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DIFFERENT IN BONES, DIFFERENT IN DISEASES: IS THAT REALLY TRUE FOR LAGOA SANTA PEOPLE?. Sheila Mendonça de Souza sferraz@ensp.fiocruz.br . Coming from Asia human groups crossed Artic lands and sea in their migration to America
Coming from Asia human groups crossed Artic lands and sea in their migration to America We now accept that different migrations brought different people Different in bone morphology Tundra landscape
Who where the first Americans and what do we know about them? Skeletal morphology suggest that the first prehistoric people migrating to America were different from the mongolized ones that represent today most of the American indigenous groups
Crossing old lands of Central Brazil they settled in rock shelters and caves that are now archeological sites Landscape of Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara, Piauí Pedra Furada, Piauí
Their bone remains are concentrated in Lagoa Santa, an archaeological region, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil Lapa Vermelha (LEEH/USP)
Human remains found since the beginning of the 19th century are now associated to former migrations of non-mongolized groups Ganga, rock containing human bones, Lapa Mortuária
The human remains found in Lagoa Santa archeological region are know as “Lagoa Santa” skeletons, or Lagoa Santa primeval people Humans remains from different sites of the same region are estimated in more than 200 individuals, and this number is growing with recent excavations Secondary and primary burials, cemeteries or individual bones, this is the biggest sample representing populations older than 7,000-8,000 y.b.p. in America “Luzia” is one of the most ancient and famous among those skeletons
Bioanthropological data published in the last decade propose that Lagoa Santa people, as other paleoindian groups in America, belong to an ancient non mongolized Asian people Luzia skull
Reconstrução facial (BBC) Skull and tomography Facial reconstruction, by Richard Neave, from Manchester, was based by the CT scan, 3D reconstruction and skull prototype
As demonstated by Neves and co-authors, when skull craniometric traits are treated by multivariate analysis Luzia people does not cluster to mongolized groups
Paleopathology of some Lagoa Santa series has been studied: Ocasional acute trauma is described by Ferigolo (1987) and Mendonça de Souza (1992-93) : patela, mandibula, metastarsal, metacarpal, phalanx Periostitis is described for 10% of the individuals Harris lines (Godinho, 2002) are regular in some young skeletons suggesting annual stress but the poor preservation makes this analysis uncertain.
Trauma is not very common Pseudoartrhosis in Lapa Vermelha
Mello e Alvim (1977) and Mendonça de Souza (1992-93) found no porotic hyperostosis or cribra orbitalia, but mineral layers covers part of the bones Arthritic changes are few, even in the oldest individuals, life expectancy seem to be short
Teeth and facial bones offer interesting material to discussion: Faces are prognat and the third mollar is generally big. At least in one site (Radichi, 1992-93) rizogenesis of the anterior teeth seems to have occured faster than usual, perhaps because of the mastigatory stimulus. Age estimation by osteogenesis and dentogenesis are contradictory. Glenoids are shallow, there is morphological discrepancy between the codyle and the glenoid, making temporo-mandibular joint unstable (Mello e Alvim, 1977). Forward and backward masticatory movements were proposed by Salles Cunha (1963) to explain in the macroscopic pattern of tooth abrasion.
Intense tooth abrasion in many Lagoa Santa individuals suggests masticatory effort and abrasive food, even for children less than 6 years old. Pulp exposure, dental decay, premature molar dental loss and apical inflammatory processes were common. Hipercementosis and calculus were not observed by Salles Cunha (1963). Linear Enamel Hipoplasia were very rare. Dental caries frequency is unusualy high for such a huntering-gathering population. According to Salles Cunha (1963) 40% of the individuals may suffer from caries.
Acording to Portas (2000) TMJ morphology, skull assymetries, developmental deffects (like in Luzia and Confins skulls) and the masticatory trauma explain macroscopic trauma in 55% of the glenoid in 28 bones of Lapa Mortuária (usura of the mandibular eminence and deposition of new bone, ossification at the site of the ligament) and also the changes in some condyles (liping, new bone deposition. Left side seems to be more affected (“mandibular escaping the overcharge of the right side?”).
Confins skull Poorly restored Confins skull
3 4 4 5 2 1 Confins skull 1.bifid condylus 2.TMJ with arthrosis 3.Pulp exposure 4.Assymetric tooth abrasion 5.TMJ neartrosis (luxation)
In Lagoa Santa skulls have 15% less epigenetic traits than other prehistoric groups in Brazil, according to Mello e Alvim data. Half of the 65 searched traces were not found in the agregated series. Only 11 of them were found in more than 25% of the individuals. Huscke foramen (55%), malar turberosity (56%) and zigomato-maxilar tubercle (75%) are three of the more popular Methopism, double condilian facet, maxilary and mandibular torus are four of the absent ones
Developmental anomalies of the axial skeleton in Lagoa Santa: at the skull: deffects of the paraxial mesoderm affecting the basilar portion of the occipital and foramen magnun morphologie deffects of the pre-chordal portion of the cranial base, affecting ethmoid, temporal bone, sphenoid, and so on causing assymetries deffects of the I branchial arch membrane, affecting the timpanic plate auditory meatus at the other bones: sternun segmentation, vertebrae segmentation. More???
The skull is assymetric, right side can be 10mm bigger than the left side, depending on the measurement. Occipital condyles and foramen magnun also have a slight assymetry
Prechordal portion of the cranial base Luzia cranial base
Membrane of the I branquial arch Lapa Mortuária ?
Prevalence of different diseases, physiological discontinuity indicators, trauma and anomalies in paleoepidemiologic approach may help to find out genetic, environmental and behavioral factors affecting human biology. Lagoa Santa series come from different sites, most of them close to each other. Chronology of the sites and bones, more detailled information about each archaeological context and systematic paleopathological review based on objective questions may help bioarchaeological interpretation considering new models to explain human migration to America.
Data must be collected again Differences among the sites, are suggested in the literature and must be tested Skull anomalies, peculiar TMJ morphology, masticatory pattern and dental problems; unexpected high caries frequency; low arthrosis and minimal acute trauma; low LEH, PH and CO, low frequency of infection and periostitis must be checked and explained, considering the hipothesis of differences in Lagoa Santa population
May be different, but not that much! Calotte found among fossil animal bones from Lagoa Santa
Human cap Fake cap