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The way towards global control of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases

Join Prof. Karoku Okamoto from Kagoshima Univ. to explore the way towards global control of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases. Learn about the impact of FMD in Miyazaki and the importance of international projects like GF-TADs. Discover how One World, One Health principles can address cross-cutting issues and improve global disease surveillance and biosecurity.

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The way towards global control of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases

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  1. The way towards global control of Trans-boundary Animal Diseases Prof. Karoku Okamoto Kagoshima Univ., Veterinary Public Health FMD severely damages Miyazaki through 4-7, 2010. Total 292 outbreaks. Suspected Animals: Cattle 37,314 Swine 174,132 Others 64. Vacctinated animals of 1,066 farms. Cattle 30,854 Swine 45,902 Others 279. Nuber of destroyed was 288,643.

  2. FMD prevalence indices, based on a weighting of reported data an expert opinion - Cattle EUFMD Fill the vacuum in North East Asia Region GFRAD RADISCON Mekong Delta PANAFTOSA SEAFMD SFMDP There are many other international project as “TAD Control in the Greater Mekong Subregion” prevalence index EUFMD: European Commission for the control of FMD GFRA: Global FMD research Alliance PANAFTOSA: Pan American FMD Center SEAFMD: Southeast Asia FMD Campaign SFMDP: Southern African Development Community FMD Project RADISCON : Regional Animal Disease Surveillance and Control Network for North Africa, the Middle East and the Arab Peninsula

  3. Global Framework for Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TAD's) The GF-TADs is a joint initiative of FAO and OIE which combines the strengths of both organisations in the fight against transboundary animal diseases (TADs) world wide. It is composed of a global component at the OIE and FAO Headquarters level and of regional and sub-regional components. The ultimate aim of the Programme is to control and eradicate the most significant animal diseases including those transmissible to humans. OWOH How to do it?

  4. Humanity faces many challenges that require global solutions. One of these challenges is the spread of infectious diseases that emerge (or re-emerge) from the interfaces between animals and humans and the ecosystems in which they live. This is a result of several trends, including the exponential growth in human and livestock populations, rapid urbanization, rapidly changing farming systems, closer integration between livestock and wildlife, forest encroachment, changes in ecosystems and globalization of trade in animal and animal products. OWOH Various pathogens existed between the wildlife infect livestock and people. Forest with wildlife Reclamation Human living area

  5. 6. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed Applying OWOH principles to mobilize broad cross-sectoral collaboration willrequire the identification of crosscutting and common issues among animal–human–ecosystem health domains. 6.1 Surveillance and disease intelligence at the three health domains 6.2 The need to improve biosecurity Smallholder farming system, Industrial farming system 6.3 Bioterrorism6.4 Mechanisms to address socio-economic disincentives6.5 The need to address broader development issues6.6 Communication strategies at different levels • Civic engagement • Community preparedness • Community and social mobilization • National public education campaigns 6.7 Private-public partnership6.8 Monitoring and evaluation OWOH

  6. Risk factors relevant to TAD Risk factors relevant to livestock Risk factors relevant to wildlife Risk factors relevant to human health Risk factors relevant to natural advantages Risk factors relevant to socio-economic environment OWOH

  7. Interdisciplinary Study centered on Veterinary Services OWOH OIE Director GeneralDr Bernard Vallat Key tripod for early warning and rapid response Veterinary Medicine Entomology Official Veterinarians Medical Science Wild Animal Science Private Veterinarians Farmers/ Stakehokders Epidemiology Ecology Tripod Animal Science Environmentology Fisheries Science Rural Sociology Agricultural Economics Jurisprudence Information Science

  8. Design of Academic Network on Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases in Northeast Asia Region Farmers/Stakehokders Administrative agency China Korea Propose the upgrade of preventive action Collaborative research Joint survey Regular workshop OWOH Continuing information sharing Obtention of funds Japan Taiwan

  9. Proposalform Kaogoshima Univ. (Draft) Academic Network on Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases in Northeast Asia Region We, scientists and researchers in the region, who are interested in establishing “the Academic Network on Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases in Northeast Asia Region”, met in Kagoshima in the opportunity of “International Symposium on the Protection of Foot & Mouth Disease” on 17 March 2011, Concerning the outbreaks of trans-boundary animal diseases may increasingly occur reflecting with the expansion of international economic activities and climate changes; Recognizing the need to urgently establish the appropriate trans-boundary cooperation system among the relevant academic institutions to assist the respective national efforts mitigating the impacts of these diseases;

  10. Recalling the concept of “One World, One Health” proposed by L'Office international des epizooties (OIE) Agreed in personal capacity of the participants, while supporting the idea in principal to establish the “Academic Network on Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases in Northeast Asia Region”, to: 1. Identify and promote appropriate cooperation mechanisms among the organizations that wish to join the activities of the Network; 2. Develop organizational system mobilizing multi-disciplinary expertise in each organizational member of the Network to accommodate public health requirements, considering the complex nature of the protection against trans-boundary animal diseases; 3. Identify risk factors on trans-boundary animal diseases; 4. Consider to conduct joint and collaborative research works and surveys on the identified risk factors;

  11. 5. Establish scientific basis in establishing equivalence on the risk management system of the countries of the members joined to the Network; 6. Identify the kinds of relevant information to be collected through the activities of the Network; 7. Collect, analyze and share the relevant/real time information to detect the outbreaks of the trans-boundary animal diseases in the region to be able to consider immediate and appropriate countermeasures; 8. Develop relevant homepage and data-base for the Network to share and exchange information; 9. Develop annual activities plan and medium-long term programs of the Network; 10. Organize necessary symposiums and workshops to exchange the achievements of respective members of the Networks within the available financial resources;

  12. 11. Clarify the roles of the Secretariat and other members of the Network; 12. Exert the efforts to expand the members of Network in the respective countries to enhance the capacity of the Network; 13. Exert the efforts to secure financial means to maintain network activities by either individual members or Network and utilize the value of Network as an academic base for securing external fund; 14. Develop scientific advices of the Network to contribute national efforts on the protection of trans-boundary animal diseases; 15. Exert utmost efforts to establish “Academic Network on Trans-Boundary Animal Diseases in Northeast Asia Region” in earliest opportunity, through close communication and appropriate promotional works

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