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BBA3042 Business Research Project I

BBA3042 Business Research Project I. Class Session Three. Devotions. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal: Expert Interviews. Review expert interviews conducted between class session two and class session three. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal: Portfolio.

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BBA3042 Business Research Project I

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  1. BBA3042 Business Research Project I Class Session Three

  2. Devotions

  3. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Expert Interviews Review expert interviews conducted between class session two and class session three

  4. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Portfolio assessment is a form of assessment that can be used to supplement traditional assessment methods (grades, transcripts, and test scores).

  5. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Portfolio assessment brings both the facilitating instructor and the adult learner actively into the learning process.

  6. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio The adult learner has ownership of the learning experiences.

  7. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio The Post BBA Career Goal Report develops the Individual Learning Outcomes that will be the basis for the Showcase Portfolio.

  8. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio The Showcase Portfolio will illustrate the Individual Learning Outcomes related to the post BBA career goal.

  9. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio The Working Portfolio includes papers and projects that need further revisions.

  10. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Not all items in the Working Portfolio have to be included in the Showcase Portfolio.

  11. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio The Showcase Portfolio is a collection of the best work, as assessed by the adult learner.

  12. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Each project, paper, and presentation will be preceded by an Analysis of an Individual Learning Outcome linking it with one of the Individual Learning Outcomes.

  13. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Artifacts are the items included in the portfolio. The following are examples of artifacts: • Resume • Current college transcript

  14. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio • Copies of professional certifications, licenses, etc. • Other documentations of achievements (such as newspaper clippings)

  15. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio • Post BBA Career Goal Report • Projects • Research papers • Presentations • Products

  16. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio • Team projects • Video of presentations the adult learner has made demonstrating ability to design, deliver, and evaluate presentations in a variety of settings

  17. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio • Analysis of Individual Learning Outcomes documents

  18. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:Portfolio Review HWA 2-1 Showcase Portfolio due (final draft) in BBA482 Business Research Project III


  20. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:ICA 3-1: Formative Committee • Work in teams of 4 - 5 members • Each Individual Learning Outcomes plan will be evaluated • The goal is to help each team member develop a set of high-quality Individual Learning Outcomes.

  21. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:ICA 3-2: Rewrite Individual Learning Outcomes Incorporate suggestions from the formative committee into a revised set of Individual Learning Outcomes to be presented to the Summative Committee.

  22. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:ICA 3-3: Summative Committee • Work in teams of 4 - 5 members (do not use the formative committee teams) • Each revised Individual Learning Outcomes plan will be evaluated • The goal is to help each team member develop a set of high-quality Individual Learning Outcomes.

  23. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:ICA 3-3: Summative Committee The evaluations from this committee will be incorporated into a final Individual Learning Outcomes plan to be included in the Post BBA Career Goal Report.

  24. Review next week’s assignments

  25. Track One: Post BBA Career Goal:HWA 4-3: Post BBA Career Goal Report • Convert HWA 2-3 into HWA 4-3 • Compare Appendix J with Appendix K • Verb Tense • Headings • Add Plan to Achieve Individual Learning Outcomes

  26. Track Two: Work Related Problem:HWA 4-4: Work Related Problem Prospectus • Convert HWA 2-4 into HWA 4-4 • Expand the details • Organization • Department/Area • Problem • Minimum length • 4 full pages of content

  27. Return and Review HWA 2-3 and HWA 2-4

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