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Explore the power of thankfulness in finding rest, having needs met, receiving encouragement, and cultivating peace in your life. Reflect on biblical lessons from Matthew, Mark, Acts, and Philippians that emphasize the transformative impact of a thankful heart. Discover how gratitude can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and contentment in various aspects of your life.
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart The lessons in Thankfulness
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. It leads to rest for your soul The lessons in Thankfulness
Matthew 11 : 25 - 30 25At that time Jesus said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; 26yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. 27All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom
Matthew 11 : 25 - 30 the Son chooses to reveal him. 28“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
I Thessalonians 5 : 12 - 28 12But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; 13esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. 14And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. 15See that none of you
I Thessalonians 5 : 12 - 28 repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. 16Rejoice always, 17pray without ceasing, 18give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19Do not quench the Spirit. 20Do not despise the words of prophets, 21but test everything; hold fast to what is good; 22abstain from every form of evil. 23May the God of peace himself sanctify you
I Thessalonians 5 : 12 - 28 entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this. 25Beloved, pray for us. 26Greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss. 27I solemnly command you by the Lord that this letter be read to all of them. 28The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. It leads to rest for your soul 2. It leads to our needs being met The lessons in Thankfulness
Mark 8 : 1 - 9 1In those days when there was again a great crowd without anything to eat, he called his disciples and said to them, 2“I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat. 3If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way—and some of them have come from a great distance.” 4His disciples replied, “How can one feed these.
Mark 8 : 1 - 9 people with bread here in the desert?” 5He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” They said, “Seven.” 6Then he ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground; and he took the seven loaves, and after giving thanks he broke them and gave them to his disciples to distribute; and they distributed them to the crowd. 7They had also a few small fish; and after blessing them, he ordered that these too should
Mark 8 : 1 - 9 be distributed. 8They ate and were filled; and they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. 9Now there were about four thousand people. And he sent them away.
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. It leads to rest for your soul 2. It leads to our needs being met 3. It leads to encouragement The lessons in Thankfulness
Acts 27 : 33 - 38 Paul urged all of them to take some food, saying, “Today is the fourteenth day that you have been in suspense and remaining without food, having eaten nothing. 34Therefore I urge you to take some food, for it will help you survive; for none of you will lose a hair from your heads.” 35After he had said this, he took bread; and giving thanks to 33Just before
Acts 27 : 33 - 38 daybreak, God in the presence of all, he broke it and began to eat. 36Then all of them were encouraged and took food for themselves. 37(We were in all two hundred seventy-sixpersons in the ship.) 38After they had satisfied their hunger, they lightened the ship by throwing the wheat into the sea.
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. It leads to rest for your soul 2. It leads to our needs being met 3. It leads to encouragement 4. It leads to peace in your life The lessons in Thankfulness
Philippians 4 : 4 - 7 4Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. What in our lives do we take for granted? The lessons in Thankfulness
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. What in our lives do we take for granted? 2. Why do we complain when we are blessed? The lessons in Thankfulness
The Blessing of a Thankful Heart 1. What in our lives do we take for granted? 2. Why do we complain when we are blessed? 3. Who can you bless with your thankfulness? The lessons in Thankfulness