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Energy in Ecosystems

Energy in Ecosystems. Food Chain What do food chains show? What do the arrows represent?. A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy. Food chains show the transfer of energy in an ecosystem The arrows represent the transfer of energy. Food Chains.

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Energy in Ecosystems

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  1. Energy in Ecosystems

  2. Food Chain What do food chains show? What do the arrows represent? A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy. Food chains show the transfer of energy in an ecosystem The arrows represent the transfer of energy. Food Chains

  3. What do food chains start with? What type of organism is after the sun? Describe photosynthesis. All Food Chains start with the sun After the sun is an organism that can do photosynthesis. Like plants and phytoplankton. Sunlight + Carbon Dioxide + Water = Energy This process is called Photosynthesis

  4. Sample food chains: Sun →milkweed → aphid →ladybug →bird → mushroom Sun → grass → zebra → lion → vulture Sun → seeds → grasshopper→ mouse → hawk

  5. Producers An organism that can make its own food . They use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to make energy, through a process called photosynthesis. Producers are the source of all food in an ecosystem. Without producers there is no food chain. Flowers Phytoplankton Tree

  6. Decomposers Organisms that break down wastes and dead organisms and return the raw materials to the environment. Two major groups of decomposers are: Bacteria Fungi.

  7. Consumers 3 types of Consumers An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms. Ex: Deer, Humans, Snakes, Bat, Cat, Hippopotamus, Cricket, Rabbit Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores Food Chain Game

  8. Sun →milkweed → aphid →ladybug • producer 1-consumer 2-consumer • →bird →mushroom • 3-consumer Decomposer • Sun → grass → zebra → lion → vulture • producer 1-consumer 2-consumer 3- consumer • Sun → seeds → grasshopper→ mouse → • producer 1-consumer 2- consumer • hawk • 3-consumer • Sample food chains with energy roles labeled:

  9. 3 types of consumers Carnivores Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores Consumers that eat ONLY other consumers. ( Meat -Eaters) Ex: T-rex, Tigers, Lions, Ladybugs, Spiders.

  10. Herbivores Herbivores are consumers that eat only producers. (plant eaters) Ex: Butterflies, deer, elephants, giraffes, mice.

  11. Omnivores Consumers that eat BOTH consumers and producers. (both meat eaters and plant eaters) Ex. Humans, Bearded Dragons, Turtles, Bears.

  12. Sun →milkweed → aphid →ladybug • producer 1-consumer 2-consumer • herbivore Carnivore • →bird →mushroom • 3-consumer Decomposer • Omnivore • Sun → grass → zebra → lion → vulture • produce 1-consumer 2-con 3-con • herbivore carnivore carnivore • Sample food chains with energy roles labeled:

  13. Food Webs A Food Web consists of many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem. It better represents the transfer of energy than a food chain. Food Web video Clip

  14. Energy Pyramid An Energy Pyramid shows the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web. The most energy is at the producer level. At each level there is less available energy.

  15. Biomass The measure of the total dry mass of organisms in a given area. Producer (bottom level) always the biggest level, always have the largest biomass.

  16. Trophic level A level in an energy pyramid

  17. Energy Roles Worksheet • Get out your energy roles worksheet and make an energy pyramid for each food chain. • Do not include decomposers in the energy pyramid. 1. Shark Sea lion Big Fish Sm. fish Algae

  18. 3. 2. Blue Bird Hawk Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar Sparrow Dragon fly Passion Vine Lavender Bush 4. 5. Polar Bear Raccoon Seal Mos. Fish Arctic Cod Mos. larvae Phytoplankton Algae

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