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The Next Steps for New Directors: A focus on the Title I program timeline for successful program implementation, evaluation and planning for FY15. 2014 Annual GCEL Conference February 26-26, 2014 Savannah, GA Riverfront Marriott. Presenters. Grace McElveen
The Next Steps for New Directors: Afocus on the Title I program timeline for successful program implementation, evaluation and planning for FY15 2014 Annual GCEL Conference February 26-26, 2014Savannah, GA Riverfront Marriott
Presenters Grace McElveen Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist gmcelveen@doe.k12.ga.us (912) 739-3652 Marijo Pitts-Sheffield Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist mpitts@doe.k12.ga.us (912) 269-1216
Tasks for the Title I, Part A programs can be divided into three broad categories: FY14 Program Implementation (fall) FY14 Monitoring and Evaluation (winter) Planning for FY15 (early spring) So What Are the Next Steps?
Provide ongoing technical assistance to Title I schools (including participating private schools and neglected and delinquent (N&D) facilities) Review expectations, monitoring procedures, inventory requirements and other required documentation with each principal and other staff as appropriate Review, provide feedback and approve the revised schoolwide (SWP) and targeted assistance (TA) plans, as well as, the revised parental involvement plans Monitor implementation of these plans Consult with participating private schools and N&D facilities to insure TA plans are being implemented FY14 Program Implementation
The following tasks should have been completed by the end of January: CLIP and LEA Implementation Plans approved FLP plans approved and implementation begun Annual Title I meeting for sharing program information must be competed by end of October All required parent notifications completed Original school level and district budgets approved Completion reports submitted Carryover budget amendments and waiver submitted , if needed Comparability reports completed with all schools comparable Annual private school consultation notification letters mailed Corrective actions from monitoring or audit findings completed FY14 Program Implementation
Review the status of Title I, Part A and schoolwide budgets, expenditures and internal controls Review district’s written operational procedures for accuracy. Are they working? Modify, if necessary Provide training on operational procedures, internal controls and revised inventory requirements with appropriate staff as necessary Be sure all internal controls are being implemented Verify personnel on FY4 payrolls; remove positions not filled; amend budget as necessary Meet at least quarterly with finance officer to review expenditure details and budget status reports FY14 Program Implementation
Review of Title I, Part A and schoolwide budgets Document expenditures: Parental involvement set-aside expenditures Required professional learning expenditures - HIQ, required set-aside for LEAs Homeless/neglected set-aside/expenditures Private school instructional per pupil /equitable services FLP expenditures - document aggressive recruitment efforts Verify that expenditures are supplemental, based on needs assessment and included in school level plans FY14 Program Implementation
Review of Title I, Part A and schoolwide budgets (continued) If not complete, submit Amended Consolidated Application budget to reflect any carryover or budget changes as soon as possible (Deadline for other FY14 Con App amendments May 15) Review schoolwide funding (Fund 400), if applicable, and create schoolwide amendments as necessitated by other program budget amendments FY14 Program Implementation
Review of Title I, Part A and Schoolwide Budgets (continued) Estimate FY15 carryover for Title I, Part A If not expended in FY14, funds required to be set-aside and budgeted for private schools, parental involvement, and FLP programs will have to be budgeted as carryover in FY15 If needed, prepare to request a lesser amount for the FLP set-aside once aggressive recruitment requirements have been met and enrollment opportunities have been offered to all students at the schools required to offer a FLP program FY14 Program Implementation
Provide and document technical assistance to Title I schools (including participating private schools and neglected and delinquent (N&D) facilities) Review expectations, monitoring procedures, internal controls, revised inventory requirements and the required documentation with each principal and other staff as appropriate Review, provide feedback and monitor the implementation of schoolwide (SWP) and targeted assistance (TA) plans as well as parental involvement plans Consult with participating private schools and N&D facilities to insure TA plans are being implemented appropriately FY14 Program Implementation
Provide and document technical assistance to Title I schools (including participating private schools and N&D facilities) (continued) Verify personnel’s work is allowable and matches approved schedules in TA schools Review and approve the documentation of the selection criteria/rank order lists of targeted assistance (TA) programs Verify scheduling models are appropriate for TA schools Review expenditures to ensure services and expenditures are supplemental and match TA/SW plans and budgets FY14 Program Implementation
FY14 Program Implementation • Provide and document technical assistance to Title I schools (including participating private schools and N & D facilities)(continued) • Obtain documentation that all required parent notifications have been sent home as appropriate (Have a systematic process or procedures in place to monitor this) • Obtain evidence that resources are being used to serve only eligible students, their teachers and their parents in TA and participating private schools • Verify Title I personnel’s non-instructional duties do not exceed other personnel (applies to targeted assistance programs) • Continue collaboration with private schools regarding equitable services
Verify that the professional learning activities have been scheduled and are aligned with identified needs Monitor FLP program to maintain documentation for on-site monitoring Maintain files on complaints and complaint resolutions - See Web site: http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/tss_title.aspx FY14 Program Implementation
Review and revise written inventory procedures to insure inventory procedures are compliant On-site Title I inventory check – Include the participating private schools, N&D facilities, Title I schools and the central office Inventories are completed with all required elements and are up-to-date and on file in Title I Director’s office-have verification sign-off signatures with dates of inventory review Any pilferable item must also be included on the inventory and accounted for if monitored Disposition of property is up-to-date with a written local inventory and disposition policy, meeting federal guidelines, on file An equipment use plan is on file at TA schools and in the Title I office FY14 Program Implementation
FY14 Ongoing Program Monitoring and Evaluation • Title I Director’s monitoring plan can monitor the overall district school improvement process • Each school submits a school improvement plan, or Title I SW/TA plan, parental involvement plan, professional development plan, and a budget .……all should be based on the local annual needs assessment, coordinated, integrated • Title I Director continuously monitors the implementation of all these plans/budgets, reviews data and academic status, and monitors the FLP • By monitoring the overall district’s school improvement process, the Title I Director’s daily responsibilities become job embedded
Monitoring is not an event….it is about how the Title I director effectively implements and supervises the programs to ensure compliance —it is job embedded Use job-embedded monitoring of the schools and the district to become a more effective Title I Director Create working files in the fall to organize the documentation Establish clear, systematic expectations, procedures and required documentation for LEA/school program monitoring and evaluation- include stakeholders at all levels. Set deadlines for submitting documentation FY14 Ongoing Program Monitoring and Evaluation
FY14 Ongoing Program Monitoring and Evaluation • Complete an in depth review of budget expenditures and budget status for the district and each Title I school, including private schools and N&D facilities • Collect detailed monthly time logs for split-funded personnel and “after-the-fact” periodic surveys (2) for full time Title I (all federally paid) employees • Make payroll adjustments if needed. Refer to OMB Circular A-87 and 2 CFR, Part 225 for specific guidance. • Involve principals and other staff members in preparation for the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) cross-functional monitoring
If no cross-functional on-site monitoring visit is scheduled in FY14, complete self-monitoring document provided by the GaDOE: It does not matter if GaDOE is coming or not, your job and that of the other staff remain the same Documentation must be gathered and organized for financial auditors (if requested) Submit self-monitoring document to the GaDOE by May 15 FY14 Ongoing Program Monitoring and Evaluation
Ongoing Evaluation - How do you know the programs are working? Conduct written comprehensive systematic program evaluations and needs assessments- Is each program addressing the identified needs? How do you know? Schoolwide programs Targeted assistance programs Private school programs Parent involvement programs Professional learning activities Flexible Learning Programs N & D programs If you can not determine program effectiveness, make a change. FY14 Ongoing Program Monitoring and Evaluation
Review the Implementing Title I in Georgia Schools: FY14 A Handbook for Title I Directors, Standards, Assessments and Accountabilityand any new guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education Review program evaluations with both school level and appropriate district level administrators Analyze 2014 system and school data reports when available Assist with school improvement planning for Priority Schools, Focus Schools, Alert Schools, Reward Schools and Performance Flag systems if required Planning for FY15
Planning for FY15 Notify principals and assist in planning for Choice and Flexible Learning Program Plans, if required Involve parents in the annual needs assessment, program evaluation, and all program planning(CLIP, SWP/TA plans, FLP plans and parental involvement plans) Conduct parent surveys and analyze/summarize data Schedule annual spring planning meetings with parents and staff – document with detailed agendas and sign in sheets Review/revise schoolwide and targeted assistance plans, parent involvement plans and compacts based on evaluations/feedback
Planning for FY15 Gather documentation for FY15 Con App File all source data NOW Enrollment by school (October, 2013-FY14) Free/reduced meal data (October, 2013-FY14) Pre-K poverty data (October 2013-FY14 or Local Data) Private school/home study data if necessary (October, 2013-FY14) Complete attendance area spreadsheet Complete “dry run” for comparability to identify any potential issues
Planning for FY15 Revise required plans Plans, directed at School Improvement Division of GaDOE, include: Title I, Part A Schoolwide (SWP) or Targeted Assistance Program (TAP) plans Title I, Part A Parental Involvement and Parent Engagement plans Title I, Part A –ESEA Waiver Flexible Learning Program (FLP) plan Title I, School Improvement 1003(a) School Improvement plans and District Effectiveness plans Tile I School Improvement Grant (SIG) 1003(g) Title I, Part C – Migrant Education Plans.
Planning for FY15 Revise schoolwide(SW)/targeted assistance(TA) plans Document stakeholder involvement Date revised plan – month, date and year Review progress of schools planning to become schoolwide in FY14. Submit NEW FY15 schoolwide plans to GaDOE for approval by April 30 Check FY14 poverty status to determine if any school has a greater than 75% poverty level and consequently must be served in FY15 Collaborate with LEA/school personnel regarding schools that may be interested in beginning to plan for SW during FY15 to begin in FY16 (submit intent letter before August 15, 2015)
Planning for FY15 Private school participation Review Private School Guidance: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/guid/equitableserguidance.doc Review: Ensuring Equitable Services to Private School Children – A Title I Resource Toolkit http://www.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/ps/titleitoolkit.pdf Review: Implementing Title I in Georgia Schools: FY 14 A Handbook for Title I Directors, Section I, Page 22, Participation of Children Enrolled in Private Schools
Planning for FY15 Private school participation (continued) Planning for new private schools must begin in late fall after initial consultation Continue on-going consultation with participating private schools Services for private school students must begin at the same time as services to public school students Collaborate with other federal programs and document with agendas and sign-in sheets
Planning for FY15 Private school participation (continued) Plan for and conduct FY14 private school evaluations Prior to August 30, 2014, attach on the Consolidated Application attachment tab: (1) the FY14 private school final evaluation results (2) the FY14 private school affirmation of consultation forms (3) the FY14 private school affirmation of equitable participation forms
Planning for FY15 Rank schools for FY15 plan to serve all schools with poverty above 75% Collaborate with LEA personnel AND parents to review and revise Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan (CLIP) and Implementation Plan for FY15 Include revisions for FY15 collaborative plan for migrant, English language learners, immigrants, at-risk, homeless, N&D, and early childhood students
Planning for FY15 Collaborate with LEA personnel to make decisions as to which schools will be served as Title I for FY15 Collaborate with appropriate LEA personnel to plan budgets for FY15 Title I, Part A budgets Items in budgets must be based on the annual needs assessment and be included in the schoolwide and targeted assistance plans
Planning for FY14 Make plans to attend Annual Title I Statewide Conference: - Homeless Liaison Workshop: June 17, 2014 - Title I New Directors’ Workshop: June 18, 2014 (ending after lunch with New Directors – June 18, 2014) - Title Programs Conference: June 18, 2014 – 20, 2013 (Opening Session at 1:30 pm and ending at noon – June 20, 2014) Registration information opens March 2014 on Title programs Web site: http://www.gadoe.org/tss_title.aspx
Resources Implementing Title I in Georgia Schools: FY 14 A Handbook for Title I Directors, A yearly timeline for implementing Title I programs can be found on page 176-179 of this handbook.http://www.gadoe.org/School-Improvement/Federal-Programs/Pages/Disadvantaged-Children.aspx SYSTEMIC FAMILY ENGAGEMENT:A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing an Effective Title I Parental Involvement Programhttp://www.gadoe.org/School-Improvement/Federal-Programs/Pages/Parent-Involvement-Compliance-Documents.aspx Federal Programs Web site: http://www.gadoe.org/School-Improvement/Federal-Programs/Pages/Disadvantaged-Children.aspx No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Web site: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/legislation.html
Additional Resource The Georgia Department of Education’s Consolidated Calendar - (by date or by program) Go to the Georgia Department of Education Web page to access this information. It is under the Policy Department's information. Files have been posted to the portlet entitled Related Information on the Policy Web page http://www.gadoe.org/External-Affairs-andPolicy/Policy/Documents/Consolidated%20Calendar.pdf
Presenters Grace McElveen Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist gmcelveen@doe.k12.ga.us (912) 334-0802 Marijo Pitts-Sheffield Georgia Department of Education Title I Education Program Specialist mpitts@doe.k12.ga.us (912) 269-1216