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Churches & Schools Working Together Margaret Nicholson. We will …. Recap national policy & review progress Consider context Share some examples Consider some issues Share information about some new resources Ask questions. National Policy: The Dearing Report.
Churches & Schools Working TogetherMargaret Nicholson Churches & Schools Working Together September 2009
We will ….. • Recap national policy & review progress • Consider context • Share some examples • Consider some issues • Share information about some new resources • Ask questions 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
National Policy: The Dearing Report As a general theme throughout our report, we urge all elements in the church community to look afresh at how they work together, for in a community of purpose the work of the church will be enhanced. We have in mind in particular the relationship between the parish and the Church school. (Exec Summary) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
colleges NATIONAL DIOCESAN DEANERY church school 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Church School Incumbent School viewed as ‘an add-on’ 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Church School Incumbent The Church school at the heart of the life of the parish, integral to the life and ministry of the local church….. Church schools should see themselves as a living, collaborating part of the church community, … each knowing that it is supported by the prayers and ministry of the other. (7.4) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Chapter 4 “The distinctive identity of a Church school is enhanced by its relationship with a parish church (or churches). …. a partnership between a Church school and a parish church has much to offer both. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
The relationship is at its best when: • Incumbent and other members of the church are a welcome and familiar presence, • The school seeks to involve itself in the worship in the church from time to time: - festivals, end of school year, welcome a new headteacher. • Parishoners pray for their school regularly 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Chapter 7 Relationships between school & parish Church schools are not “an add-on”, but integral to the life and ministry of the local church. (7.4) church school incumbent 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
The contribution of the clergy Incumbent & headteacher discuss possibilities, e.g. • Pastor to staff, pupils and families • Ex-officio governor • Leader of collective worship • Consultant over collective worship & RE • Chaplain & (voluntary) teacher (7.9) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
The training of clergy Clergy should be equipped for their ministry in schools .... in pre and post ordination training. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
All clergy ... will want to demonstrate their loving care for their Church school .... developing the framework of ongoing relationships between church and school …. (7.6) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Worship & spiritual growth Churches should provide opportunities for the worshipping life of the school to be shared within the church congregation …….. & vica versa Church & school should work together to bring life, colour, vigour and rigour to the gospel….. Children in Church schools …. should have access to the special way of relating to God & Jesus provided by the Eucharist. (7.12) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
will be a special occasion for the church community …… when the presence of a Church school in the parish is celebrated, & its place in the life of the parish recognized and promoted. (7.6) Church schools will want to provide an education in which children see the Church as a familiar and friendly place. (7.7) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Recommendations: • All parishes and all Church schools to reflect on their relationship … • Deaneries actively fostering this relationship... • Parishes & schools pray regularly for each other • Job descriptions for clergy making responsibilities towards the Church school clear • Appointments/welcome/induction of staff 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Progress report The close links with the local Church is one way in which spiritual development is enhanced. One parent said “I am not a church goer but I go because of school, I love hearing children sing.” Parents are supportive and enjoy attending class worship and the festival times. The school is actively engaged in the life of the wider community, and well supported by the parish. Close links with the parish church are highly valued and children confidently and ably lead acts of worship in church on occasions such as Education Sunday, Easter and Christingle. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Progress report cont … There are valued and effective links between the parish church and the head teacher is a member of the PCC. Links with the church are very strong – staff are considered “an extension of the church family.” The children visit the church and are invited to a variety of church celebrations and festivals. The headteacher is a member of the PCC and is welcomed to meetings to ensure church and school work together and that school is seen as part of the fellowship of church. The local vicar other ministers and visitors regularly lead collective worship. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Faith in the System highlightsthe importance of understanding the contribution faith communities and their schools make to education young people in England and to fostering understanding, integration and community cohesion. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Context In the summer of 2001: • Dearing report published in June • Race riots in northern towns in July/August • Stand off at Holy Cross Primary in Belfast • September 11th Backlash against ‘faith’. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Schools are being encouraged to collaborate Extended Schools National Policies National Society Protocols & Agreements School Collaboration DCSF The Way Ahead 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Churches are being encouraged to collaborate Mission shaped children Mission Shaped Church Social Cohesion Ecumenical Inter-faith Rural Affairs Dearing Report 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
In Church Schools … The relationship between the school and the church is a given. “encourage one another & build each other up,” (1 Thes. 5:11) It does need to be nurtured. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools A framework for inspection and self-evaluation of Church of England, Methodist and Ecumenical schools Revised April 2009 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Both exist to serve the community&collaboration should be mutually beneficial & win /win 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
A Church of England School DCSF agenda ofsted Parental expectations Every child matters Church expectations SIAS league tables extended services 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
An Anglican Church worship ministry mission evangelism service nurture fellowship care 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Supporting outstanding collective worship 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
In religious education (RE) pupils should be taught about Christianity as a world-wide, multicultural, living faith that is relevant to 21st century life. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Other Examples 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Holiday & after school clubs 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Gardening Club Experiential learning Offer a gift Voluntary helpers Prayer Social events Education Sunday Joint sports teams Prayer Quest Club Contribute to RE lessons Out of school clubs More Examples Pupils take part in church services Holiday club Welcome of new head/clergy Chaplain Fundraising Use the church building as a resource Provide Bibles for one age group School & parish newsletter Prayer Celebration of paintings School Choir Prayer Play piano for collective worship 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Sally Lamb 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Some issues… plans STRUCTURES ------------------------------ RELATIONSHIPS procedures policies 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Who are the key players? “ The church's relationships with the headteacher need to be friendly and professional and based on mutual support and a shared understanding of both parties' commitment to serving the local community.” (National Society website) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Church & school should work together to bring life, colour, vigour and rigour to the gospel ….. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Education for … ? Tests? An outstanding ofsted? Qualifications? A good job and material well-being? 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
‘That they may have life, life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) “The reason the Church of England is knee-deep in education is because it is committed to helping human beings live full and flourishing lives.” (Jan Ainsworth, Guardian article May ’09) “…reading, writing, arithmetic … are important only if they serve to make our children more human.” (a holocaust survivor) 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
For the whole child Providing an education which stretches the mind, strengthens the body, enriches the imagination, nourishes the spirit, encourages the will to do good and opens the heart to others. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
The story of the rich fool …….. Luke 12 me, me, me the eternal perspective 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
‘Faith’ schools Serve the people of their faith – RC, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh etc… BUT most C of E schools serve the community in which they are placed. NB The maintained education system in this country began as church provision. RE and CW are statutory because of our Christian roots . 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…. anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it ” (Mark 10:14 & 15) Church & school should work together to bring life, colour, vigour and rigour to the gospel….. The children and young people can bring colour and energy to the church and their way of learning about and relating to God can enrich and enliven church life. Intergenerational relationships can nurture and affirm old and young alike. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Some Resources Values for Schools www.christianvalues4schools.co.uk • Jan Ainsworth "....... the information should help explain how the C of E name on the sign outside a school translates into a difference in the classroom, and the playground“ • Schools can choose from 15 values to help them delve deeper into their distinctive character as church schools. This, in turn will enable schools to reflect upon how these values challenge the prevailing culture in society. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
actionpact 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Youth for Christ Over the past year, YFC has launched two exciting schools resources – which are now in use in hundreds of schools across the country. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
Supporting Christian groups in schools with exciting Bible based resources for children and young people. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
New 2009/10 A community resource for churches and schools geared for boys and girls of all ages www.highersports.org 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
New 2009 www.christmasjourney.org.uk Helping churches make positive links with local primary schools by presenting a Christmas experience for year 2 children. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009
The Clergy and RE website • http://www.culham.ac.uk/care/index.php is designed for clergy who go into schools. You will find lots of useful information together with a collection of video clips from a wide range of people already engaged in this work. • Clergy could encourage school staff and governors to access this useful resource as a starting point for developing successful partnerships. 'Churches & Schools Working Together' September 2009