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Israel – It‘s higher education system and the Technion

Israel – It‘s higher education system and the Technion. Author : Moissej Sverdlin . Presentation : 14.12.2009. Roadmap. The country Facts Pictures The educational system Secondary Schools Tests for university admission Universities in Israel The Technion

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Israel – It‘s higher education system and the Technion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Israel – It‘shighereducationsystemandtheTechnion Author: Moissej Sverdlin Presentation: 14.12.2009
  2. Roadmap The country Facts Pictures The educationalsystem Secondary Schools Tests foruniversityadmission Universities in Israel The Technion Applicationprocess Experiencesin 7 monthsattheTechnion AcademicalEquivalency
  3. The country 7 Million inhabitants Capital city: Jerusalem Official languages: Hebrew & Arabic Prettysmallcountry: longestlength 435 km, widestwidth 135 km
  4. Pictures
  5. Pictures
  6. Pictures
  7. Pictures
  8. Educational System Israel has a 3 tierschoolsystem Primary schoolforthefirst 6 grades Middleschoolforthe 7th till 9th grade SeveralSecondaryschoolsfor 10th tillthe 12th grade State schools – generalschoolswith a statesupervisedcurriculum State religiousschools – schoolswith a focus on jewishreligion Haredi (Orthodox) religiousschools – verystrictschoolsforchildrenfromultra orthodox families Arabicschools – schoolswhoteach in Arabicand an emphasis on Arabculture, history & religion
  9. Test forhighereducation PsychometricEntrance Test (PET) The testisnecessaryforentranceintoanyuniversity in Israel Threeareas: quantitative reasoning, verbal resasoning & English language 8 sectionswitheachonehaving 25-30 multiple choicequestions Maximum resultis 800 points, minimumis 200 Verydifficulttest Top notchuniversitiesliketheTechnionrequire grades of 700 andhigher
  10. Universities in Israel Thereare 8 univerisities in Israel: Bar Ilan University Ben Gurion University, BeirSheva Technion, Haifa University of Haifa Hebrew University, Jerusalem University of Tel Aviv Open University Weizman Institute
  11. Technion Israel Institute of Technology 12,500 students Founded 1924 Computer Science faculty in the Top10 worldwide
  12. Major achievements 2 nobel pricelaureates – 2004 Nobel price in chemistry PHP was createdthere 70 % of Israeli managers in High techcompaniesstudiedthere
  13. Campus
  14. Applicationprocess Noofficialprocessbythe TUM GettheformsattheInfornationofficeoftheTechnion: http://ciar.technion.ac.il/ Speakwith Dr. Reiser & Dr. Steber (chiefofthe International officeofthe TUM) Haveyourpaperworkcheckedby Dr. Reiser Forward itto Dr. Steber, who in turn forwardsittotheTechnion After 4-6 weeksyougettheanswer via mail Goodchancestogetaccepted, sincemanypeopledon‘tknowabouttheexchangeprogram
  15. Experiences in 7 months Dormitories Byapplyingforthesemesteryoucanrequest a dormitoryroomwhich will begivetoyou Don‘texpecttoomuchcomfort… Betterdormitoriesifyouare a graduatestudent Banks Get a Visa cardbythe DKB Bank, withwhichyoucanget cash fromtheatmforfreewithoutanyfees An Israeli Bank accountisveryusefulas well Cellphone Youcanget a payasyougosimcardanduseit in yourgermancell However a cellphone plan maybecheaper, but itisverydifficulttogetone… People People in generalareverynice. Strangerstrytohelpyou on thestreetor on thebus
  16. Experiences in 7 months Security First coupleofweeks I was lookingforbigbackpacks in buses… After 1-2 monthsyoustopcaringaboutitand just live yourlife In 7 months, not onesituationoccuredwhile I was present Friends AttheTechniontherearemany international students Lots of American Medical students Dozensofotherexchangestudents Activesociallifewith different studentunions, partiesetc Travelling Youdefinetelyhavetotravel! Verybeautifulcountry Many, manythingstosee Cheapbusesortrains will getyouanywhereyoulike
  17. Academic equivalency Veryimportantthatyou plan ahead Especially all thecoursesyoumightwannatakehavetobeapprovedbythecorrespondingprofessors in Munich I hadcoursesattwo (1/2) faculties: Computer science Computer Networks Industrial Engineering Distributed Databases Customer Management MBA program Management Accounting International Accounting High Tech Marketing Negotiationworkshop
  18. Academic equivalency Level ofdifficultyismoreorlessthe same Manystudentslearnthewholesemesterandhaveverylittlefree time „Elite“ mentalityoftheuniversityandthestudents Feeling tobethe MIT of Israel „Elite“ mentalityoftheuniversityandthestudents Manycoursesaretaught in Hebrew Standard Ulpan (languagecourse) not enoughtoundestand a lecture in databasesetc Youneedtolearn a lotofHebrewand / orlearn a lotofthe material byyourselfwith English books
  19. Academic equivalency Class sizesare a lotsmallerthan in Munich More personal contactwiththeprofessor Manyknowyoubyname Teaching assistantsaregraduatestudents, mostlyM.Sc., who do theexcercisesandwritetheexams
  20. The end All in all a verygoodexperience Lots offun Verybigworkload (which I choseformyself) Beautifulcountry Myfullrecommendationtoanyonewhoisinterested
  21. THE END Thanks for your patience
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