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Unit 9 Art

Unit 9 Art. Part 1 Preparation. What is art? It refers to all the process of human skills, imagination and invention. It covers a wide range such as literature, music, drama, painting, sculpture, ect. What are the values of art?. Aesthetic value, appreciative value

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Unit 9 Art

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  1. Unit 9 Art

  2. Part 1 Preparation • What is art? It refers to all the process of human skills, imagination and invention. It covers a wide range such as literature, music, drama, painting, sculpture, ect.

  3. What are the values of art? • Aesthetic value, appreciative value • Stimulating (art appeals to both the intellect and the senses) • Express man’s understanding of himself and the world • Make sense out of , or impose order on, the common confusion of sights and experiences • Create a permanent impression of a fleeting moment and provides man with different perspectives on reality

  4. 文艺复兴时期Renaissance艺术3杰拉斐尔Raphael米开朗基罗Michelangelo达芬奇LeonardodaVinci文艺复兴时期Renaissance艺术3杰拉斐尔Raphael米开朗基罗Michelangelo达芬奇LeonardodaVinci

  5. Michelangelo‘s David is a masterpiece of Renaissancesculpture created from 1501 to 1504. The 5.17 meter (17ft)marble statue portrays the Biblical hero David at a moment of contemplation. The statue came to symbolize the defense of civil liberties embodied in the Florentine Republic,an independent city state threatened on all sides by more powerful rival states.The completed sculpture was unveiled on 8 September 1504. The eyes of David, with a warning glare, were turned towards Rome.

  6. Raphael’s Madonna of the Pinks (classicism) • http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/research/infrared-examination • It is painted in oils on fruitwood and now hangs in the National Gallery, London. • The painting depicts a youthful Virgin Mary playing with the Christ child and handing him carnations. ‘flower of God’

  7. Is Mona Lisa Beautiful? Where does her appeal lie in? • Leonardo da Vinci • enigmatic smile

  8. Paintings of Picassohttp://www.sj33.cn/ys/hhys/200606/8942_5.html • 亚威农(AVIGNON)的少女 (Cubism)

  9. Vincent Van Gogh (impressionism)http://vincent.hdcafe.net/files/biography.htm • Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers

  10. Sculptures of Rodin • Thought The Kiss (Realism) • Do you know the names of the above two sculpture? • http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_co00XOTQwNjUwOA==.html (BBC 艺术精选)

  11. Eiffel Tower Big Ben

  12. Sydney Opera House Statue of Liberty

  13. Pyramids Taj Mahal

  14. Little Mermaid Merlion

  15. Manneken Pis

  16. The Great Wall

  17. Parthenon Temple 巴特农神庙 • http://www.56.com/u54/v_NDkwNTM5NzE.html

  18. Other famous architectures • http://hi.baidu.com/devin_lzc/blog/item/8a9591cc951254560eb34570.html • 4. Different Forms of Art • 1) Movie 2) Painting 3)Architecture • 4) Opera 5) Calligraphy 6) Literature • 8) Photography

  19. 1. What do you see? (P.373) 2. A portrait by Pablo Picasso 3. Famous Architectures in the world 1)Leaning tower of Pisa in Italy; 2)Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai;(next toGuangzhou TV tower which is 610M high,see http://unn.people.com.cn/GB/7739221.html) 3)The Lourvre in Paris;

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