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. . Presentation Content. What is the Toddler Programme?How the evaluation is fundedWhere the groups are running/timetableOutcome measures and structure of home visitsResponse so far, North Wales SampleProposed Analysis. . . The Toddler Programme. The Toddler Parenting Programme has been develo
1. Researching the Incredible Years Toddler Parenting Programme in Wales Nia Griffith
Bangor University
Supervised by Professor Judy Hutchings and Dr Dave Daley
2. Presentation Content What is the Toddler Programme?
How the evaluation is funded
Where the groups are running/timetable
Outcome measures and structure of home visits
Response so far, North Wales Sample
Proposed Analysis
3. The Toddler Programme TODDLER programme is part of IY series which is a series of programmes developed for parents children and teachers, which are also being used with nursery staff and foster carers.
Series have been developed and researched for many years with programmes being developed and modified all the time.
The programme has been developed in response to the demand in Flying Start in Wales.
Follow on for Infant Programme which is for 0-12 months program, which focuses more on the practicalities of having a baby, things like feeding, sleeping and establishing routines.
We are researching the toddler programme in response to a request form funders, who are keen to keen to show a difference. TODDLER programme is part of IY series which is a series of programmes developed for parents children and teachers, which are also being used with nursery staff and foster carers.
Series have been developed and researched for many years with programmes being developed and modified all the time.
The programme has been developed in response to the demand in Flying Start in Wales.
Follow on for Infant Programme which is for 0-12 months program, which focuses more on the practicalities of having a baby, things like feeding, sleeping and establishing routines.
We are researching the toddler programme in response to a request form funders, who are keen to keen to show a difference.
4. Toddler 1-3 years Programme contains eight topics, and is 12 sessions in length
Child-Directed Play Promotes Positive Relationships
Promoting Toddler’s Language with Child-Directed Coaching
Social and Emotional Coaching
The Art of Praise and Encouragement
Spontaneous Incentives for Toddlers
Handling Separations and Reunions
Positive Discipline- Effective Limit Setting
Positive Discipline- Handling Misbehaviour
Showing attention & appreciation to encourage +ve Bhvr, importance of showing Joy through song & games, promoting imaginary & pretend play, how to be child-directed, how to End Play successfully, Toddlers developmental milestones, ‘Modelling’ Principle, Balance of Power between Parent & Todd, building self-esteem & creativity through Child-Directed play, Understanding the ‘attention-rule’.
How to model & prompt language development, how to Coach Pre-school readiness, Learn about ‘Descriptive Commenting’, ‘Persistence Coaching’ to build ability to remain Focused & Calm & Persist with activity, Promoting pre-reading & Pre-writing skills, How to use Descriptive Commenting and the Modeling Principle’, Appreciate differences in Developmental Abilities and Temperament.
How to use ‘Emotion Coaching’ to build ‘Emotional Vocab’ & encourage ‘Expression of Feeling’, How to prompt ‘Social Coaching’ to encourage social skills like Sharing, Waiting, Teaching children positive language, by avoiding Critical Statements and Demands, How to coach sibling & peer play, Apply ‘Coaching principles’ to meals, baths & shop trips.
Labeling Praise, Attend to the PROCESS of learning, Modeling Self-Praise & resistance to praise, Promoting +ve self-talk, Children who reject praise, Recognising social & academic behaviours that need praise, Building child Self-esteem through Praise & Encouragment.
Shaping Behaviour in small steps, Clearly identifying +ve Bhvr, Rewards as a Temp measure, Reinforcement issues, Value of spontaneous rewards, “first__then__” principle, How to set up appropriate programmes for prob’s like dressing, bedtime, eating, Importance of reinforcing oneself, teachers & others.
Clear & predictable routines for separating and re-uniting from child, understanding Object and Person Permanence, Providing adequate Monitoring, How ‘peek-a-boo’ helps children, predictabl routines make child feel safe, Toddler Proof checklist.
Reduce commands, so that they’re only necessary, Distraction & Redirection, Understand value of providing a choice, Politeness principle & Modeling respect, Clear rules offer safety & reduce misbehaviours, ‘Monitoring Principle’ so parents know where the child is & what they’re doing, distractible children need warnings and reminders.
8 How to use distractions and redirections coupled with ignore, Parent self-control & calm-down strategies, repeated learning trials, using the Ignore technique consistently & appropriately, using Ignore for tantrums & whining, how to help toddlers calm-down, how to handle children who hit or bite, the importance of parents finding support. Showing attention & appreciation to encourage +ve Bhvr, importance of showing Joy through song & games, promoting imaginary & pretend play, how to be child-directed, how to End Play successfully, Toddlers developmental milestones, ‘Modelling’ Principle, Balance of Power between Parent & Todd, building self-esteem & creativity through Child-Directed play, Understanding the ‘attention-rule’.
How to model & prompt language development, how to Coach Pre-school readiness, Learn about ‘Descriptive Commenting’, ‘Persistence Coaching’ to build ability to remain Focused & Calm & Persist with activity, Promoting pre-reading & Pre-writing skills, How to use Descriptive Commenting and the Modeling Principle’, Appreciate differences in Developmental Abilities and Temperament.
How to use ‘Emotion Coaching’ to build ‘Emotional Vocab’ & encourage ‘Expression of Feeling’, How to prompt ‘Social Coaching’ to encourage social skills like Sharing, Waiting, Teaching children positive language, by avoiding Critical Statements and Demands, How to coach sibling & peer play, Apply ‘Coaching principles’ to meals, baths & shop trips.
Labeling Praise, Attend to the PROCESS of learning, Modeling Self-Praise & resistance to praise, Promoting +ve self-talk, Children who reject praise, Recognising social & academic behaviours that need praise, Building child Self-esteem through Praise & Encouragment.
Shaping Behaviour in small steps, Clearly identifying +ve Bhvr, Rewards as a Temp measure, Reinforcement issues, Value of spontaneous rewards, “first__then__” principle, How to set up appropriate programmes for prob’s like dressing, bedtime, eating, Importance of reinforcing oneself, teachers & others.
Clear & predictable routines for separating and re-uniting from child, understanding Object and Person Permanence, Providing adequate Monitoring, How ‘peek-a-boo’ helps children, predictabl routines make child feel safe, Toddler Proof checklist.
Reduce commands, so that they’re only necessary, Distraction & Redirection, Understand value of providing a choice, Politeness principle & Modeling respect, Clear rules offer safety & reduce misbehaviours, ‘Monitoring Principle’ so parents know where the child is & what they’re doing, distractible children need warnings and reminders.
8 How to use distractions and redirections coupled with ignore, Parent self-control & calm-down strategies, repeated learning trials, using the Ignore technique consistently & appropriately, using Ignore for tantrums & whining, how to help toddlers calm-down, how to handle children who hit or bite, the importance of parents finding support.
6. Differences between the Basic and the Toddler Parenting programme. Similarities
Same principals
Collaborative learning Process
Brain storming/role-play/Home activities
Group structure
Focus on coaching
Removal of ‘consequences’
Addition of more age appropriate sessions
Developmental checklists
7. The Evaluation
8. Evaluation Funding
9. Flying Start Flying start initiative aims to fund high quality services for children aged
0-3 years in disadvantaged areas in Wales
Extra health visits
Free childcare
Basic skills
Parenting courses
The Infant and Toddler programmes were developed by Carolyn Webster-Stratton in response for the demand for a parenting programme to fulfill the needs of the Flying start programme
10. Research areas across Wales Set out to recruit 6 centers
All Flying start centers in Wales invited
Over subscribed with potential partners and as such we have two types of partners participating in the research.
11. Main RCT Groups
12. Non-RCT Groups
13. Trial Timetable
14. Measures
15. Schedule of Growing Skills II
16. Structure of the Home visits VISIT I (1.5 hours)
Introduce the research/ explain implications/ obtain consent
Demographic Questionnaire
Explain Questionnaires, response format and administer them
Conduct the Developmental assessment with the child
Throughout the visit, parents are reminded that they have the opportunity to withdraw from the research and/or decline to answer any question.
VISIT II (1 hour)
30 minute direct observation which is video recorded
HOME Inventory
17. Response so far
19. North Wales Sample N= 72 parent-child dyads
72 Female parents
Age M =29 years (16 - 48)
22% previously attended IY course with only 4% attending in last year
0% previously attended the TODDLER course
44 male children, 28 female children
All aged 12-36 months
50% of sample living in Council houses/ Housing association
43% of families have a combined weekly income <Ł200
Of these families 77% have State Benefits as their main source of income
20. Preliminary Data
21. Data Analysis Review of methods of evaluating early childhood competence
Demographic data and link to WIMD (2008)
Main outcome data of risk factors
Comparison of observed development and parent report development
Comparison of North & South Wales
Comparison of Accredited and non Accredited leaders
22. Thank you for listening!Diolch am wrando!