1. Implementing Quality Assessments At Scale May 18, 2007
2. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
3. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
4. The Chicago Public Schools is the 3rd largest school system in the USA.
5. The Chicago Public Schools is the 3rd largest school system in the USA.
6. The Chicago Public Schools is the 3rd largest school system in the USA.
7. The Chicago Public Schools is the 3rd largest school system in the USA.
8. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
15. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
16. We started the Chicago Math & Science Initiative in the fall of 2002.
17. CPS mathematics and science strategies, 2003-06.
18. Prior to 2002, over 87 different K-8 mathematics and 67 science programs were used in CPS.
19. In 2002-03, CPS adopted 4 different mathematics programs.
20. In 2002-04, one common scope and sequence for science.
21. High-quality instructional materials are one part of a comprehensive system of support for mathematics achievement. High-quality teachers.
Workshop PD.
High fidelity enactment.
Strategic implementation.
In-school coaching.
Assessment data.
Grade-level and department conversations.
22. At the start of 2006, over 50% of CPS K-8 schools were using CMSI mathematics instructional materials.
23. At the K-5 level, schools using CMSI instructional materials show significant, medium to high effect size gains.
24. At the 6-8 level, students using CMSI instructional materials show significant, low to medium effect size gains.
25. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
26. Year 1 of Benchmark Assessments: 2004-05 Inventory assessment resources in CMSI instructional materials.
Both mathematics and science materials were examined.
27. Year 1 of Benchmark Assessments: 2004-05
28. Year 2 of Benchmark Assessments 2005-06 Math field test with publicly released items.
Focused on teacher use.
School based
Area based
No science assessments component.
29. Year 3 of Benchmark Assessments: 2006-07 Every teacher, every school grades 3-8 for mathematics only.
ETS developed multiple choice items.
Extended response mathematics from pilot test.
Mathematics pacing guides developed.
30. Year 4 Benchmark Assessment: 2007-08
31. An Overview… Context
Some Lessons Learned
32. Putting all the parts together is difficult.
33. Politics are high, understanding is low. Pressure to bring to scale is high.
“Every child, every school.”
Theory of change is unclear.
Messages are mixed.
Assessment literacy is low.
34. Politics are high, understanding is low.
35. Science is not the top priority.
36. Assessments as part of Workshop PD “New user” teachers want to focus on mechanics and special populations.
In science, conceptual flow of kits and chapters difficult to articulate, making “big ideas” hard to target.
Coordinating curriculum-embedded student work sharing is complicated.
Fidelity of implementation difficult to measure.
37. School leadership matters. Transformative not additive reforms.
Demand adult learning at deep levels.
Workshop PD is insufficient.
Mechanisms must be school based.
Local school coaching capacity low.
38. Leadership is different in different subject areas.
39. Including assessment work as part of coaching models has potential.
40. http://cmsi.cps.k12.il.us/