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Implementing the Common Core State Standards: an Extraordinary Opportunity. “ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” -Emerson Goals/agenda for today : Why the Common Core State Standards?
Implementing the Common Core State Standards: an Extraordinary Opportunity
“ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” -Emerson • Goals/agenda for today: • Why the Common Core State Standards? • Reading/ELA and Math Standards-Broad overview • What’s on the Test: Smarter-Balanced Consortium • Literacy across the Curriculum: SDE Health Education Team • Team Building at the District level; how can SDE help? • Seize the Day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQtmGcdSDAI&NR=1 Today’s Goals/Agenda
The Foundation: Standards describe what we want students to know and be able to do - our shared vision of what skills and knowledge are important and valued Origin of the Common Core State Standards The Foundation: Standards describe what we want students to know and be able to do - our shared vision of what skills and knowledge are important and valued The Framing: Curriculum is the detailed plan for how the standards are taught and in what order [not a national curriculum] What is the role of standards? The Framing: Curriculum is the detailed plan for how the standards are taught and in what order [not a national curriculum] The Finish Work: Instruction is the fine grain of how the curriculum is taught The Finish Work: Instruction is the fine grain of how the curriculum is taught The Inspection: Assessment reveals level of standards mastery-An INTEGRATED system The Inspection: Assessment reveals level of standards mastery-An INTEGRATED system
In 2008 State chiefs, governors and CCSSO studied current standards and national achievement results: • Status quo: A mile wide and an inch deep, declining achievement on international assessments • Teachers, researchers, higher ed. education experts began work on the standards, nearly all states have adopted-evidence of exceptional cooperation • The goal: Fewer and deeper standards that raise the bar, are internationally benchmarked Origin of the Standards
Old School, Cliff Notes version [the 12 day, 15 city European Tour]: • One class session on Transcendentalists, summary, no primary texts, tested by matching: Who wrote Walden? • “I think it’s about some dude who went fishing.” • Common Core: • Read actual writings of Thoreau on civil disobedience and trace the lineage of this movement through Gandhi's work in India, the civil rights movement [MLK] in the US, and the Arab Spring. • Research and collaborate with a partner to create and deliver an oral presentation, standing for questions. • Individuals write an organized, detailed analysis on this topic, citing relevant text reference. Peer revise/edit. Final draft. • Must reach the classroom and change instructional practice A Sea Change: not nibbling around the edges
Those scoring below proficient [21] on ACT had common factor: • Inability to answer questions associated with complex texts [Seen across all subgroups] • One remedial reading course= 30% chance of graduating college versus 69% • Despite more complex text in the workplace, text complexity has declined steadily over the last 50 years. • http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_A.pdf • “Appendix A: ELA and Literacy in History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects”……… This reflects interdisciplinary approach; everyone owns literacy Text Complexity: Many Students not College and Career Ready
Can’t just look at simple word frequency or sentence length metrics [quantitative]– Grapes of Wrath rates at the 2-3 grade level • Multiple Levels of meaning [qualitative] must factor in equation [familiar language to convey sophisticated ideas] • Reader and Task Considerations-Professional Educators select for particular students or tasks CCSS View of Text Complexity
2009 NAEP Reading Assessment: Distribution of literary and informational passages Focus on Informational Text Source: National Assessment Governing Board. (2008). Reading framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, http://www.nagb.org/publications/frameworks/reading-2009.doc
College and Career Ready Writing Standard #9: • “Draw evidence from literary and informational text to support analysis, reflection, and research.” [same for grades 4-12] • A. “Apply grade 11-12 Reading Standards to literature ...how two or more texts treat similar subjects” [specific to grades 11-12] • B. “Apply grades 11-12 Reading Standards to literary nonfiction…delineate and evaluate reasoning in seminal US texts…” • On page 47 of your ELA CCSS Booklet Marriage of Reading and Writing
Goal: Foster flexible, fluent, and rhetorically agile writers • Well versed and practiced in…… • Narrative • Informational and • Persuasive Writing • They consider purpose and audience • Changing NCLB’s unintended consequence Writing is Primary not Secondary
Writing Standard 10: • “Write routinely over extended time frame [time for research, reflection, and revision] and shorter time frames [a single sitting or a day or two] for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.” • Are your students writing Routinely? 10. Write routinely…
2011 NAEP Writing Framework: Distribution of Communicative Purposes Focus on Informational Text Source: National Assessment Governing Board. (2007). Writing framework for the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress, http://www.nagb.org/publications/frameworks/writing-2011.doc
Command of Usage [ISAT helps] Command of cap., punct. , spelling Effective knowledge and use of language [word choice, sentence variety, syntax in R, S/L, W] 4. Determine meaning through context clues Understand figurative language, nuance 6. Acquire and use a range of vocab. in R, W, S/L Language Standards
1. Collaborate effectively 2. Integrate/evaluate information from diverse media, visually, quantitatively, orally 3. Evaluate speaker’s point of view, reasoning 4. Create and present information orally 5. Effective use of digital media in presentations 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts, tasks Speaking and Listening
demonstrate independence • build strong content knowledge • respond to demands of audience, task, purpose and discipline. • comprehend and critique • value evidence • use technology and digital media strategically and capably • come to understand other perspectives and cultures Students who are college and career ready…
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHuntInstitute#p/u/8/1zHWMfg_8r0http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHuntInstitute#p/u/8/1zHWMfg_8r0 Hunt Institute CCSS Orientation Video Clips • http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards • Standards and Appendices • www.commoncore.org/maps CCSS Curricular Maps Resources
The Boise State Writing Project • www.bswproject.com Contact information--General Questions Directors Jeff Wilhelm and Jim Fredricksen • jwilhelm@boisestate.edu • jimfredricksen@boisestate.edu Professional Development • Paula Uriarte • paula.uriate@boiseschools.org • Common Core team Rachel Bear • rachel.bear@boiseschools.org Resources, cont.
Schoolnet Role in Common Core Implementation • Statewide data management system, digital backpack, Align, and Assess • Unpacked CCSS loaded • Digital content and open source item banks • aligned to standards available • Building a resource for teachers, teacher created work uploaded
Smarter-Balance Assessment Consortium [SBAC] • More than 30 states, Idaho is a lead • [Economy of size –Idaho gets a lot!] • Evidence based approach, support from national assessment, and educational experts • SBAC tests replace ISAT in 2014-15!! • [except for science] • http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/default.aspx
A National Consortium of States • 29 states representing 48% of K-12 students • 21 governing, 8 advisory states • Washington state is fiscal agent
What’s on the Test? • We test what we value! • SBAC tests will adhere closely to CCSS in a fully integrated system • With supports/tools/resources for teachers and students: interim banks [2014] and formative tools [2012]
Item Types-Not the same old test • Computer adaptive • Technology enhanced,[drag and click] • Constructed response [paragraph or two] • Emphasis on Performance Assessment: • On demand writing • Performance tasks, some over several days, multiple standards, use texts, video, speaking, listening, writing • http://nysedregents.org/ComprehensiveEnglish/
What is performance assessment? • If you want to know if someone can do something, have them do it and score it by a set of rules [Rubrics] • Authentic, active, requires creativity and synthesis and application –highest cognitive complexity • Rubrics with student responses provide a platform for instruction and common language around learning • Marriage of assessment and instruction-Formative
Try your hand Write short paragraph about the first time you rode a rollercoaster. Directive: Which best communicates this experience? a. The line was a long line. It took a long time to get to the front. I felt sort of funny before I rode the rollercoaster. I am glad I road the rollercoaster after all. I ride it all the time now when I go there.
Try your hand, cont. • Looming before was the infamous Wild Mouse Rollercoaster. The line of miners going up Chilkoot Pass had nothing on this one. Several birthdays came and went before we reached the front, while my stomach did wingovers, sweat beading on my forehead. Here we go! Visible still are my finger prints embedded in car 29’s safety bar. • It took 45 minutes to get to the front of the line, and I was getting nervous. I got more and more nervous until we finally reached the front. We were on, and it was fun, but I did not let go of the bar. I really like the part that goes through the pool of water. Now it is my favorite ride. • Build a Rubric; Learning progressions
Common Core State Standards Introduction Idaho State Department of Education
Preparing for the Common Core State Standards • MATHEMATICS • Recognizing Excellence in all Students a game changer
How do you recognize excellence? • You don’t always recognize it. • Sometimes…you reveal it.
The Standards Familiarity → Understanding → Internalization → Incorporation→ Sustainability
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Kindergarten In Kindergarten, instructional time should focus on twocritical areas: (1) representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets of objects; (2) describing shapes and space. More learning time in Kindergarten should be devoted to number than to other topics. Critical Areas Brief Description
Critical Areas Full Description • Students use numbers, including written numerals, to represent quantities and to solve quantitative problems, such as counting objects in a set; counting out a given number of objects; comparing sets or numerals; and modeling simple joining and separating situations with sets of objects, or eventually with equations such as 5 + 2 = 7 and 7 – 2 = 5. (Kindergarten students should see addition and subtraction equations, and student writing of equations in kindergarten is encouraged, but it is not required.) Students choose, combine, and apply effective strategies for answering quantitative questions, including quickly recognizing the cardinalities of small sets of objects, counting and producing sets of given sizes, counting the number of objects in combined sets, or counting the number of objects that remain in a set after some are taken away. • (2) Students describe their physical world using geometric ideas (e.g., shape, orientation, spatial relations) and vocabulary. They identify, name, and describe basic two-dimensional shapes, such as squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, and hexagons, presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes and orientations), as well as three-dimensional shapes such as cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres. They use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to model objects in their environment and to construct more complex shapes.
Kindergarten Overview Counting & Cardinality • Know number names and the count sequence. • Count to tell the number of objects. • Compare numbers. Operations & Algebraic Thinking • Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number & Operations in Base Ten • Work with numbers 11–19 to gain foundations for place value. Measurement & Data • Describe and compare measurable attributes. • Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories. Geometry • Identify and describe shapes. • Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
Counting & Cardinality Domain • Know number names and the count • sequence. Standards CLUSTER Heading • Count to 100 by ones and tens. Standards • Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence [instead of having to begin at 1] • Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 [with 0 representing a count of no objects]
CCSS Jeopardy
Standards for Mathematical Practice Standards for Mathematical Practice Too Codes Standards 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400
What are the Standards for Mathematical Practice? These standards describe varieties of expertise that teachers at all levels [grades K-12] should seek to develop in their students
1,2 What is the code for Grade 4 Number and Operations in Base Ten Standard 5? 4.NBT.5
1,3 What is a grade level content standard? Statements that define what students should understand and be able to do.
1,4 What are the first 3 words in each Standard for Mathematical Practice? Mathematically proficient students…
2,1 What are the Standards for Mathematical Practice “Habits of Mind.”
2,2 What is the code for Grade 7 Ratio and Proportion Standard 2a? 7.RP.2a
2,3 What is a cluster? Small groups of related standards .
2,4 How many standards are there for Standards of Mathematical Practice. 8