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OBJECTIVES. To generate a web-based system enables to assemble model configurations. to submit these configurations on different platforms. To control the archiving of the model data. To link the model experiment with the diagnostic package (WP4a). Delivering remote capabilities to the users.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OBJECTIVES To generate a web-based system enables • to assemble model configurations. • to submit these configurations on different platforms. • To control the archiving of the model data. • To link the model experiment with the diagnostic package (WP4a). http://prism.enes.org

  2. Delivering remote capabilities to the users Web Services Architecture Local PRISM site Supercomputer Run infracstructure HIGH SPEED DISK Experiment configurations Batch Job Local PRISM site Supercomputer Run infracstructure Batch Job Central PRISM site web infracstructure Batch Job Local PRISM site Supercomputer Run infracstructure http://prism.enes.org

  3. Web Software Components Web Server Super- computer Domain Server Application Server Domain Server Super- computer Apache Netscape Climate model Java server Tomcat Climate model Java server http://prism.enes.org

  4. PRISM software components supporting the running of climate models PrepIFS – GUI model configuration tool SMS/Xcdp – Job scheduler and monitoring GUI CVS – Code versioning Diagnostics – PRISM visualisation package Web GUI – Database and diagnostics web interface Applications http://prism.enes.org

  5. System Information Flow Configuration With PrepIFS Monitoring with Xcdp Job contol commands HIGH SPEED DISK Save to disk Supervisor Monitor Scheduler (SMS) Submission of job control structure and job definition Configuration Specific Model Run Job definition Parametrisation process Model code Job definition templates Run scripts Submit complete job for local or remote execution Execution host Queuing system Extraction CVS repository Job Running http://prism.enes.org

  6. PREPIFS • To select individual model components to couple. • To configure the Specific Model Input and Output Configuration (SMIOC). • To compose the Specific coupling configuration (SCC). • To select pre-/post processing options. • To select the site and computing resources. http://prism.enes.org

  7. SMS/XCDP SMS enables user to run a large number of programs with • Dependencies on one another. • Dependencies in time. • A good tolerance of hardware and software failures. • Good restart capabilities http://prism.enes.org

  8. Basic Phases • DEFINITION of an experiment by the Model Administrator (with PREPIFS) - Model interfaces, metadata - PMIOD, diagnostic options, I/O options... Etc • COMPOSITION by the user of a specific coupled experiment (with PREPIFS). - Selection and modification of the defaults options - Automatic consistency checking • DEPLOYMENT of a compact description of this specific experiment understood by the computer operating system (with or without SMS) http://prism.enes.org

  9. DEFINITION phase The model administrator will provide the description of resources that the coupled experiment needs. This list will be ultimately in a XML format. • Model interface • I/O options • Post-processing options • Etc... http://prism.enes.org

  10. COMPOSITION phase Prepifs will read the xml format file and displays the default options specified by the model administrator. Then the user can select and modify the experiment setup. • Compiling options • Build options • Running parameters • Site specific • Etc ... http://prism.enes.org

  11. DEPLOYMENT phase When the specific experiment is submitted by the user through the interface, several files are generated and contain a compact description of this experiment. These files can be then included in any script. • Information to run the experiment • Information on the coupling communication between models but also internally between elements of a model • Etc.. http://prism.enes.org

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