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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.
Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior • appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. • To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. • To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. • Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. • WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting • PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Dec. 16, 2002 • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. • APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY • TIME & ITEM • 7:00 p.m. • 1. Invocation Rev. Randy Frye, • First United • Methodist Church
7:05 p.m. • Resolution Presentations • Fran Baldwin • Joel Hicks
7:15 p.m. • 4. Public Hearings: • a. A rezoning request by Kermit L. & Julie E. Woodyard & Wesley B. & Kimberly C. Vest from Residential (R1) to Agricultural (A1) for property identified as tax map no.074-001-0000-0047, (approximately 41.5960 acres), and tax map no. 074-001-0000-0048, (approximately 41.5960 acres), located at 4300 Spence Ln., and 4336 Peak Creek Rd., Draper District - The Planning Commission recommends approval of this request. There were no citizens present to comment on the application.
b. A rezoning request by Stuart E. Covey, Jr. from Residential (R1) to Agricultural (A1), identified as tax map no. 066-001- 0000-0038, 39 (approximately 12.6600 acres), located off State Park Rd., (Rt. 660), Ingles District – The applicant and his architect were present to answer questions. Elaine Sutphin spoke in opposition to the request with concerns about bringing more traffic into her neighborhood from the Interstate. The commission asked Mr. Covey if he could address his boat storage by rezoning a portion of his property Commercial (CM1) rather than applying for a use not provided for. Mr. Covey agreed to do so. The Planning Commission recommends approval.
c. A request by Stuart E. Covey, Jr. for an amendment to the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance to add a use not provided for, per Section 17-5, to allow for storage of boats, campers and other recreational vehicles as either a use by-right, or by Special Use Permit (SUP) in the Agricultural (A1) ZoningDistrict and Conservation (C1) Zoning District – The applicant has withdrawn this request, at the recommendation of the Planning Commission. He has agreed to apply for a rezoning to Commercial (CM1) for this use.
d. A request by Stuart E. Covey, Jr. for consideration of a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a campground on property identified as tax map no. 066-001-0000-0038, 39 (approximately 12.6600 acres), currently zoned Residential (R1), proposed to be zoned Agricultural (A1), located off State Park Rd., (Rt. 660), Ingles District – The applicant was present to answer questions and address concerns. The Planning Commission recommends approval, subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant will make a property line adjustment and request a rezoning to Commercial (CM-1) for the parcel that will include the existing store and proposed boat storage. 2. There will be no permanent structures constructed for use with individual campers; i.e., only temporary deck structures will allowed, no individual accessory structures will be allowed. 3. No tent camping will be allowed. 4. All utilities will be located underground. 5. Public water and sewer will be provided through a master meter. 6. Trash collection will be provided by utilization of onsite dumpsters, fully enclosed and screened.
e. A request by Stuart E. Covey, Jr. for consideration of a Special Use Permit (SUP) for storage of boats, campers and other recreational vehicles on property identified as tax map no. 066-001-0000- 0038, 39 (approximately 12.6600 acres), currently zoned Residential (R1), proposed to be rezoned to Agricultural (A1), located off State Park Rd., (Rt. 660), Ingles District – Given the preceding hearings and results, a public hearing was not held by the Planning Commission.
f. A request by Ronald Pugh for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a taxi cab service on property owned by Virginia Dreyline Hamilton identified as tax map no. 029-001-0000-0018, zoned Commercial (CM1), located at 7421 Pepper’s Ferry Rd., (Rt. 114), Cloyd District – No citizens were present to speak for or against the application. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit to allow a taxi cab service with the condition if the service exceeds two (2) taxi cabs, the site plan will be reviewed by the Commission.
g. A request by Pine Mountain Oil and Gas, Inc., Jolen Operating Company, and Terra Services for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow Natural Resource Extractions in association with test wells for potential coal bed methane, natural gas, and oil reserves on properties zoned Agricultural (A1), Cloyd, Massie, and Robinson Districts identified as follows-Several people were present at the Planning Commission hearing representing the applicants. In addition, one citizen voiced concerns regarding environmental assessments and their timing. The commission suggested that if the
applicants enter additional contracts with more property owners that they combine those into one Special Use Permit application as they did with this one. Representatives adequately addressed staff and commission concerns about the appearance of the property if the wells are successful. The commission recommends approval of the Special Use Permit for the test wells and the resource extraction.
Staff was instructed to talk with the applicants regarding making the resource available to the citizens of the county, if the wells are successful. The applicants stated that, as a producer, they are only allowed to have ten users on their system before they are considered a supplier and become regulated by the SCC. This is not an option for them. They discussed the possibility of the county becoming a supplier; however, this does not appear to be economically feasible for the county. It was suggested that it would be possible to supply users of the Virginia’s First Commerce Park. Mr. Don McCombs with
The Fleischaker Company is preparing a letter of commitment that states if the wells are successful, they will discuss distribution options with the county.
Bowling, Kenneth S., et al26-2-1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5B, 7, 7A, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25; 19-1-9917.36 Dalton, John N. et als26-1-28; 18-3-4, 5, 7, 9368.2 Dalton, Ted E.25-1-8752.0 Flory, E. Dale & Janet G.26-1-12, 12B; 36-1-3487.06 Groseclose, Jerry W.26-1-4400.0 Guthrie, C. Richard et ux & Guthrie, William G., et ux36-4-1; 36-2-20, 21, 22, 23; 26-1-12C; 26-5-1671.38
Innisfree Associates, LLC36-1-2; 46-1-23, 23A756.37 Kegley, William M. & Betty B.44-1-22; 45-1-5, 7, 91664.09 Kent, John B.25-1-12147.0 Rigney, Louise M.34-1-3, 4161.0River Road Shopping Plaza35-1-11311.62 Spotts, Augustus Courtland34-1-15; 35-1-8, 9; 25-1-1718.49 Spotts, Meade24-1-9; 35-1-1; 35-2-1A, 2, 4A455.81 Worrell, Joe & Nadine H.34-1-2115.5 Wright, Nancy Enslow et als34-1-8334.0
8:15 p.m. 5. Highway Matters: Mr. J. D. Brugh, Resident Engineer a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: The resident engineer may have information to share on the following matters from previous Board meetings, unless noted otherwise:
1. Informal Speed Study, Rt. 100 from NRCC to Airport at Giles Avenue Intersection – The resident engineer may have information to share.
2. Miller Lane Speed Posting – The resident engineer may have information to share.
3. Horseshoe Campground Resolution & Presentation of Plans for Campground Eric Houghland, supervisor of the Northern portion of the trail, plans to attend the Board meeting to discuss plans for the development of the Horseshoe Campground. His presentation is a follow-up to Board concerns regarding the location of the proposed Recreational Access Road.
b. Rural Addition Status Report- The Board has been provided with an updated report from Ms. Taylor.
c. Six Year Road Plan Adoption – The Board was provided with a revised County listing of roads in the existing (2002) and proposed (2003) six-year secondary road plans. This listing provides a cost per mile, cost per user, and estimated construction timeline. In reviewing the matter with Dan Brugh this week, we both recommend adoption at this time. VDOT staff will then review ALL roads in the existing (2002) listing to see if costs can be reduced through the Rural Rustic Roads program or other means.
Due to a December VDOT deadline for submitting the proposed plan to the state, I recommend adoption of the plan as presented, or as modified by the Board, with the option of making additional adjustments should VDOT find ways to reduce costs. In response to comments by Supervisor Conner, I asked Dan Brugh to review the possible inclusion of the remaining portion of Hatcher Road to the Six Year Secondary Road Plan.
Mr. Brugh reviewed the matter and agreed to the addition based on the potential for using the Rural Rustic Roads program to reduce construction costs on this and other roads.
d. Thornspring Country Club Crossover Update – An update regarding ways of addressing safety issues at this location has been requested from VDOT.
8:45 p.m. • 6. Treasurer’s Report • The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer
8:50 p.m. • 7. Citizens’ Comments • Community Services Board Goodwill • Industries Funding of Handicapped • Employment Services Ms. Bonnie Hess, • New River Valley • Workshop/ • Goodwill Industries
Community Services Board/Goodwill Industries Funding of Handicapped Employment Services - Goodwill Industries is requesting transfer of funds to budget as a match to state funding of the New River Valley Community Services Board to Goodwill Industries. A listing has also been provided of the impact of state budget losses to date affecting Community Services Board operations. I plan to discuss the matter with Joan Knode, Chair of the Community Services Board, and Harold Chrisley and Warner Osborne, who represent the county on the Board. I am not convinced that all parties have done what they can to help this client and recommend delaying any Board action until the various alternatives have been evaluated. At this point, these alternatives include:
1. Application for Medicaid by the client; 2. Sharing of the $3,620 annual Goodwill Industries cost by the client; 3. Utilization of Community Services Board “Clubhouse” daycare/counseling services; 4. Application for a Medicaid waiver which would fund Goodwill Industries services to the client; 5. Petitioning State legislators for additional Medicaid waivers to alleviate a current backlog of approximately 2,000 clients needing services afforded by the waiver program; and 6. Coordination between the Community Services Board and Goodwill Industries in jointly providing services to the client.
9:00 p.m. • 8. Reports from the County Administrator & Staff:
c. Key Activity Timetable – • Copies of the timetable are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.
d. Appointments 1. NR Community Action 2. PEP Steering Committee Chairman
10:00 p.m. • 9. Items of Consent: • a. Approval of Minutes of October 28, 2002 • b. Accounts Payable • c. Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers • d. Ratification • e. Personnel Changes • f. Scheduling of Public Hearing – Biosolids Ordinance • g. 2003 Meeting Calendar • h. 2003 Budget Calendar • i. Environmental Mitigation Requirements • Rural Development Financing • j. Memorandum of Agreement – NRCC
9. Items of Consent (con’t.) • k. 2003 Regional Transportation Plan • l. Regional Environmental Auditing • m. PCHS Drama Team Resolution • n. Restructuring of Agricultural Extension • Agent • o. New River Community Services/Goodwill Industries Funding • p. Maximum Procurement Without Sealed Bids
9. Items of Consent: • a. Approval of Minutes of November 25, 2002 • Approval of the minutes is requested.
b. Accounts Payable Approval of the accounts payable, as presented, is requested.
c. Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval of the appropriations & interoffice transfers is requested.
d. Ratification: • There are no items at this time.
e. Personnel Changes • Ms. Burchett has provided the Board an update of recent personnel changes.
f. Scheduling of Public Hearing – Biosolids Ordinance – After further consideration of the Biosolids ordinance in response to an e- mail from Dr. Fariss, I would like to recommend against further consideration of the proposed ordinance for the following reasons: 1. Passing the ordinance transfers responsibility for responding to complaints from the state to the county. Not only would we have the additional responsibility but the county would in effect be in the position of regulating itself since most of the existing biosolid application in the county is related to material from the water or sewer treatment processes.
2. The county Zoning Ordinance already regulates the land application of sludge through the special use permit process giving the Board of Supervisors direct control of the location and means of application. It is unlikely that this is the case in other parts of Virginia. 3. The cost of the program is not likely to be fully reimbursed through state reimbursements. 4. The proposed regulations would most affect the disposal of sludge from the water and sewer treatment plants which the Board already has good control over through the appointment of the Public Service Authority or the PFRWTA.
g. 2003 Meeting Calendar - Recommended revisions to the 2003 Board meeting calendar are to move the May meeting from Monday, May 26 Memorial Day forward one week to Monday, May 19 and to move the December meeting from Monday, December 22 forward one week to Monday, December 15.
h. 2003 Budget Calendar – The Board was presented with a draft 2003 Budget Calendar for consideration by the Board.
i. Environmental Mitigation Requirements Rural Development Financing - The Environmental Mitigation Criteria presented to the Board serve as a guide in addressing potential environmental impacts during construction of the various water and sewer projects recently funded by Rural Development. Adoption of the Criteria is required as part of the federal funding of this project and will be made a part of the construction contract.
j. Memorandum of Agreement – NRCC- Approval of the annual renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement with New River Community College is recommended. The agreement allows for utilization of educational resources at the College through the course of the next year.