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Iteration and modelling using ICT; eg in writing, design, maths, science PE and music. Learners taking more control over the direction of their learning with ICT. Creative development and media literacy e.g. digital video, photography animation, music.
Iteration and modelling using ICT; eg in writing, design, maths, science PE and music Learners taking more control over the direction of their learning with ICT Creative development and media literacy e.g. digital video, photography animation, music Developing thinking skills and problem solving strategies Gaining knowledge, understanding and skills beyond that of the teacher ICT in teaching and learning Deeper analysis of concepts, processes and visualisation Use of ICT to locate, gather, synthesis, analyse reconstruct, communicate and present information and understanding Learning out of school in other settings and environments Social collaboration on joint tasks both face-to-face and in online collaboration
entertain engage enthuse embed e-learning? exchange empower enrich enhance extend
أمثلة من الواقع القطري • مادة علمية على الويب لقراءتها ودراستها وضعها المدرس. • مادة علمية على الويب لقراءتها ودراستها وضعها التلاميذ وراجعها المدرس. • أسئلة على الويب وضعها المدرس ويتم إرسال إجاباتها بالبريد الالكتروني • أسئلة على الويب وضعها التلاميذ وراجعها المدرس ثم رتبها التلاميذ • أسئلة على الويب يتم تصحيحها ورصدها آليا وترسل بها تقارير للمدرس • أسئلة تفاعلية تقوم بتقييم الإجابات وبناءا عليها يتم تحديد المستوى التالي من الأسئلة • تصميمات كاملة لمواقع بواسطة الطلبة تحت إشراف المدرس. • مكافأة المتفوقين • تدريب المدربين ونقل المعارف بين الميسرين • الألعاب الالكترونية التعليمية • تكليف التلاميذ بأعمال تتطلب قدرات عليا في التفكير (ابحث عن – قارن بين – صمم – قيم زززز الخ) • مولدات الامتحانات (مثل هولت) • برامج الرصد والتحليل • اجتماعات الويب • محركات البحث وتطويرها Web quest
Deep learning Shallow pupil engagement Active Passive Learning and ICT Where is embedded? Empower Pupils take control of learning Use ICT to research and manage own learning ?? Evaluation Extend Significantly alter the way that teaching and learning takes place using ICT Synthesis Enhance Deeper learning though the use of ICT based teaching and learning resources Analysis Enrich whiteboards used interactively and with wider range of teaching resources and methodologies Exchange Exchange OHPs for data projectors, using whiteboards as projection screens Application Comprehension Edutainment? Computer assisted learning? Content based software? Computer games? Knowledge
Deep low capability high capability learning self-directed impact “controlled” technology Taught Teaching Learning Facilitated Shallow Differentiated School based Personalised Distributed pupil engagement Active Passive Dimension shift Empower Pupils take control of learning Use ICT to research and manage own learning Extend Significantly alter the way that teaching and learning takes place using ICT Enhance Deeper learning though the use of ICT based teaching and learning resources Enrich whiteboards used interactively and with wider range of teaching resources and methodologies Exchange Exchange OHPs for data projectors, using whiteboards as projection screens