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Welcome to 7th grade ELA. Ms. Gallaher sgallaher@parkwayschools.net (314) 415-5206 Mrs. Hoffman ahoffman@parkwayschools.net (314) 415-5242. PTO Volunteer Packet- Available at the PTO table in the Pavilion Our team needs volunteers for the following activities:
Welcome to 7th grade ELA Ms. Gallaher sgallaher@parkwayschools.net (314) 415-5206 Mrs. Hoffman ahoffman@parkwayschools.net (314) 415-5242
PTO Volunteer Packet- Available at the PTO table in the Pavilion Our team needs volunteers for the following activities: Fall Field Trip: TBA, November Spring Field Trip: City Museum, May 7th Grade Picnic, May Other activities TBA
Homework Hotline This year, our homework hotline is accessible from the school’s website: South Middle Home Page Please encourage your student to use their planner and the website to keep current on their homework!
Units of Study Fall: -Community of Readers -Introduction to Sentencing (Grammar) Winter: -Informational Reading and Writing -Reading Literature Spring: -Narrative Writing -Argument Reading and Writing
- Our goal is to have grades truly communicate what the students know or do not know. -Rather than attempting to summarize lots of information into single letter grade, we will report learning specific to these standards: -Reading Literature -Reading Informational Text -Writing -Speaking and Listening -Language (Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, etc.) Grading
Reasoning -Current methods of grading do not accurately indicate what a student knows and is able to do. -Grades tend to be inconsistent, subjective and unclear -Students will be able to explain what they learned or did not learn rather than recite a percentage.
-Parents and students are provided information on specific measurement standards while receiving meaningful feedback. -Students who need additional help mastering a concept are easier to identify. The areas of strength and weakness are clearer for parents, teachers, and students. -Students who have mastered content can move on to more challenging applications of the skill. Reasoning
Students will not earn points on tests or assignments, but rather a rating of: -Advanced: Student demonstrates proficiency as well as depth of thought (extending, applying, inferring, using learning in a new or unique way). -Proficient: Student consistently and independently demonstrates clear understanding of grade level learning targets. -Developing: Student demonstrates progress toward proficiency of grade level learning targets and/or performance is inconsistent. -Beginning: Student demonstrates little to no understanding of grade level learning targets; additional support is needed.
Other options you may see: M : Insufficient Evidence; student progress cannot be assessed; work is incomplete or missing. X: Standard not assessed at this time.
How do I figure out my child’s overall grade? Students will earn a rating in each of the five categories: Reading Literature, Reading Informational Text, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language Only grades in black will count in Infinite Campus. Grades in red are to inform you of their progress only.
REDO POLICY • Students can only redo summatives and performance tasks. • The mindset of redoing is not to EARN a higher grade; it is to LEARN the content. • In order to redo work, students may not have any missing work, and they need to complete a redo form. An alternate version of the assessment on the same standard will be given to the student. • Redos are permitted at teacher discretion (redos should not be taken for granted). This includes the last week of the grading period.
Citizenship Scores The citizenship score will be determined by examining four work habits. A proficient student will: 1-Actively Engage in Learning Consistently displays initiative and self-direction by managing goals/projects and being a self-directed learner. 2-Complete tasks Consistently completes assigned task on time with attention to quality. 3-Show Responsibility for Their Learning Environment Consistently promotes positive interaction by showing respect for others while using cooperation and communication skills. 4-Show Responsibility for His or Her Self Consistently demonstrates personal responsibility by arriving to class on time with the necessary supplies. Students will be graded on each of these skills to determine your citizenship grade.