dryer 2011n citingGabas, Jr 1999: 172)

  29. Russian (Indo-European (Slavic): Russia) a. nadvamal’čika PRQ two boy.SG.GEN ‘twoboys’ b. mal’čikanadva boy.SG.GEN PRQ two ‘abouttwoboys’ (Billings 1995: 31, 33)

  30. English fivebooks Num N

  31. Türkçe beşöğrenci Num N

  32. Dryer’ s Database Numeral-Noun Word Order in 1154 Languages 608 (52.7%) NNum 479 (41.5 %) NumN 65 (5.6 %) don’thave dominant wordorder

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