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Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business

Join the Isle of Man Safeguarding Forum on Friday, 19th February 2016 at Sefton Hotel, Douglas. This forum aims to address key priorities and implement effective policies and practices for safeguarding children and adults. Attendees will engage with experts, participate in interactive sessions, and have their say on important issues.

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Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business ISLE OF MAN SAFEGUARDING FORUM Friday 19th February 2016 Sefton Hotel, Douglas


  3. PROGRAMME FOR REST OF THE DAY • Introduction: Paul Burnett, Independent Chair • Opening remarks: Minister Crookall, Minister for Education and Children • Domestic Abuse: Pathway Implementation • Flip the Script- Allies not Enemies • Priorities for 2016/17: Interactive session with the Independent Chair • Close

  4. Hon. Tim Crookall MLC Minister for Education and Children

  5. Session 1 Domestic Abuse: Pathway Implementation Simon Griffin and Marcia Brabbs

  6. Session 2 Flip the Script: Allies not Enemies Voices in Partnership

  7. Paul Burnett Independent Chair Safeguarding Children Board (SCB) and Safeguarding Adults Partnership (SAP)

  8. Presentation outline • Progress Report on Business Plans 2015/16 • Priorities for action for 2016/17 • Other issues to be raised by Forum members

  9. The Safeguarding Forum • Engage managers and practitioners in the work of the SCB and SAP • Include both children and adult services from across the public, third sector and private sector agencies • Meet twice a year: • To consider the priorities for action in the annual business plan (Feb) • To receive annual report, review progress and test impact from a practitioner perspective (Oct) • Keynote addresses on significant safeguarding issues from invited speakers

  10. How do we have our say? You should all have a voting Handset, When you see this icon Go green you can vote. To vote press the number next to the answer you have chosen and press ok. Lets test the handset you have, all press 1 followed by OK 99

  11. How do we have our say? Results from our test vote 100%

  12. Question 1 126 Do you: 1 - Work with children only 2 - Work with adults only 3 - Work with both children and adults

  13. Question 1 Do you: 1 - Work with children only 18% 2 - Work with adults only 37% 3 - Work with both children and adults 44%

  14. Question 2 127 How many Safeguarding Forum events have you attended? 1 - This is my first Safeguarding Forum 2 - This is my second Safeguarding Forum 3 - This is my third Safeguarding Forum

  15. Question 2 How many Safeguarding Forum events have you attended? 57% 1 - This is my first Safeguarding Forum 2 - This is my second Safeguarding Forum 31% 13% 3 - This is my third Safeguarding Forum

  16. Safeguarding Board Effectiveness SCB AND SAP BUSINESS PLANS 2015/16

  17. KEY STRATEGIC PRIORITIES • Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business • Children, Young People and Adults are safe through effective policies, procedures and practice • Areas of safeguarding risk are addressed • The workforce is ‘fit for purpose’ • The voice of service users is heard and acted on

  18. Question 3 The SCB and SAP are proposing that we retain these 5 key strategic priorities. Do you agree? 127 1 - Yes 2 - No. This is too many priorities 3 - No. There is an important issue missing

  19. Question 3 The SCB and SAP are proposing that we retain these 5 key strategic priorities. Do you agree? 1 - Yes 88% 9% 2 - No. This is too many priorities 2% 3 - No. There is an important issue missing

  20. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business Boards’ Effectiveness Statutory status for SCB and SAP 80% attendance rates at Board and subgroups Assessment of impact of meetings on progress Raise profile of Board through effective communications and engagement Safeguarding priorities evident in agency plans

  21. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business Board Effectiveness – Progress • Statutory status agreed but delayed • Attendance levels at 80% to date – and Third Sector represented at both SCB and SAP • Profile of Board raised through Safeguarding Forums and revised SCB website • Safeguarding priorities evident in Departmental plans • New SAP website will be launched on Monday • Member views on meetings effectiveness yet to be tested

  22. Safeguarding Website https://beta.gov.im/safeguarding

  23. Question 4 How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding boards’ work and impact now compared to a year ago? My knowledge and understanding are: 127 1 - Significantly improved 2 - Better than a year ago but could be further improved 3 - About the same 4 - I don’t feel I know much about the work of the Boards

  24. Question 4 How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding boards’ work and impact now compared to a year ago? My knowledge and understanding are: 1 - Significantly improved 24% 2 - Better than a year ago but could be further improved 51% 12% 3 - About the same 4 - I don’t feel I know much about the work of the Boards 13%

  25. Question 5 What would help to improve your knowledge and understanding of the work and impact of the safeguarding boards? 124 1 - A wider range of information on the website 2 - A quarterly newsletter headlining key developments and their impact 3 - Reporting through existing staff communications and briefings – including team meetings 4 - Social media presence e.g. Twitter 5 - I don’t need any more information than I receive now

  26. Question 5 What would help to improve your knowledge and understanding of the work and impact of the safeguarding boards? 1 - A wider range of information on the website 24% 2 - A quarterly newsletter headlining key developments and their impact 33% 3 - Reporting through existing staff communications and briefings – including team meetings 28% 11% 4 - Social media presence e.g. Twitter 5 - I don’t need any more information than I receive now 3%

  27. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business Organisational Effectiveness • Set safeguarding standards expected of partners • Audit effectiveness through compliance tool • Peer moderate outcomes and test against staff perceptions Progress • Safeguarding standards agreed • Safeguarding audits against standards completed in Departments and schools and due to start on pilot basis in Third Sector • Outcomes to be reported to Forum in 2016 to test that they match staff perceptions

  28. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business Information Sharing and Data Protection • Develop information sharing policy for adult services and produce practice guidance for both children and adult services to resolve issues with effective implementation Progress • Information sharing protocol for adults agreed by SAP • Practice guidance to be agreed with Information Commissioner

  29. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business SCB • Monitor and scrutinise post-inspection action plan Progress • Monitoring and scrutiny of action plan has been regularly undertaken and all areas relating to SCB are completed or on track for completion with the exception of statutory status • Review inspection imminent

  30. Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business SAP Ensuring emergency planning arrangements are robust from a safeguarding perspective. Considering whether to develop an Adult Services Partnership to reflect Children’s Services Partnership Progress • Emergency planning arrangements reviewed • Proposals for an adult services partnership developed for consideration

  31. Question 6 How confident do you feel in your understanding and use of information sharing and data protection policy and procedures: 126 1 - Very confident 2 - Quite confident 3 - Would value some additional guidance, support and training to improve my confidence 4 - Unclear 5 - Very unclear

  32. Question 6 How confident do you feel in your understanding and use of information sharing and data protection policy and procedures: 1 - Very confident 20% 2 - Quite confident 44% 3 - Would value some additional guidance, support and training to improve my confidence 29% 6% 4 - Unclear 5 - Very unclear 2%

  33. Assurance that policies and procedures keep children safe • Pilot and implement NARRATES • Secure consistent cross-agency understanding of thresholds and categories of need/abuse • Develop the Quality Assurance and Performance framework to reflect the new Business Plan • Develop a multi-agency audit programme and toolkit to test quality of safeguarding practice

  34. Question 7 How would you describe your level of understanding of the NARRATES framework? 124 1 - Very good 2 - Improving but I need further information and support 3 - Requires improvement 4 - Poor 5 - I don’t work with children

  35. Question 7 How would you describe your level of understanding of the NARRATES framework? 1 - Very good 14% 2 - Improving but I need further information and support 21% 13% 3 - Requires improvement 14% 4 - Poor 39% 5 - I don’t work with children

  36. Question 8 How would you describe your level of understanding of thresholds used in children’s services? 126 1 - Very good 2 - Good 3 - Adequate 4 - Requiring improvement 5 - Poor 6 - I don’t work with children

  37. Question 8 How would you describe your level of understanding of thresholds used in children’s services? 1 - Very good 13% 2 - Good 21% 3 - Adequate 10% 4 - Requiring improvement 12% 5 - Poor 7% 6 - I don’t work with children 38%

  38. Assurance that policies and procedures keep adults safe • Review and revise Adult Protection and Alert Procedures • Develop a Quality Assurance and Performance Management framework for adult safeguarding • Establish multi-agency quality assurance subgroup to implement the new framework • Receive regular reports on adult protection alerts • Be sighted on existing case auditing processes and develop multi-agency auditing tool

  39. Question 9 Thinking about the new Adult Protection Policy and Procedures, before I came to the Forum today: 124 1 - Was aware of the new policy and procedures and had engaged in the consultation on them 2 - Was aware of the new policy and procedures 3 - Was unaware that there was a new policy and procedures for adult protection 4 - I don’t work with adults

  40. Question 9 Thinking about the new Adult Protection Policy and Procedures, before I came to the Forum today: 1 - Was aware of the new policy and procedures and had engaged in the consultation on them 19% 2 - Was aware of the new policy and procedures 32% 3 - Was unaware that there was a new policy and procedures for adult protection 24% 25% 4 - I don’t work with adults

  41. Question 10 What would be your preferred way of ensuring that you understand and feel confident in implementing the new policy and procedure. 115 1 - Practice guidance on-line 2 - Training and development activity delivered by the Board 3 - Incorporated in training opportunities within your own agency 4 - Paper-based guidance 5 - Practitioner Events

  42. Question 10 Question 10 What would be your preferred way of ensuring that you understand and feel confident in implementing the new policy and procedure. 1 - Practice guidance on-line 23% 2 - Training and development activity delivered by the Board 34% 3 - Incorporated in training opportunities within your own agency 33% 4 - Paper-based guidance 3% 5 - Practitioner Events 6%

  43. Identify and address risk – children and young people • Current risk areas identified and monitored: emotional health and well-being; neglect; looked after children and care leavers; children with disabilities and children missing from home and school; • Understand and challenge the root causes of existing priority risk areas; • Investigate emerging areas of safeguarding risk: bullying; e-safety; child sexual exploitation.

  44. Question 11 In undertaking your work to safeguard children in which area of need would you feel most confident? 124 1 - Neglect 2 - Emotional health and well-being 3 - Learning disabilities 4 - Looked after children 5 - Children missing 6 - Child sexual exploitation 7 - Bullying (including e-bullying) 8 - I don’t work with children

  45. Question 11 In undertaking your work to safeguard children in which area of need would you feel most confident? 1 - Neglect 13% 2 - Emotional health and well-being 19% 3 - Learning disabilities 11% 4 - Looked after children 9% 5 - Children missing 2% 6 - Child sexual exploitation 4% 7 - Bullying (including e-bullying) 3% 8 - I don’t work with children 39%

  46. Question 12 In undertaking your work to safeguard children in which area of need would you feel most confident? 119 1 - Neglect 2 - Emotional health and well-being 3 - Learning disabilities 4 - Looked after children 5 - Children missing 6 - Child sexual exploitation 7 - Bullying (including e-bullying) 8 - I don’t work with children

  47. Question 12 In undertaking your work to safeguard children in which area of need would you feel most confident? 1 - Neglect 18% 2 - Emotional health and well-being 16% 3 - Learning disabilities 6% 4 - Looked after children 8% 5 - Children missing 3% 6 - Child sexual exploitation 5% 7 - Bullying (including e-bullying) 5% 8 - I don’t work with children 39%

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