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Summary of EDI Changes For DART Integration. Three part transaction Contract path (threaded) Supply (unthreaded) Market (unthreaded) Fuel calculations need to be reflected in nomination quantities Passkey Loc Prop will change to DART PIN (DRNs are not changing)
Summary of EDI Changes For DART Integration • Three part transaction • Contract path (threaded) • Supply (unthreaded) • Market (unthreaded) • Fuel calculations need to be reflected in nomination quantities • Passkey Loc Prop will change to DART PIN (DRNs are not changing) • All locations (PINs/DRNs)must balance • Replacing contract with DUNS for counterparty transactions • Upstream/Downstream Party may be either a DUNS or a DART GID • Extended receipt and delivery nominations no longer use specific extended • meters. The system will automatically recognize extended service. • Use of the Kinder Morgan corporate level DUNS required in the http to/from • for EDM communication connectivity • 006943500 • EDI files need to follow NAESB WGQ Standards version 1.5 or higher
FTA with Rank and Package ID • Example 1 Service Requester DUNS - 000000001 Non-threaded Non-threaded Pathed Offsystem Market Offsystem Supply GHI Company DUNS 999999999 Qty= 4,000 Pkg ID 2A, TT 117 Dnstream Rank= 400 D G ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 9,250 TT 118 Upstream Rank=500 Receipt PIN 411111 Qty = 9,250 Delivery PIN 422222 Qty = 10,000 Path 1 IT Contract 12345 R Qty = 9,250 TT 01 Pkg ID 3A A Rec Rank = 500 Del Rank = 100 GHI Company DUNS 999999999 Qty = 6,000 Pkg ID 2B, TT 117 Dnstream Rank= 300 Del Rank = 300 E H FTA Contract 22345 R Qty = 1,077 TT01 Pkg ID Path2 DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 2.327 Pkg ID 1A, TT 118 Upstream Rank=400 B Rec Rank = 350 F JKL Company DUNS 666666666 Qty = 8,000 TT 117 Dnstream Rank= 500 Path 2 Receipt PIN 412222 Qty = 9,327 FTA Contract 22345 R Qty = 8,250 TT 01 Pkg ID Path3 Delivery PIN 423333 Qty = 8,000 Path 3 I Rec Rank = 650 Del Rank = 200 DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 7,000 Pkg ID 1B, TT 118 Upstream Rank=300 C Deliveries are net of fuel
Service Requester DUNS - 000000001 Non-threaded Non-threaded Pathed SA with Rank and Package ID Offsystem Supply Sell GHI Company DART GID 3456 Qty = 1,500 Pkg ID 2A, TT01 Dnstream Rank= 400 ABC Company DART GID 1234 Qty = 1,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 118 Upstream Rank = 450 F A D Rec Rank Path 1 = 100 Del Rank Path 1 = 200 ABC Company DART GID 1234 Qty = 3,000 Pkg ID 1B, TT 118 Upstream Rank = 350 GHI Company DART GID 3456 Qty = 2,500 Pkg ID 2B, TT01 Dnstream Rank= 300 Path 1 SA Contract 81234 Qty = 4,500 TT 08 Pkg ID Path1A Delivery PIN 405345 Qty = 8,500 Receipt PIN 410173 Qty = 8,500 G B Path 2 SA Contract 81234 Qty = 4,000 TT 08 Pkg ID Path2A Example 2 Rec Rank Path 2 = 150 Del Rank Path 2 = 250 E JKL Company DART GID 45678 Qty = 4,500 TT 01 Dnstream Rank= 500 DEF Company DART GID 23456 Qty = 4,500 TT 118 Upstream Rank=500 H C SA contracts will only be used to nominate from the wellhead (physical receipt) to the pool PIN Buys/Sells to a pool PIN do not need an SA contract Fuel is not nominated on an SA contract
Storage Injection with Rank and Package ID • Example 3 Service Requester DUNS - 000000001 Non-threaded Non-threaded Offsystem Supply Pathed Storage Injection ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 7,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 118 Upstream Rank =450 A D Rec Rank Path 1 = 100 Del Rank Path 1 = 150 ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 5,000 Pkg ID 1B , TT 118 Upstream Rank =350 FSMA – 1234 Qty = 15,824 TT 06 Dnstream Rank =100 Receipt PIN 411111 Qty = 16,000 Path 1 FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 6,000 TT 01 Pkg ID Path1 Delivery PIN 460020 Qty = 15,824 B F Path 2 FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 10,000 TT01 Pkg ID Path2 Rec Rank Path 2 = 700 Del Rank Path 2 = 250 E DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 4,000 TT 118 Upstream Rank = 500 C One storage PIN will be used to nominate both injections and withdrawals Transaction type will be used to distinguish a storage injection or withdrawal transaction. Use TT 06 for storage injection.
Storage Withdrawal with Rank and Package ID • Example 4 Non-threaded Non-threaded Service Requester DUNS - 000000001 Offsystem Market Storage Withdrawal Pathed ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 15,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 117 Dnstream Rank=400 D B Rec Rank Path 1 = 250 Del Rank Path 1 = 100 ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 3,000 Pkg ID 1B , TT 117 Dnstream Rank=300 FSMA – 1234 Qty = 20,000 TT 07 Upstream Rank = 100 Receipt DRN 139407 Qty = 20,000 Path 1: FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 17,500 TT 01 Pkg ID Path1 Delivery DRN 333333 Qty = 19,298 E A Path 2: FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 2,500 TT 01 Pkg ID Path2 Rec Rank Path 2 = 600 Del Rank Path 2 = 700 C DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 1,298 TT 117 Dnstream Rank = 500 F One storage PIN will be used to nominate both injections and withdrawals Transaction type will be used to distinguish a storage injection or withdrawal transaction. Use TT 07 for storage withdrawal.
Park and Loan Transactions Example 5 Service Requester: ABC Company DUNS – 000000001 Non-threaded Non-threaded Pathed Park Withdrawal GHI Company DUNS 999999999 Qty= 5,000 Pkg ID 2A, TT 117 Dnstream Rank=400 C B 54321-ROLTTGP Qty = 12,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 27 Upstream Rank=150 Receipt PIN 411111 Qty = 12,000 Delivery PIN 422222 Qty = 11,869 A FTA 12345 R Qty = 12,000 TT 01 Pkg ID LoanAB Rec Rank = 100 Del Rank = 450 GHI Company DUNS 999999999 Qty = 6,869 Pkg ID 2B, TT 117 Dnstream Rank=500 D Park DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Q = 4,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 118 Upstream Rank=250 E G 54321-ROLTTGP Qty = 12,700 TT 26 Dnstream Rank=600 Receipt PIN 411111 Qty = 13,000 Delivery PIN 423333 Qty = 12,700 FTA 12345 R Qty = 13,000 TT 01 Pkg ID ParkBC H Rec Rank = 200 Del Rank = 550 DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Q = 9,000 Pkg ID 1B, TT 118 Upstream Rank=350 F Transaction types go on the supply nom for loan and park withdrawal (TT 28 and 27) Transaction types go on delivery nom for park and loan payback (TT 26 and 29)
Authorized Overrun with Rank and Package ID Example 6 Service Requester DUNS - 000000001 Non-threaded Non-threaded Offsystem Market Offsystem Supply Pathed DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 2,000 Pkg ID 1C, TT 117 Dnstream Rank = 400 E ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 5,000 Pkg ID 1A, TT 118 Upstream Rank = 450 C A Rec Rank Path 1 = 550 Del Rank Path 1 = 200 DEF Company DUNS 888888888 Qty = 7,000 Pkg ID 1D, TT 117 Dnstream Rank=500 Receipt 411111 Qty = 12,000 Path 1 FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 5500 TT 02 Pkg ID AB1 Delivery 421111 Qty = 11,869 F Path 2 FTA Contract 12345 R Qty = 6500 TT 01 Pkg ID Path2 Rec Rank Path 2 = 650 Del Rank Path 2 = 300 ABC Company DUNS 777777777 Qty = 7,000 Pkg ID 1B, TT 118 Upstream Rank = 350 D B GHI Company DUNS 999999999 Qty= 2,869 TT 117 Dnstream Rank = 600 G AO will be nominated as a separate transaction (Transaction Type 02)