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Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands

Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands. Strategy, organization , content , results. Human and social costs of road unsafety. 2700 road accidents each day 2002: 987 killed and 11.018 severely wounded High risk groups Social costs: € 7,6 billion.

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Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands

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  1. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Strategy, organization, content, results Koos Tamis

  2. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Human and social costs of road unsafety • 2700 road accidents each day • 2002: 987 killed and 11.018 severely wounded • High risk groups • Social costs: € 7,6 billion

  3. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Trends in mobility and road deaths 1961-2002 Billion passenger km Road deaths Car park x 1000 Billion passenger km

  4. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Public anxiety about road unsafety • 2/3 of road users feel insecure • 90% calls aggression threatening problem • Demand for government action

  5. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Traffic safety policy • Since ca. 1970: road safety measures • Targets National Traffic and Transport Plan 2002-2010 (feasibility depending on budget): 750 deaths 14.000 severely wounded • National and regional level • Prevention and repression • Roads, vehicles and people

  6. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Influencing people by means of safety campaigns • mid ’70s - mid ’80s: incidental campaigns information transfer • Since mid ’80s: frequent campaigns persuasion to behaviour change • Campaign program 2003-2007: continuous integrated campaigns instruction and persuasion behaviour change and consolidation

  7. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Campaign strategy 2003-2007 • Long-term planning and budgeting • 5-year targets • 6 returning issues • Advertising and enforcement • Public-private cooperation • National and regional • Uniformity in presentation • Monitoring

  8. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Performance criteria • Public access • Attraction of concept • Comprehension of content • Likeability of content • Effectiveness • Efficiency

  9. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Campaign issues 2003-2007 • Alcohol • In-car safety devices • Aggression on highways • Aggression on local roads • Bicycle lighting and reflection • Moped helmets

  10. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Motivation of selected issues from viewpoint of risk prevention • Alcohol: 250 deaths and 3000 wounded, 4% under influence • Seat belts: 20% non-use, 1/3 on back seats, misuse of child protection • Short distance on highways: 50% of accidents, 3/4 within 2 sec. distance • Overtaking on regional roads: 10% of accidents, 50% of deaths, 1/3 of wounded • Bicycle lighting: 50% non-use, 1/3 of accidents by dark, 1/5 of victims • Moped helmet: 10% non-use, 40% misuse

  11. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Implementation costs and expected outcome • Campaign program 2003-2007:€ 21 mln. Including national advertising, facilitation regional action, monitoring Excluding enforcement, regional advertising • Indicated outcome of integrated campaign effort 2003-2007 Victim reduction: 200 deaths and 2500 severely wounded Social cost reduction: € 750 mln.

  12. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Campaign organization and planning • Leading role Transport Ministry • Long-term public-private alliances • Contributions by partners • Facilitation of regional action • Shared campaign planning • Fixed periods

  13. Shared road safety campaign calendar 2003 Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Shared campaign calendar 2003

  14. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Campaign participation 2003

  15. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands General campaign concept • One advertising agency • Campaign umbrella • Positioning of safe behaviour • Positive tone of voice • No confrontation and patronizing • Instruction by ’tips and tricks’ • Advertising locations and moments

  16. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Campaign umbrella • Visual connection between all efforts • Recognition of issues as part of a whole • Issue involvement • Tools

  17. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Communication tools • TV-commercials • Radio-commercials • Billboards along highways and local roads • Advertising on busses and trucks • Leaflets • Freecards • Posters for schools and offices • Give-aways (f.e. key cords and BOB-key ring) • Advertisement in regional papers • Advertorials in special interest magazines • Internet-site • Press releases and meetings

  18. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Billboard alcohol

  19. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Billboard seat belts

  20. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Poster moped helmet

  21. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Bus advertisement alcohol

  22. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands TV-commercial seat belts

  23. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands TV-commercial alcohol

  24. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Long term results: alcohol and seat belts • Long-term mix of advertising and enforcement proves effective • Alcohol: decrease of driving under influence and victims since mid ’80s • Seat belts: increase in driver use since mid ’80s

  25. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Trend in driving under influence 1973 - 2001 Percentage drivers >0,5 promille in weekend nights

  26. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Registrated alcohol-related road victims 1980 - 2001 deaths severely wounded

  27. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Trend in seat belt use by car drivers 1989 - 2002 Percentage car drivers wearing seat belts

  28. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Short term results: BOB alcohol-campaign • Designated driver concept since 2002 • Public-private partnership • Effects within 1 year • Concept strength • Two awards

  29. Traffic safety campaigns in the Netherlands Conclusion • Main challenge for campaigning • Frapper toujours! • No reason for pessimism

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