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Repaso: Verb + infinitive

Preview Verb + infinitive. Repaso: Verb + infinitive. Some conjugated verbs are followed by a preposition plus an infinitive . La señora Villalobos sueña con viajar por el mundo. Rosa va a trabajar esta tarde a las cuatro. Luis acaba de regresar de Italia. Verb + infinitive.

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Repaso: Verb + infinitive

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  1. Preview Verb + infinitive Repaso: Verb + infinitive

  2. Some conjugated verbs are followed by a prepositionplus an infinitive. La señora Villalobos sueña conviajarpor el mundo. Rosa va atrabajaresta tarde a las cuatro. Luis acaba deregresarde Italia. Verb + infinitive

  3. Other conjugated verbs do not require a preposition and are followed directly by an infinitive. Mis tíos piensan llegara las once en punto. Yolanda debe estudiarmás para mejorar sus notas. Verb + infinitive

  4. Even if the verb is normally followed by the subjunctive, if the subject does not change, the second verb remains in the infinitive. If the subject does change, the second verb is in the subjunctive. Verb + infinitive same subject Carlos espera sacarbuenas notas el semestre que viene. second subject first subject Los profesores esperan que Carlos saquebuenas notas.

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