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OCM-G. Advanced Grid-Enabled System for Online Application Monitoring. Bartosz Baliś 1,2 Marian Bubak 1,2 Tomasz Szepieniec 2 Marcin Radecki 2 Roland Wism ü ller 3 1 Institute of Computer Science, AGH, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krak ó w, Poland
OCM-G Advanced Grid-Enabled System for Online Application Monitoring Bartosz Baliś1,2Marian Bubak1,2Tomasz Szepieniec2 Marcin Radecki2 Roland Wismüller3 1Institute of Computer Science, AGH, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland 2Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, Nawojki 11, 30-950 Kraków, Poland Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany {balis,bubak}@uci.agh.edu.pl, {t.szepieniec,m.radecki}@cyf-kr.edu.pl, roland.wismueller@uni-siegen.de Purpose In the process of development of Grid applications, various tools are helpful in order to find bugs in the application (debuggers) or to examine if the application is performing well (performance analyzers). Such tools require afacility that allows to obtain the information about the running application or even to manipulate its behavior. This functionality is provided by the OCM-G Monitoring System Architecture Main Service Manager is a central component, one per each user. Location of MainSM is configurable. Service Managersare located on each site of the Grid, typically one Computing Element machines. Local Monitorsare located on each Worker Node where there are monitored application process. Unique features Usage • Support for Grid applications running across multiple sites. • Techniques for data rate reduction ensure extremely lowoverhead and high responsiveness. • Flexible, services-driven rather than fixed-metrics-driven design • Extendibility: the OCM-G can be extended with additional services, loaded dynamically at run-time. • Compact and secure design: the OCM-G runs as a set of userprocesses, which use a fast socket-basedcommunication mechanism.At the same time, state-of-the-arttechniques are applied to ensure secure communication. No special access rights,open ports on firewalls, or otherpotential security holes) are required. • Design as autonomous infrastructureexposing a standard interfaceOMIS, which minimizes the effort of porting OMIS-based tools across platforms and enables interoperability of multiple tools monitoring a single application. The OCM-G provides various services, for obtaining information or manipulating target application. The information obtained from the OCM-G can be presented by tools conntected to the OCM,, such as G-PM performance analyzer, in the form of various charts. • References • Bubak, M., Funika, W., Balis, B., and Wismüller, R.Concept for Grid Application Monitoring. In: Proceedings ofthe PPAM 2001 Conference, Vol. 2328 of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, pp 307-314, Naleczow, Poland, September 2001, Springer. • Gerndt, M. et al.: Performance Tools for the Grid: State of theArt and Future. APART White Paper. Research Report Series. • Balis, B., Bubak, M., Funika, W., Wismüller, R., Radecki, M., Szepieniec, T., Arodz, T., Kurdziel, M.: Grid Environment for On-line Application Monitoring and Performance Analysis. Scientific Programming, accepted. Related Work • GRM / Mercury Monitor • Part of GridLab project • Based on fixed metrics • Focus on traces • R-GMA • Generic framework from the DataGrid project • Based on heavy Java-servlets-based communication http://www.icsr.agh.edu.pl/ocmg