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Explore the efficiency of phytoextraction for heavy metal removal using plant biomass in contaminated soil, with a detailed analysis of mass balance and real-life field studies.
Exercise 1 Heavy Metal Phytoextraction A plant accumulates a heavy metal to a bioconcentration factor of 10 (kg/kg dry weight based). There is a layer of 62.5 cm (density 1.6 kg/L = 1 ton per m2) soil with 10 mg/kg of a heavy metal. Each year, the plant cover produces a net growth of 1 kg dry weight /m2. How long will it take until the concentration in the contaminated soil layer has fallen to 1 mg/kg, if plant extraction is the only relevant removal process?
Exercise 1 Phytoextraction of Heavy Metals Bioconcentration factor BCF = CPlant / CSoil = 10 kg/kg Concentration in plant CPlant = BCF x CSoil Mass of soil MSoil = 1000 kg per m2 Plant growth = 1 kg m-2 year-1 Initial mass of chemical in 1000 kg soil = 10 mg/kg x 1000 kg = 10 000 mg Extraction first year = CPlant x Growth = BCF x CSoil x Growth= 10 x 10 mg/kg x 1 kg / year = 100 mg/year After one year, the concentration ins soil has fallen to 9900 mg/ton, yes. This is how many students try to solve the exercise. But what is the solution?
Solution of exercise 1 - the mass balance Change of heavy metal mass in soil per year dm/dt dm/dt = - BCF x Growth x CSoil with concentration CSoil = heavy metal mass m / soil mass MSoil dCSoil/dt = - (BCF x Growth/ MSoil ) x CSoil = -k x CSoil The solution of this linear differential equation is always CSoil(t) = CSoil(0) x e-kt Now we need to find the time t when CSoil(t) = 1 mg/kg with k = - 10 x 1 / 1000 per year = 0.01 year-1.
Solution of exercise 1 - the result Equation CSoil(t) = CSoil(0) x e-kt = 10 mg/kg x e-0.01*t we seek for t when CSoil(t) = 1 mg/kg 1 mg/kg = 10 mg/kg x e-0.01*t 1 / 10 = e-0.01*t ln(1/10) = -0.01 x t ln (10) = 0.01 x t t = ln(10)/0.01 years = 2.30 / 0.01 years = 230 years
Phytoextraction of heavy metals takes time! Don't argue - it's mathematics !
Phytoextraction Field Study 2012 PhD project Mette Algreen Nielsen ● Is extraction by trees a feasible way to remove heavy metals from polluted soils? ● Planting of poplars and willows in 1999 at the Valby sludge disposal ● Measurement of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn in soil year 2001 and 2011 ● Measurement of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn in the wood 2011 (10 years later) ● Mass balance: how much of heavy metals was extracted?
Site description Valby slam basin ● Disposal of sewage sludge over decades (> 3 m thick)
Phytoextraction Field Study 2012 Measured concentrations in soil before start and in wood after 10 years
Mass balance calculations Change of chemical mass in soil Mwood willow = 1 kg/a = 10 kg/10a Mwood poplar = 1.5 kg/a = 15 kg/10a Change of concentration in soil 0.7 m deep soil with r = 1.3 kg/L MSoil = 910 kg/m2 Time to reach legal standard C(t) k = - (BCF x dMWood / MSoil ) C(0) is conc. now C(t) is legal standard
Comparison 2001 to 2012 The variation of measurements is far above any effect of phytoextraction
Time to reach legal standard (examples) No way - phytoextraction is not an option, not with these trees. The Valby willow test site is now used as parking place (2013)
Summary phytoextraction of heavy metals ● Phytoextraction efficiency depends on the BCF and on the ratio biomass to soil mass: dCSoil/dt = - (BCF x Mplant/ MSoil) x CSoil ● Lab experiments are over-optimistic, due to the high ratio plant mass to soil mass. ● Changes in the field trial at Valby were in the ‰ level. ● I am not aware of any successful phytoextraction of metals, but I know about 30 unsuccessful field studies.
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