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Theme Groups/Taskforces in China

Theme Groups/Taskforces in China. TG on HIV/AIDS (with gov’t/donors/NGOs) - Baby TGs on Youth, Children, Drugs and Partnership with private sector TG for Health Partners (with gov’t/donors/NGOs) TG on Education/Human Resource Dev’t TG on Environment and Energy

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Theme Groups/Taskforces in China

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  1. Theme Groups/Taskforces in China • TG on HIV/AIDS (with gov’t/donors/NGOs) - Baby TGs on Youth, Children, Drugs and Partnership with private sector • TG for Health Partners (with gov’t/donors/NGOs) • TG on Education/Human Resource Dev’t • TG on Environment and Energy • TG on Gender (with 3 working groups) - Baby TGs on Research & Advocacy, Best practice and Training • TG on Poverty Reduction/Food Security • TG on Rule of Law • CCA Database (DevInfo) Taskforce

  2. CCA review meetings with the gov’t “mirror” team & donors July 2004 July Aug-Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 2005 Feb-March Revision by TGs based on comments by the Gov’t & donors Revision by TGs/ agencies based on PSG’s comments Comments by Peer Support Group CCA revised by TGs/ agencies Final comments by the gov’t Translation into Chinese CCA drafted Final Revision Translation Role of TGs in CCA process UNCT RC office Editing Agencies/TGs inputs Drafting of 2004 UN/Gov’t Joint Assessment by TG on HI/AIDS Drafting of UN/Gov’t Health Situation Assessment by TG on Health UNDAF process Deputies Group

  3. Realignment of TGs in line with UNDAF outcomes • Reviewed the draft TG guidelines by DGO and self-assessment of TGs by Chairs at the UNCT meeting in March. • Developed a draft basic principles for TGs in China and reviewed at the UNCT meeting in April. • Will agree upon the continuation or establishment of TGs according to the agreed basic principles at the UNCT Retreat in May.

  4. Draft basic principles for continuation or establishment of TGs/TFs in China • Close link with the UNDAF outcomes or cross-cutting themes, i.e) gender, equity or global conventions and norms • Clear objectives, outputs and products, i.e) Joint Assessment with the Government, etc • Chairs (HOAs) who have strong commitment and leadership and have capability to ensure achievement of TG objectives and workplans • Secretariat which provides strong support in implementing workplans and in coordinating activities

  5. How the UNDAF Process added value to JPO’s own work and learning • For UNFPA JPO colleagues, the CCA/UNDAF process was a typical example of “learning by doing”. • Information/ideas exchange with other agencies senior programme officers/deputies/HOAs • Great experience to know how the UN Country Team is working together and the links between its own agency’s Country Programme and the UNDAF outcomes. • Brainstorming and in-depth thinking about UNDAF outcomes, agency outcomes and outputs (RBM)

  6. How JPOs/NPOs could add value to CCA/UNDAF process • JPOs can more contribute to the process in providing detailed inputs and data rather than in the political negotiations among the UNCT. • JPOs in small agencies have more chances to participate in the process. Eg) JPO in UNIDO (only HOA, JPO and national staff) was a member of the deputies group. Lessons learned • Empowerment- Some JPOs felt the support from HOA/deputies helped their more active participation in the process.

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