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ICAHN’s Stroke Initiative

ICAHN’s Stroke Initiative. 2009-2013 and beyond Funded in part by Genentech as well as Federal Flex Grant and SHIP Grant Statewide Health Improvement Program ( SHIP ). Vision for Quality Stroke Care.

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ICAHN’s Stroke Initiative

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  1. ICAHN’s Stroke Initiative 2009-2013 and beyond Funded in part by Genentech as well as Federal Flex Grant and SHIP Grant Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP)

  2. Vision for Quality Stroke Care • Elevate the quality of stroke care in the rural areas to establish access to care regardless of where a person resides or is visiting in the state of IL

  3. ICAHN Stroke Model for Training and Preparation for Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals Professional Education

  4. Pact to Act FAST: Objectives • Identify the purpose of the Pact initiative • Learn the key components of the program • Reference what research tells us about Stroke Community Education • Understand why people don’t call 911 when having a stroke? • How can community education impact the resistance by some Drs to administer the drug

  5. Why is Community Education so Vital to Success? • There is only one drug to treat stroke and it must be given within 3 hours of the onset of a stroke • Most patients wait more than 3 hours to even arrive at the hospital • Most patients do not arrive by EMS • Most patients do not know the severe consequences of waiting to get help • Our trained and ready hospitals are not able to help many patients due to the delay

  6. PACT TO ACTFAST • Main Thrust of Pact to Act FAST is to changebehavior and increase the number of people who call 911 when stroke signs appear. • Less than half of acute stroke patients arrive via ambulance • Most stroke patients wait 6 hours or more to seek treatment for an acute stroke • Majority of people arrive beyond the 3-4 hour window for tPA eligibility

  7. What is the PACT? • Anytime, anywhere I observe a person with any of the FAST signs of stroke, I will call 911 immediately, even if the person says they want to wait. I know with stroke every second counts and with every second, the average stroke patient loses 32,000 brain cells. • A Pact is an agreement that is not to be broken • Ask everyone to take the Pact Personal Pledge and know the signs: • F—FACE: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop? • A—ARMS: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? • S—SPEECH: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange? • T—TIME: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately

  8. Pact Urges Having a Plan • PACT TO ACT FAST • Stroke is an Emergency • You have an emergency plan in case of fire • You have a plan in case of a tornado • What is your plan when someone has a STROKE? • Call 911 – Don’t Wait

  9. Pact to Act FAST TEAM • Health Departments • 219 Rural Health Clinics • 52 CAH • Parish Nurses • EMS: 329 agencies • Stroke Support Groups

  10. Pact to Act FAST Target Audiences • Schools • Churches • Work Places • Community Organizations • Small Businesses and Restaurants (posters) • Other: scouts, grocery stores, stroke month events at our hospitals, senior centers

  11. Resources Provided • Guidebook of recommended activities • Community Education PowerPoint • Magnets • Wallet Cards • Table Tents • Posters • What Every Family Should Know Card • Bookmarks • Plan Ahead for Stroke, Fire & Tornado Card • PACT Promise Cards • Stroke Month Special Activities and materials

  12. Outcomes 2013 to Date • Outreach to Counties: 36 • people signed the pledge: 9,126 • Shipped pieces of materials: 72,256 • Track Outcomes by: • Quantity shipped • People reached • By county • By organization type reached • By team member type providing service

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