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  1. Learning outcomes of this chapter: After reading this chapter you will understand about 1.explain the impact of the British rule in India 2.describe the social reforms made by British in India 3.summarize the sepoy mutiny of 1857 4.describe the administrative changes made after mutiny Main topics: policies and the people through the eyes of the people a mutiny becomes a popular rebellion the company fight back

  2. Key concepts : 1. Mutiny : When soldiers as a group disobey their officers in the army. 2. Firangis : Foreigners The term reflects an attitude of contempt. 3. Sati: Former Hindu practice, a widow burning her-self on her husband's funeral pyrе. 4. Suzerainty: The domain or area subject to a suzerain/ruler. 5. Cartridges: A casing fitted with a bullet. 6. Sepoy : An Indian soldier during colonial rule. 7. Paramount: Supreme, more important than any other thing or person. 8. Rebel : Armed resistance against a government.

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