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Connecting Assessment, Language, and Learning

LAS Links™ is a comprehensive assessment and instructional system aligned to TESOL standards, TEKS, and TELPAS proficiency levels. LAS Links™ identifies ELL populations and measures listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The subtests include individual speaking assessments and group-administered listening, reading, and writing assessments. LAS Links™ provides valuable data to inform instruction at the beginning of the school year. Contact Gina Davis, Evaluation Consultant, for support.

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Connecting Assessment, Language, and Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connecting Assessment, Language, and Learning

  2. Today’s Agenda • What is LAS Links™? • L, S Subtests • Adding it up • LAS Links™ Support

  3. What is LAS Links™? • LAS Links™ is a comprehensive system of assessment and instructional tools designed to promote English language proficiency. • LAS Links™ identifies your ELL population as required by Title III • Measures the 4 domains set forth by NCLB • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing

  4. Alignments • LAS Links™ is aligned to TESOL standards • LAS Links™ is aligned to TEKS • The LAS Links™ proficiency levels are aligned to the TELPAS proficiency levels for Listening and Speaking • this provides valuable information on all ELLs at the beginning of the school year which allows teachers to make data driven decisions when planning instruction

  5. Materials Needed for Testing

  6. LAS Links Subtests Speaking: 5 - 10 minutes (Individually Administered) Listening: 10 - 15 minutes (Group Administered) Reading: 35 to 45 minutes (Group Administered) Writing: 35 to 45 minutes (Group Administered)

  7. LAS Links™ SpeakingOne on One Administered

  8. Speak in Words Speaking Subtest Description: Students respond with single words or short phrases to identify the object and answer questions related to those objects. What is it? What is it used for? Examples: C, I, or NR

  9. Speak in Sentences Speaking Subtest Description: The examiner points to each cue picture and directs the student to respond to prompts such as “Tell me what is happening in the picture” Example: Holistic Scoring

  10. Speaker Notes – Scoring: Speak in Sentences Use 2 as your anchor score Does his answer satisfy the task by telling you a sentence that relates to the prompt? No Yes 0 No Response HL 2 Errors Present 1 Isolated Words 3 No Errors Present

  11. Make Conversation Speaking Subtest Description: Students respond to the Examiner’s prompts such as “Tell someone to do something.” Example: Holistic Scoring

  12. Speaker Notes – Scoring: Make Conversation Use 2 as your anchor score Does his answer satisfy the task by telling you a sentence that relates to the prompt? No Yes 0 No Response HL 2 Errors Present 1 Isolated Words 3 No Errors Present

  13. Tell a Story Speaking Subtest Description : The Examiner starts a story and the student completes the story by explaining what is happening in a series of four pictures Example : The man lost his wallet… Holistic Scoring

  14. Speaker Notes – Scoring: Tell A Story Use 3 as your anchor score Does his answer have a storyline? A beginning, middle and end? No Yes 1 Isolated Words 0 No Response HL 3 Errors Throughout 4 Fluent with minor error(s) 2 Subject and predicate

  15. LAS Links™ ListeningGroup Administered

  16. LAS Links™ – Test Content Listening: • Listen for Information • Listen in the Classroom • Listen and Comprehend All Listening items are multiple choice in format and evaluate listening comprehension of stated facts, inference and critical thinking skills. This section can be group-administered

  17. Adding It Up • LAS Links™ combines Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing scores into an Overall Proficiency Level • Descriptors of each overall proficiency level is provided in the Interpretation Guide • LAS Links™ reports in Number Correct, Scaled Score and Proficiency Level for all grades (K-12)

  18. Your LAS Links™ Support Gina Davis Evaluation Consultant gdavis@datarecognitioncorp.com Customer Service: 800-538-9547

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