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Assessing Ground Water Vulnerability Through Statistical Methods

Assessing Ground Water Vulnerability Through Statistical Methods. Tom Nolan btnolan@usgs.gov. NWQMC May 7-11, 2006 San Jose, CA. Statistical methods are a good option at large spatial scales . Example approaches… Regression ( National ) Factor analysis ( Regional )

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Assessing Ground Water Vulnerability Through Statistical Methods

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  1. Assessing Ground Water Vulnerability Through Statistical Methods Tom Nolan btnolan@usgs.gov NWQMC May 7-11, 2006 San Jose, CA

  2. Statistical methods are a good option at large spatial scales. Example approaches… • Regression (National) • Factor analysis (Regional) • Hybrid deterministic-geostatistical (Subregional)

  3. Logistic Regression • Good way to handle censored data (e.g., > 50%) • Places results in probabilistic context • Built-in uncertainty analysis (statistical methods in general)

  4. Logistic Regression p = probability of “event” (NO3 > 4mg/L) bo = constant bx = vector of slope coefficients and explanatory variables

  5. National Example for Nitrate in Shallow GW • More than 1,200 wells sampled during 1992-1995 • Represent mostly shallow, recently recharged ground water • Nitrate data plus ancillary (N load, soils, geology, etc.)

  6. Load Susceptibility + Test spatial data in the model…

  7. Final Model

  8. • High N input • Well-drained sediments Nitrate Probability Map

  9. 1:1 Line r2 = 0.875 Observed vs. Predicted Probabilities for Calibrated Model

  10. Diagnostics For each observation… • Pearson residual (RESCHI) • Leverage (H) • Change in Pearson residual (DIFCHISQ) • Standardized change in regression coefficients (DBETA) Menard (2002), Applied Logistic Regression Analysis, Sage Publication 07-106

  11. Factor Analysis for Aquifer Processes (Regional)

  12. High risk ― Enhanced transport? Low risk ― NO3 attenuation?

  13. Principal Components Analysis • Reduces complex data set to a few “interpretable” components. • Subjective—must know your data set. • Terminology: Components: linear combinations of original variables Loadings: correlations between component and original variables Scores: show component influence on individual samples Eigenvalue: variance explained by component

  14. PCA Loadings

  15. PCA Scores by Study Unit

  16. Redox Reaction Sequence kcal pε O2 consumption (respiration) → CO2 Denitrification → N2 Manganese-oxide reduction → Mn2+ Nitrate reduction (if any remaining) → NH4+ Iron-oxide reduction → Fe2+ (Other reducing reactions…)

  17. Hybrid Deterministic-Geostatistical Approach (Subregional) Art Baehr Leon Kauffman

  18. % Sand K Silt van Genuchten ψ Clay parameters BD http://www.ussl.ars.usda.gov/MODELS/rosetta/rosetta.htm Darcian Approach to Aquifer Susceptibility

  19. Darcian Method topsoil loamy sand coarse sand clay coarse sand Calculation made in lowermost unit above capillary fringe:

  20. Recharge Estimates Recharge quintiles, cm/yr:

  21. Y coord., m Spatial dependence―obs. closer in space more alike (variogram). X coord., m Indicator Transform Based on Median Recharge (29.1 cm/yr)

  22. Probability of Exceeding Median Recharge (29.1 cm/yr) Indicator Kriging Probability:

  23. Conclusions Statistical methods… • Effectively use available data at large spatial scales. • Enable prediction in unsampled areas. • Reveal bottom-line processes. • Exploit spatial dependence (geostatistics)

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