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Congress Structure

Student Forum for doctoral research. Topical Days for high-level surveys and prospective views. Co-Located Conferences for accomplished results. Congress Structure. Sunday 22 August. Tutorials for state-of-the-art and state-of-practice Workshops for on-going research.

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Congress Structure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Student Forum for doctoral research Topical Days for high-level surveys and prospective views Co-Located Conferences for accomplished results Congress Structure Sunday 22 August Tutorials for state-of-the-art and state-of-practice Workshops for on-going research Exhibition for display of latest products and services Monday 23 August To Thursday August 26 Plenary Keynote Addresses Workshops for on-going research Friday 27 August

  2. Congress Committees Congress ChairJean-Claude Laprie, FR Programme ChairReino Kurki-Suonio, FI Programme Vice-ChairMichel Diaz, FR Partnership ChairAlain Costes, FR Local Organisation ChairMarie Dervillers, FR Publication ChairLeon Strous, NL Publicity ChairKarama Kanoun, FR Topical Day ChairRené Jacquart, FR Workshop ChairMichel Diaz, FR Tutorial ChairRicardo Reis, BR Student Forum ChairMohamed Kaâniche, FR Submission Handling ChairJean-Charles Fabre, FR Ex-officio (IFIP President) Klaus Brunnstein, GE

  3. Algirdas Avizienis, LT Jacques Berleur, BE, TC9 Peter Bollerslev, DK, HCE Max Bramer, UK, TC12, AIAI Luis Camarinha-Matos, PT, PRO-VE Bernard Cornu, FR Yves Deswarte, FR, SEC Bernard Dubuisson, FR Olivier Gascuel, FR Marie-Claude Gaudel, FR René Jacquart, FR Mathai Joseph, IN Chandra Kintala, US Bernd Kleinjohann, DE, TC10, DIPES Irena Lasiecka, US, TC7 Jean-Jacques Levy, FR, TC1, TCS Robert Meersman, BE, TC2 Michele Morganti, IT Takashi Nanya, JP Gus Olling, US, TC5 Philippe Palanque, FR, TC13, HESSD Ramon Puigjaner, ES Jean-Jacques Quisquater, BE TC8, CARDIS Ricardo Reis, BR Niko Schlamberger, SI Leon Strous, NL, TC11 Volker Tschammer, GE, TC6, I3E Jan Wibe, NO, TC3 Programme Committee Chair: Reino Kurki-Suonio, FI Vice-Chair: Michel Diaz, FR

  4. Local Organisation Committee High Committee of Patronage Chair: Marie Dervillers Marie-Astrid Fourreau Loïc Marchi Joëlle Penavayre • The European Commissioner for Research • The Mayor of Toulouse • The Minister of Economics, Finances and Industry • The Minister of Industry • The Minister of Research • The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Midi-Pyrénées Region • The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Toulouse • The President of the Toulouse Metropolitan Area • The President of the Midi-Pyrénées Region

  5. Support Committee • Marie-France Barthet, Director of Research and Technology for the Midi-Pyrénées Region • Nicole Belloubet-Frier, Rector of the Toulouse Education Authority, Chancellor of the Universities • Yannick d’Escatha, President of CNES (National Space Agency) • Jean-Jacques Gagnepain, Director of Technology at the French Ministry of Research • Elisabeth Giacobino, Director of Research at the French Ministry of Research • Jean-Michel Hubert, Deputy President of the High Council of Information Technologies • Philippe Jurgensen, President and General Director of ANVAR (National Agency for Research Valorisation) • Michel Laurent, First Vice-President of the Conference of University Presidents • Gérard Roucairol, Scientific Director of the BULL Group • Jean Therme, Director of Technology Research of CEA (Atomic Energy Administration) • Jean-Marc Thomas, President of Airbus France • Dominique Vernay, Director of Research and Technology of the Thales Group • Pascal Viginier, Director of Research and Development of France Telecom

  6. Publicity • Website (www.wcc2004.org) • New version on-line since 4 February • More than 40,000 visits • More than 4,000 other web sites reference, and have a link to, the Congress site • Call for Contributions (30,000 paper copies; messages to ~200,000 addressees) • Flyer and Posters • Cube (5,000) • Advertisements in IEEE Computer and in Communications of ACM • Call for Contributions: October issue of IEEE Computer; November, December, January, February, March issues of Communications of ACM • ‘Programme is set’ in May Issues • Programme-at-a-glance: on-line and downloadable since 9 April • Advance Programme • Planned to be available end of the month • Will be (pro-)actively advertised • 20 articles published in French newspapers or journals (including a special print of 30,000 copies of ‘Toulouse passion’ by Air France)

  7. Advertisement in IEEE Computer (October issue) and in Communications of ACM (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March issues) — back cover

  8. Advertisement to appear in May issues of IEEE Computer and of Communications of ACM — back covers

  9. Subsidies and Partnerships • Subsidies • Notified: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Toulouse, City of Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées Regional Authority, Ministry of Research, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Metropolitan Area • Pending notifications: CNES, Haute-Garonne Departmental Authority, CNRS, INRIA, Ministry of Industry, European Union • Partnership file • Available on the Web in English and in French • Paper version mailed to 400 companies and institutions, electronic version to 3,500 • Partnerships • Platinum, gold, silver, bronze • Exhibition • Partners’ forum • Promotional inserts • …

  10. Programme Overview

  11. Programme Structure

  12. Conferences • TCS: Theoretical Computer Science • TCS-Algorithms: Track 1 — Algorithms, Complexity and Models of Computation • TCS-Logic: Track 2 — Logic, Semantics, Specification and Verification • SEC: Information Security • SEC.ISM: Information Security Management • SEC.ISE: Information Security Education • SEC.I-Net: Privacy and Aninimity in Networked and Distributed Systems • CARDIS: Smartcard Research and Advanced Applications • DIPES: Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems • AIAI: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations • Symposium on Professional Practice in AI • HESSD: Human Error, Safety and System Development • PRO-VE: Virtual Enterprises • I3E: e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Government • HCE: History of Computing in Education

  13. Paper Distribution — Conferences & Student Forum

  14. Geographic Distribution (45 countries) Conferences France 35 Germany 30 USA 29 Brazil 27 UK 20 Australia 19 Portugal 11 Finland 10 Spain 8 Italy, Japan,Netherlands,Sweden,Switzerland 7 Canada 6 Belgium, China,Poland 4 Austria, India,Israel, Norway 3 Greece, Hong Kong,Hungary, Ireland,Mexico, Russia,Slovakia, Slovenia,South Africa, Tunisia 2 Algeria, Chile,Costa-Rica, Egypt,Estonia, Korea,New Zealand,Serbia-Montenegro,Taiwan, Ukraine 1 Student Forum France 14 India 4 Tunisia, USA 3 Brazil, Iran,Latvia, Poland,Romania, Russia,UK 2 Algeria, Australia,Japan, Korea,Mexico,Serbia-Montenegro,South Africa 1

  15. Schedule of Conferences and Student Forum

  16. Topical Days Top1 Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Data Top2 Virtual Realities and New Entertainment Top3 Fault Tolerance for Trustworthy and Dependable Information Infrastructures Top4 Abstract Interpretation Top5 Multimodal Interaction Top6 Computer Aided Inventing Top7 Emerging Tools and Techniques for Avionics Certification Top8 The Convergence of Bio- Info- and Nano-Technologies Top9 E-Learning Top10 Perspectives on Ambient Intelligence: Infrastructure, Governance, Applications and Ethics Top11 TRaIn: The Railway Infrastructure — A grand challenge for computing science: towards a domain theory for transportation Top12 Open Source Software in Dependable Systems Top13 Critical Infrastructures Protection Top14 Social Robots: Challenges for Machine Intelligence

  17. Topical Day Schedule

  18. Workshops Ws1 Grammar Systems Ws2 Technology Enhanced Learning Ws3 Certification and Security in inter-organizational e-services Ws4 Formal Aspects in Security and Trust Ws5 EduTech Ws6 Architecture Description Languages Ws7 Broadband Satellite Communication Systems Ws8 Challenges of Mobility Ws9 High Performance Computational Science and Engineering Ws10 International Summit on Computing Professionalism Ws11 Prep-WITFOR 2005 Workshops

  19. Tutorials Tut1 Applications of Multi-Agent Systems Tut2 Discrete-event simulation Tut3 Service Oriented Computing Tut4 Test and DFT of Mixed-Signal Circuits Tut5 Software Rejuvenation - Modeling and Analysis Tut6 Semantic Web Services Tut7 Quality of Service in Information Networks Tut8 Critical Systems Development with UML: Methods and Tools Tut9 Interaction Design of Highly Automated Domain-Specific Systems Tut10 Developing Portable Software Tut11 Formal reasoning about systems, software and hardware Tut12 GeneSyS - an approach to distributed systems supervision

  20. Schedule of Workshops and Tutorials

  21. Programme Highlights

  22. Social Events • Sunday, 22 August: Welcome Reception (check-in and dinner cocktail), La Mediathèque • Monday, 23 August: City Reception (cocktail), Le Capitole (city hall) • Tuesday, 24 August: Classical Ballet by ‘Ballet du Capitole’, La Halle aux Grains (concert hall of the Toulouse National Orchestra) • Wednesday, 25 August: Gala dinner, with a Toulouse-Lautrec inspired show

  23. Registration fees

  24. Registration fees (cont’)

  25. Next steps • Advance Programme distribution: end April - early May • Papers due to proceedings editors: 30 April • Camera-ready proceedings volumes due to publisher: 21 May • Advance Registrations end: 30 June • Final Programme: July • Congress start: 22 August

  26. As a matter of (provisional) conclusion • The programme is set! • It offers a wide variety of opportunities • 9 Co-Located Conferences (13 Tracks) whose topics range from theoretical informatics to the relationship between informatics and society, through hardware and software technologies, and non-functional aspects relating to our dependency on networked information systems • 14 Topical Daysoffering high-level surveys and prospective views on topics of dramatic interest for the emergence of Ambient Intelligence • 11 Workshops for on-going research that shapes and builds the Ambient Intelligence landscape • Student Forum for doctoral research presentation and interactions between students of differing environments and culture • 12 Tutorials for state-of-the-art and state-of-practice • Exhibition for display of latest products and services • Toulouse possesses the right mix of qualities for making WCC 2004 a great success • Wide diversity of computing and communications activities, both in industry and in research or higher education • Strong involvement of local bodies • Friendly life style and a mild climate at that time of year • Prestigious sites for organising the social programme, a wide variety of places of interest, natural, historical and cultural sites, not to mention high quality, regional gastronomy • 22-27 August 2004: Toulouse World Capital of Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences

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