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PostgreSQL. S511. Create Table Schema. CREATE TABLE "lab"."tblpublications" ( "publicationId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "publicationTitle" varchar(250), "publicationDate" date, "publicationVenue" varchar(250), "venueVolume" varchar(10), "venueNumber" varchar(10), "venuePages" varchar(50),

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  1. PostgreSQL S511

  2. Create Table Schema CREATE TABLE "lab"."tblpublications" ( "publicationId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "publicationTitle" varchar(250), "publicationDate" date, "publicationVenue" varchar(250), "venueVolume" varchar(10), "venueNumber" varchar(10), "venuePages" varchar(50), "type" varchar(2), "publisher" varchar(150), "venueChapter" varchar(10), PRIMARY KEY ("publicationId") ); CREATE TABLE "lab"."tblpeople" ( "peopleId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "fName" varchar(70), "mName" varchar(70), "lName" varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY ("peopleId") );

  3. Create Table Schema CREATE TABLE "lab"."tblgrants" ( "grantId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "grantName" text, "amount" numeric(18), "grantTitle" varchar(250), "startDate" date, "endDate" date, "organizationId" int4, "receivedAmount" varchar(18), PRIMARY KEY ("grantId") ); CREATE TABLE "lab"."tblresearch" ( "researchId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "fullTitle" varchar(250), "shortTitle" varchar(50), "startDate" date, "endDate" date, "description" text, PRIMARY KEY ("researchId") );

  4. Create Table Schema CREATE TABLE "lab"."brdgcopis" ( "coPIId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "peopleId" int4, "grantId" int4, PRIMARY KEY ("coPIId"), FOREIGN KEY ("peopleId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblpeople"("peopleId"), FOREIGN KEY ("grantId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblgrants"("grantId") ); CREATE TABLE "lab"."brdgauthorship" ( "authorshipId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "peopleId" int4, "publicationId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("authorshipId"), FOREIGN KEY ("peopleId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblpeople"("peopleId"), FOREIGN KEY ("publicationId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblpublications"("publicationId") );

  5. Create Table Schema CREATE TABLE "lab"."brdgteamcollabs" ( "teamCollabsId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "peopleId" int4, "researchId" int4, "startDate" date, "endDate" date, PRIMARY KEY ("teamCollabsId"), FOREIGN KEY ("peopleId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblpeople"("peopleId") ); CREATE TABLE "lab"."brdgfunding" ( "fundingId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "grantId" int4, "researchId" int4, PRIMARY KEY ("fundingId"), FOREIGN KEY ("grantId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblgrants"("grantId"), FOREIGN KEY ("researchId") REFERENCES "lab"."tblresearch"("researchId") );

  6. Add instances to tables INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpeople" VALUES ('1', 'Thomas', '\\N', 'Hunt'); INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpeople" VALUES ('2', 'Yan', '\\N', 'Sun'); INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpeople" VALUES ('3', 'Christopher', '\\N', 'Essex'); INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpeople" VALUES ('4', 'Caroline', '\\N', 'Beebe'); …… INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpublications" VALUES ('3', 'Examining the Evolution and Distribution of Patent Classifications', '2004-01-01', 'IV2004 Conference, London, UK', '\\N', '\\N', '983-988', 'cp', '\\N', '\\N'); INSERT INTO “lab"."tblpublications" VALUES ('13', 'Mapping Topics and Topic Bursts in PNAS', '2004-01-01', 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America', '101', '101', '5287-5290', 'ja', '101', '101');

  7. Example tblpublications brdgauthorship tblpeople brdgteamcollabs tblresearch PK publicationId PK authorshipId PK peopleId PK teamCollabsId PK researchId publicationTitle publicationDate ...... venueChapter peopleId publicationId fName mName lName peopleId publicationId …… fullTitle shortTitle …… brdgcopis PK coPIId peopleId grantId tblgrants brdgfunding PK grantId PK fundingId grantName amount …… grantId researchId

  8. SQL: Creating/Dropping table • Create Table CREATE TABLE “lab"."tblpeople1" ( "peopleId" int4 DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "fName" varchar(70), "mName" varchar(70), "lName" varchar(100), PRIMARY KEY ("peopleId") ); • Drop table DROP TABLE “lab".“tblpeople1";

  9. Modifying table data INSERT INTO "lab"."tblpeople" VALUES ('1', 'Thomas', '\\N', 'Hunt'); SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblpeople"; UPDATE "lab"."tblpeople" SET "lName" ='Hunt' WHERE "peopleId" = 1; DELETE FROM "lab"."tblpeople" WHERE "peopleId" = 1;

  10. Altering tables ALTER TABLE "lab"."tblpeople" ADD "nickName" VARCHAR(70); ALTER TABLE "lab"."tblpeople" DROP "nickName";

  11. Queries SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblpeople" LIMIT 3; SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblpeople" WHERE "lName" = 'Hunt'; SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblpeople" WHERE "lab"."tblpeople"."peopleId" IN (SELECT DISTINCT "lab"."brdgauthorship"."peopleId" FROM "lab"."brdgauthorship"); SELECT DISTINCT "lab"."tblresearch"."fullTitle", "lab"."tblgrants"."grantTitle" FROM "lab"."tblresearch", "lab"."brdgfunding", "lab"."tblgrants" WHERE "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."researchId" AND "lab"."tblgrants"."grantId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."grantId";

  12. Sorting and Grouping SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblpeople" ORDER BY "fName", "lName"; SELECT "lab"."tblpeople"."fName", "lab"."tblpeople"."lName", COUNT("lab"."brdgauthorship"."publicationId") as "pubs" FROM "lab"."tblpeople", "lab"."brdgauthorship" WHERE "lab"."tblpeople"."peopleId" = "lab"."brdgauthorship"."peopleId" GROUP BY "lab"."tblpeople"."peopleId", "lab"."tblpeople"."fName", "lab"."tblpeople"."lName" ORDER BY "pubs" DESC; SELECT "lab"."tblresearch"."fullTitle", sum("lab"."tblgrants"."amount") as "funding" FROM "lab"."tblresearch", "lab"."tblgrants", "lab"."brdgfunding" WHERE "lab"."brdgfunding"."researchId" = "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId" AND "lab"."brdgfunding"."grantId" = "lab"."tblgrants"."grantId" AND "lab"."tblgrants"."amount" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId", "lab"."tblresearch"."fullTitle" ORDER BY "funding" DESC LIMIT 5;

  13. Joining tables SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblresearch" INNER JOIN "lab"."brdgfunding" ON "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."researchId" INNER JOIN "lab"."tblgrants" ON "lab"."tblgrants"."grantId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."grantId"; SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblresearch" LEFT JOIN "lab"."brdgfunding" ON "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."researchId" LEFT JOIN "lab"."tblgrants" ON "lab"."tblgrants"."grantId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."grantId"; SELECT * FROM "lab"."tblresearch" RIGHT JOIN "lab"."brdgfunding" ON "lab"."tblresearch"."researchId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."researchId" RIGHT JOIN "lab"."tblgrants" ON "lab"."tblgrants"."grantId" = "lab"."brdgfunding"."grantId";

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