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Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage Chapter 21

Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage Chapter 21. Ronald Phorth. Representing Urban Environments is a challenge for when one wants to portray a city or town. People can only understand reality through representation

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Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage Chapter 21

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  1. Theorizing Digital Cultural HeritageChapter 21 Ronald Phorth

  2. Representing Urban Environments is a challenge for when one wants to portray a city or town. • People can only understand reality through representation • Hyper documents can be a powerful tool for displaying physical structures and connections that create urban spaces people dwell in.

  3. Hyper Documents • Hyper documents, or network messages are a specialization of one dimensions of communication, the way in which information is arranged.

  4. Other types of Informational Naratives • Linear Narratives- traditional way of telling a story • Virtual World, Spatial narratives- arrangement of information to deliver a message • Information flow( Databases)

  5. Example of a virtual world narrative • Virtual Reality Notre Dame by Digital • A completely virtual 3D model of Notre Dame • Allows multiple users to interact inside the virtual Notre Dame • Built with the use of hyper documents • These 3D models were eventually released online and also to all of the local public libraries for learning and research purposes

  6. Using Hyperdocuments • Hyper documents are a way to share information. • Used to represent urban heritage because urban heritage is ever-changing. • Hyper documents have to be pieced together accordingly to make sense though. If not, the outcome can become very confusing.

  7. Examples • Hyper documents can be used to create complete 3D models of cities • For example, a Brazilian research group from the University of Rio de Janerio used hyper documents o make evident the symbolic structures of Latin American Cities • They used hyper documents in the form of CD’s and websites.

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