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Mutual funds can surely be termed as much more tax-friendly with slab rates in comparison to Fixed Deposits which have a singular tax structure. Long-term Equity Mutual Funds are for example not taxable at all.
Traditional Types of Investments Versus the New Investment Era
What are they • Traditional investments include gold and fixed deposit whereas New Era Investment comprises of various forms of mutual fund. Choosing any one requires a lot of consideration by the investor. Let’s take a look at a few factors which influence this decision.
Risk Factor • Mutual Funds are much more prone to market volatility and risk associated with the same in comparison to Fixed Deposits which offer guaranteed return. Risk factor of debt instruments are no doubt less in comparison to equity ones. But as they say, it’s a no risk, no return scenario!
Return • Rate of return on Fixed Deposit do not alter during its tenure. However the mutual fund return has a direct forbearing of the market conditions and its return varies proportionately.
Time Span & Liquidity Analysis • Fixed Deposit holders get penalized on an event of premature withdrawal of their FD. Mutual Funds do not have any lock-in period except ELSS.
Tax Status • Mutual funds can surely be termed as much more tax friendly with slab rates in comparison to Fixed Deposits which have a singular tax structure. Long term Equity Mutual Funds are for example not taxable at all.
Conclusion • It is difficult to take a pick in between any one. Investors have to analyze it themselves depending upon their risk bearing capacity. However when the market condition is good and there exists possible chances of growth of the economy then it is always advisable to go for Mutual Funds or Modern Era Investments as they ensure higher returns. Before investing in it, It’s very important to know • “How to invest in mutual funds”.
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