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PayMobile VoMS solution

PayMobile VoMS solution. Agenda. Services for the prepaid subscriber. Capability to recharge his prepaid account Always find a suitable way to perform a recharge thanks to: A comprehensive set of types of vouchers A comprehensive set of access channels

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PayMobile VoMS solution

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  1. PayMobileVoMS solution

  2. Agenda

  3. Services for the prepaidsubscriber • Capability to recharge hisprepaidaccount • Alwaysfind a suitableway to perform a recharge thanks to: • A comprehensive set of types of vouchers • A comprehensive set of accesschannels • Access multiple recharge options with one voucher

  4. Services for the operator • Capability to generate and store vouchers • Capability to adressfinelytunedsubscribers segments withdedicated recharge options • Capability to manage prepaidsubscribers life cycle and notification in place of the IN • Capability to control fraud

  5. Key successfactors • A provenexperience • As a provider of recharge sercices in more than 35 coutries, eServGlobal has a comprehensiveunderstanding of the voucher management market • A flexible segmentation toolbox • PayMobileprovides a flexiole service creationenvironment to mediatevariouscriteriafromdifferent sources through recharge scenarios. As they are way to segment the subscribers base, itenables in real-time to let the subscriberchoose an appropriate recharge • Fast, secure voucher generation in real time • PayMobile uses a flexible and uncreakable world-call 8-22 digits voucher PIN encryption to preserve revenue and decreaseexposure to frraud and loss

  6. Key success factors • Easy, straight forward administration • Web-based front-end application to reduceoverhead, iproverecordkeeping and speed-up deployments • Multiple recharge channels • It providescustomerconvenience and satisdfaction • Multiple balance recharge • It sticks to customer’sprepaidcredit usage (MS, airtime, bonus airtime etc…) • Scalable • Allowsromm for future growth. The eServGlobalVoMScanbedeplyoed in several configurations to adresssmall, mediemu and large telecommunicationoperator’sprepaidsubscribers bases

  7. Key success factors • Comprehensivecustomer care • eServglobal provides full web-based customer care service or a customer care API. The PayMobile SOAP API offers all the customer care services.

  8. Agenda

  9. Vouchers generation and management • Types of vouchers • Vouchers properties • Vouchers life cycle

  10. Type of vouchers

  11. Type of vouchers • Physical voucher • Denomination, SNE, HRN and expiry date are printed on a plastic voucher • Electronic voucher – logisticcostreduction • Dematerialized voucher with a predefineddenomination; canbe sent per SMS or printed on a receipt • VoMSgenerates the vouchers whichwillbeuploadedinto the PayMobileelectronic recharge for its distribution • VOD (Voucher On Demand) – capture smallamounts • PayMobilegenerates « on the fly » a voucher with the requesteddenomination • Subscriber uses its HRN as a standard voucher to recharge it

  12. Type of vouchers • Multi-HRN • Voucher containsseveralHRNs • Capability to defineseveralbehaviours • Prepaidsubscriber use one of the HRN, thisdisables the others (lottery use case) • Prepaidsubscriber uses one of the HRN, the otherscanbeused by thisprepaidsubscriberonly • Prepaidsubscriber uses one of the HRN, hecaneither use the others, eithergive the others to otherprepaidsubscribers • Not applicable for VODs

  13. Vouchers parameters

  14. Voucher parameters | Global parameters • HRN (Hidden Recharge number) • Secret code used by the subscriber to recharge the voucher • SNE (Serial NumberExternal) • Unique public voucher identifier • Expiry date • Uponexpiry, the voucher can’tbeused • Recharge category • A unique identifier refering to a set of parameterswhichdefines the voucher insidePayMobile • The voucher properties • One or severallinked recharge scenarios

  15. Vouchers parameters | Recharge categoryparameters for physical or electronic vouchers • Voucher denomination value and currency • Serial number min/max in which the SNEswillbetakenduring the voucher creation to avoiddupplicates • Multi HRN yes/no • Multi HRN behaviour • number of HRNs in the voucher • State • Scenario(s) (seededicatedchapter) • Sets the recharge content • Default scenario

  16. Vouchers parameters | Recharge categoryparameters for physical or electronic vouchers

  17. Vouchers parameters | Recharge category for VOD creation or M2M • Voucher denominationcurrency • Serial number min/max in which the SNEswillbetakenduring the voucher creation to avoiddupplicates • Rechargedproduct • Service: Mobile to Mobile or Voucher on Demand • Type of billing: Postpaid, prepaid or all • State • Scenario(s) (seededicatedchapter) • Takesintoaccount the quantity or amountentered by the subscriber to defined the recharge content

  18. Vouchers parameters | Recharge category for VOD creation or M2M

  19. Vouchers life cycle

  20. Vouchers life cycle • Active: recharge is possible • Pending: Voucher iscurrentlyused for a recharge. Used to avoidfraudulent double recharge • Used: Recharge issuccessful • Expired • Locked: For securityreason, the operatorcan lock vouchers (in case of loss for example)

  21. Vouchers provisioning

  22. Voucher provisioning | Overview

  23. Voucher provisioning | Order vouchers • operatorenters • The number of packages • The number of vouchers per packages • The recharge categorywhichdefines the vouchers properties • PayMobilereserves the SNEs and PayMobilegenerates a unique reference ID for eachordered package

  24. Voucher provisioning | Order vouchers

  25. Voucher provisioning | Order vouchers • Log file

  26. Voucher provisioning | Generate printing files • operator selects • Enters the package(s) to beprinted • Defines the vouchers expiry date • Selects the printer shop • PayMobileassociates a HRN and an expiry date to the alreadyprovisionedSNEs and generates an encrypted printing flat file inside the PayMobile system

  27. Voucher provisioning | Generate printing files

  28. Voucher provisioning | Generate printing files • Log file

  29. Voucher provisioning | Print the vouchers • UsingPayMobile, the printer shop retrieves the encrypted vouchers printing file • The printer shop prints the file

  30. Voucher provisioning | Print the vouchers

  31. Voucher provisioning | Print the vouchers • Encrypted vouchers printing file

  32. Voucher provisioning | Distribute the vouchers • The operatorlogisticsdepartmentdelivers the vouchers to the distributors • UsingPayMobile, the operatorcanlink a set of SNEs or a set of packages to the relevant distributor

  33. Voucher provisioning | Distribute the vouchers

  34. Voucher provisioning | Activate the vouchers • The operatoractivates a set of SNEs or a set of packages • The vouchers canbesold

  35. Voucher provisioning | Activate the vouchers

  36. Voucher provisioning | Electronic vouchers & VOD use cases • Electronic vouchers • Sameprocess • The operatordownloads the vouchers printing file and loadsit in the PayMobileelectronic recharge • VOD • Pre-provisioning: One or several ranges of SNEs are booked for VOD. • Provisioning on the fly (SMS, USSD, SOAP API, no web)

  37. Agenda

  38. Recharge • Workflow • Recharge scenario • Recharge content • Subscriber life cycle management • Submit recharge to the IN • Notify the prepaidsubscriber

  39. Workflow

  40. Workflow • A prepaidsubscriberinitiates a recharge withhis HRN • PayMobilefilters the applicable(s) scenarios for the recharge • The subscriber selects one option • PayMobilecomputes the recharge content and the prepaidsubscriber’s life cycle dates • PayMobilesubmits the recharge to the IN • PayMobile notifies the prepaidsubscriber

  41. Recharge scenario

  42. Recharge scenario | Overview Provide different recharge behaviors for one voucher, for example different combinations of products (1 hour airtime, 100 SMS) for the a fixed denomination (10 €) • One or several scenarios are associated to one recharge category • PayMobilefiltersparameters sets insideeach scenario to select the applicable recharge options • Scenario defines • Recharge content • Life cycle calculation • Additionalparameters to becommunicated to the IN

  43. Recharge scenario | Filterparameters for the physical and electronic vouchers • PayMobile filters a set of parameters which are provided by the IN • Subscriber’s provider ID • Access channel used by subscriber • Subscriber type • Subscriber state • Feature available only if the IN and the IN connector manage these parameters

  44. Recharge scenario | Scenario parameters • Usedaccesschannel to submit the recharge request • First recharge executed by the subscriber* • Service: RECHARGE, M2M, VOD CREATION • The associated recharge category • HRN rank in case of muliple HRN • Example: the second HRN in a list of four.

  45. Recharge scenario | Scenario parameters • Billing type* • Subscriber provider ID* • Subscriber state* • Default scenario • For recharge categorywith multiple scenarios, itis the applicable scenario in case the accesschannelused by the prepaidsusbcribercan’t expose several scenarios such as SMS or Standard USSD

  46. Recharge content

  47. Recharge content • Scenario defines the recharge content • Products have to exist in the IN • Capability to set one or severalproducts • Example: with one voucher, the subscribercan recharge 1 hourairtime and 100 SMS • Quantity • Voucher defines the quantity • In case of VOD creation, the quantityis the numberentered by the requeste

  48. Life cycle management

  49. Life cycle management | Overview • Scenario defines the validity and Grace calculation and parameters • PayMobilecalculates the activity and the Grace end dates • Requires to record everysubscribers’ life cycles • Master and slave balances • Master balance has a life cycle • Slave balances follow the master balance life cycle • Life cycle iscommunicated to the IN • Idelit, cusvellibusasectam et ventiatiistrumquasmolormoluptatatioremfaccus.

  50. Life cycle management | Life cycle presentation • Non-initialized • Subscriber didn’t permi any successful recharge. His balance hasn’t been initialized. • Active • Balance(s) is/are available for consumption • Inactive • Restricted use of the balance(s). Recharge is still possible • Deactivated • Subscriber didn’t rechagre during the Grace period. He can’t access his balance(s). The account will be deleted.

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