Occurrences Written By: Savannah Downs
Tsunami A tsunami is a Japanese word that translates “port wave” it is given that name because of its long length. The waves length is almost 10 times the size of a normal wave. Tsunami’s are caused by underwater earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and other displacements of larger bodies of water. A horrible Tsunami “attacked” Japan on March 11, 2011 after a 6.2 earthquake. It took Japan almost a year to clean up the damage. Hundreds of people were killed by the Tsunami. Tsunami’s are very dangerous and if your are near the ocean and there is bad weather, watch out for the big waves.
Hurricane A Hurricane is a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind speeds of or in excess 72 miles per hour. Hurricanes can also do a lot of damage sometimes. Hurricanes don’t always get far enough to do any damage at all. Hurricanes can be very scary and sometimes unpredictable. The worst Hurricane that I have ever heard of is Hurricane Katrina. Katrina damaged so many homes that people were homeless for a very long time while they cleaned up the coast. Katrina destroyed so many lives but in a way made them better because now some people probably believe in miracles.
Tornado A Tornado is a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, especially in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground and made visible by condensation and debris. Tornados can also do a lot of damage but not as much as a tsunami or hurricane. Tornados are sometimes unpredictable and if you see one or here a warning on TV or the radio then get to shelter as soon as possible. If you are a storm chaser and you chase tornados then make sure you know all you can so you don’t get hurt.
Flood A flood is a great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land that is not usually submerged. A flood can wash away your house, drown you, and wash you away also. Flooding can occur when the rain is falling to hard and the water can’t soak into the ground fast enough. So the water rises higher and higher until all the water can soak into the ground or go down the storm drains. Floods can have bad effects or it can just have effects sometimes they hurt and sometimes they don’t even have effects on us.
Drought A Drought is a period of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops. A drought can sometimes cause death because we get to hot and there is no water near you or if there is then it is way to expensive because of the drought. The drought causes horrible finance problems for some people. After the drought is over people should have learned how to save water just in case they have another drought. A drought can do some damage but not a lot but sometimes bad.