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FINGERLAKES WILDLIFE. NY FOREST PRESENTATION By: K ai J ackson. CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE. Degrees in Fahrenheit. The average rainfall and temperature range for this ecosystem is usually 70 degrees F, there is also a monthly precipitation range. . FINGERLAKES ECOSYTEM.
CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE Degrees in Fahrenheit • The average rainfall and temperature range for this ecosystem is usually 70 degrees F, there is also a monthly precipitation range.
FINGERLAKES ECOSYTEM • The Finger lakes National Forest is consisted of many different species. Including different plants.( FAUNA and FLORA)
Strix Varia)Buteo Lagopus)(Buteo Platypterus)(Accipter Striatus) The major species of fauna in the Finger Lakes Forest ecosystem are mostly consisted of Raptors( owls and birds) Here are a few pictures of the fauna in the Finger Lakes Ecosystem.
The Northern Harrier(Circus Cyaneus) The Northern Harrier favors open grasslands and hunts by flying slowly low above the ground looking for small insects.
Cooper’s Hawk(AccipterCooperii) Among the bird world’s most skillful fliers, Cooper’s Hawks are common woodland hawks that tear through cluttered tree canopies in high speed pursuit of other birds.
Eastern Screech Owl(OtusAsio) The Eastern Screech-Owl is found in nearly every habitat throughout the eastern United States and southern Canada. It is common in urban as well as rural areas and readily nests in nest boxes.
AMERICAN KETSREL(Falcosparverius) Perhaps the most colorful raptor in the world, the American Kestrel is the most common falcon in North America. It is found from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, and in towns as well as wild lands.
Here’s the rest of the following fauna species in the Finger lakes forest ecosystem .These are following scientific names Falco Sparverius)(ButeoJamaicensis)StrixVaria)ButeoLagopus)(ButeoPlatypterus)(AccipterStriatus)OtusAsio)(Bubo Virginianus) AsioOtus)(AccipterGentilis)(Circus Cyaneus)ButeoLineatus)
Here are some photos and descriptions of the flora species in the Finger Lakes Forest ecosystem.
. MULTIFLORA ROSE(Rosa multiflora) (Rosa multiflora) is one of several widespread NNIS on lands adjacent to the FLNF. Photograph by Leslie J. Mehrhoff of the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE).
JAPANESE BARBERRY(Berberisthunbergii) The Japanese barberry is native to Asia. It has established and reproduced throughout the wild and has spread in the far north.
Garlic Mustard(Alliariapetiolata) The AlliaraPetila is very native to Europe and Asia. It can also spread quickly along side roads and flooded stream banks and forest under stories.
GIANT HOGWEED(Heracleummantegazzianum) The giant hogweed is native in central Asia. Hogweed can produce flattened, oval dry fruits.