Heavy Metal Music in USA Music was alright until.. Rock Music came about , and then it got better !! From that Rock style many other branches emerged , one of them being Heavy Metal. The best part of the 80’s was the heavy metal in my opinion. Europe was the name of a Swedish band that really “made it big “ in 1986,selling over 3 million record copies only in US. They became a symbol of heavy metal even here in USA at that point in time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyggY_R3jU8 Europe
Some Heavy Metal bands from Europe became famous in US influencing a lot the Rock Music, bringing a unique style through the guitar techniques they were using. WildSide,DefLeppard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWOLkwAWX5oWildside
Skid Row http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivFYVAntpw0 Skid Row The distorted sound of the guitar was not the only thing that changed in Heavy Metal, but also the rhythm of the drums became more complex getting to the point where drummers had to use a foot drum for each of their legs, instead of only one foot drum like most rock bands use.
Heavy Metal Ballads were very common and they get a wide acceptance because even those who don’t like heavy metal still find that rock ballads likeable. Heavy Metal Ballads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRIbf6JqkNc Don’t cry –video-Guns n roses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpmAY059TTY&playnext=1&list=PLE3787F271412870F Estranged-video
Heavy Metal is a well defined music style , very appealing , tuneful and catchy. In USA it’s among the top preferences for all kind of ages. The Conclusion