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Faculty Senate Annual Report Charlotte Wisnewski, PhD, RN September 13, 2010. Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Executive Leadership. Charlotte Wisnewski PhD, RN (SON) Chair 6/09-8/31/10 Carolyn Utsey PT, PhD (SHP) Chair Elect 9/1/09-8/31/10 Past Chair - vacant this year.
Faculty Senate Annual Report Charlotte Wisnewski, PhD, RN September 13, 2010
Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Executive Leadership Charlotte Wisnewski PhD, RN (SON) Chair 6/09-8/31/10 Carolyn Utsey PT, PhD (SHP) Chair Elect 9/1/09-8/31/10 Past Chair - vacant this year
Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Support from the Provost Office / Office of the Vice President of Education Secretarial Financial Mary Schlobohm / Julie Parrish
Meetings 2009-2010 • Faculty Senate: 2nd Monday of every month, 4:30-6pm, All faculty are welcome. • Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Past Chair, Chair, Chair-elect, committee chairs, Periodically and/or by email • Senate Leadership with Dr. Callender/Dr. Watson- monthly as needed • Senate Leadership with Dr. Anderson- quarterly • Senate leadership with Council of Deans (COD)- twice • Senate Leadership with UT System (Sys Fac) 3X
Meetings: 2009-2010 Faculty Senate Chair and Chair-Elect are members of theFaculty Advisory Council (FAC) of the UT System. 2-day meetings in Austin (October, March, May) with faculty governance leadership from all 15 UT Components (9 Universities – 6 Academic Health Institutions)
Activities / Involvements • Monthly updates from Dr. Anderson, Provost, on campus plans post Ike and other matters • Updates from Dr. Watson regarding Educational activities including Synergy, • Updates from four Deans (Protas, Cooper, Watson and Anderson) regarding the Schools, their activities, news, concerns, issues • Updates on Faculty Advisory Council meetings at Austin from Senate Leadership • Quarterly financial updates from William Elger, VP for Finances • Updates regarding building progress, student emergency planning, influenza planning, and professional endeavors
Celebration!! We are entering our 13th year as a Faculty Senate!
Faculty Senate 2009-2010 Committee Reports • Faculty Academic Affairs Committee- Chair, Dr. Caroline Jansen, SHP • Faculty Governance Committee - Chair, Dr. Cindy Wigg, SOM • Faculty Quality Committee - Chair, Dr. Kay Sandor / Dr. Ed Smith, SON/SOM • Faculty IHOP Committee - Chair, Dr. Debra Munsell, SHP All committee chairs are part of executive Leadership.
Faculty Senate Academic and Administrative Affairs Progress report August, 2010
Members • Stephen Higgs, GSBS • Caroline W. Stegink-Jansen, SHP • Chair of the AAAC task force • James Le Duc, SOM • Nonie Mendias, SON • Pomila Singh, GSBS • Heidi Spratt, SOM
Issues addressed • Overview by Mr. New regarding research infra-structure • Assessment of grading issues • Exploration of “Export Control” requirements
Research infra structure: • Report by Mr. New January 11, 2010 • Questions asked: • What is the mission of the University Core facilities? • What is UTMB’s vision for these facilities? • How accessible are these facilities? • Can cores offer training to graduate and post doc trainees? • Does UTMB plan to strengthen the cores? • Answers: See Jan 11, 2010 Senate Minutes • University Core Development Committee “UCDC” was established by the provost. • Action: • Monitor development of research infrastructure; Invite representative back for updates.
Grading • The Charge/questions asked: • What are the UTMB grading policies and is the assignment of grades consistent within the UTMB and in line with other Texas Universities? • A concern was brought forward regarding faculty input into proposed changes in the grading, when such proposed changes could affect programs. • Action: • An overview diagram of grading systems showed inconsistency in grading policies between UTMB schools. • Dr. Kathryn Fiandt DNS, FAANP who is heading up an UTMB task force to look into the issue of grading provided a grading system. • The process of the implementation of faculty input prior to changes in grading are implemented was reviewed. • Motion approved : “When grading changes are proposed, the Faculty Senate and faculty will provide input to the Council of Deans.”
Export Control • Questions asked: • Do the UTMB policies regarding export control adequately support faculty in their efforts to meet regulatory requirements? • Are the policies clear, documented and easily accessible • Action: • A brief presentation was given to explain the problem to the Senate, written by Frances Streeter, JD, Research Contract Analyst- UTMB, Center for Technology Development • Motion approved: “I move that the Senate supports the development of a new campus-wide export control compliance policy and program, including expanded personnel efforts, should it be needed, to ensure the success of the program. Further, the Senate requests that it be periodically briefed on progress towards that goal.” • Plan: Monitor newly developing UTMB export control plan
Faculty Senate Governance Subcommittee
Members • Cindy Wigg, SOM, Co-Chair • Virginia Brooke, SON, Co-Chair • Istvan Boldogh, GSBS • Julie Broussard, SOM • Yolanda Davila, SON • Lodie Massey, SHP • Don Powell, SOM
Issues Addressed • Reviewed Minutes of the previous 2 years (one year prior to Ike, one year subsequent) Goal was to identify issues that might have been dropped with issues surrounding the storm. Three issues were identified:
Issue #1 • Develop a tracking form to ensure that agenda items and carried until resolution Resolved: The Senate adopted a tracking form that is kept by the Chair Elect of the Senate and is used to develop the Agenda for the following meeting
Issue # 2 • Faculty Compensation Status: The issue is in the Faculty Compensation Committee for review
Issue #3 • Faculty Ombudsman
Plan: • The Faculty Ombudsman Selection Committee headed by Dr. Sierpina has received input from the Faculty Senate regarding eligibility and recommendations for procedure. Currently the Committee is accepting applicants that meet the following criteria “Qualified candidates will possess a minimum of PhD or MD, tenured Associate Professor or Professor or a retired individual who held the rank of Associate or Full Professor and was tenured. Currently holds or previously held a faculty appointment in an academic institution. Applicant cannot have an active salaried faculty appointment at UTMB” They have advertised in some journals and are planning to advertise in more local publications, and are accepting names from any faculty who have suggestions for candidates.
UTMB Faculty Senate Faculty Quality Committee Annual Report September 13, 2010
Faculty Quality Committee Current Members Kay Sandor SON (Chair) Edward Smith SOM (Co-Chair) Stanley Watowich GSBS Michelle Kanuth SHP Susan M. Gerik SOM Alfredo G. Torres GSBS Edward V. Hannigan SOM
Faculty Quality Committee The Faculty Quality Committee will deliberate on issues of faculty status, rights and responsibilities, and when necessary, investigate instances of curtailment of faculty prerogatives, infringement of faculty rights, interference in the discharge of faculty responsibilities and/or attenuation of faculty status and welfare in schools at UTMB and will recommend measures to the Executive Committee of the Senate for the protection of faculty at UTMB.
Major Activities 2009-2010 Standardize Faculty Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Policies examine PTR policies for each school to ensure UTMB-wide consistency examine PTR policies to ensure compliance with UT Regent’s Rules and UTMB’s SOP Ensure Compliance with UT Regent’s Rules (RR) establish transparent review and arbitration of possible deviations from RR ensure consistent and fair application of RR that protect faculty interests Make recommendations for application of RR in financial exigency
Proposed Activities in 2010-11 • Finalize SOP in case of financial exigency • Ensure that faculty lounge is re-established • Investigate standardized merit raises for faculty
UTMBFaculty Senate IHOP Committee 2009-2010
IHOP Committee The function of the committee is to: 1) be informed of any and all changes to the IHOP that have direct or indirect effects on UTMB faculty; 2) summarize the changes in terms of the positive and negative effects on UTMB faculty and 3) make recommendations to the full Senate after which the Senate will vote to approve or disapprove the said changes. This Committee was added to the Standing Committee list in September 2008
IHOP Committee • Committee Members • Debra Munsell, SHP, Chair • Carolyn Utsey, SHP, Co-Chair • Mary O'Keefe, SON • Sharon Petronella, GSBS • Sunil Jain, SOM • Daneshvari Solanki, SOM
Major Activities 2009-2010 Identification of all policies and procedures directly affecting Faculty Identifying those policies most in need of revision All Faculty related policies sent to faculty for comment Comments gathered and reviewed by FS Policies changes voted on by FS or sent for further review with stakeholders Recommendations for revisions (if needed) forwarded to COD and Institutional IHOP for review.
Faculty Senate Accomplishments 2009-2010 • Rebuilding process after Hurricane Ike to get the Faculty Senate re-engaged, positive energy, and active • Improved committees and maintained committee work, more active attendance • Improved overall attendance by Senators • Restart meetings of Executive Leadership • Have an active schedule of leaders meeting with Faculty Senate in order that Faculty Senators have an overall sense of leadership activities at UTMB • Maintain and improve communication between Faculty Senate and administrative UTMB leaders • Improve communication between Faculty Senate and UTMB Faculty • Assist Faculty Senators in looking at issues affecting the campus (Post-tenure review, AAUP • Assist faculty in individual issues
Rebuilding process after Hurricane Ike to get the Faculty Senate re-engaged, have positive energy, and active in affairs of the Senate • Improved attendance: senator attendance goals were met this year. All monthly business meetings had a quorum. • Three executive meetings were held with quorums present • Willingness to work on activities on days other than meeting days; e.g. IHOP committee must meet with University Committee • Staying after meetings for committees • Generally seeming more engaged with good questions, input and discussion at meetings. • Tenor of meetings is generally to find solutions to problems.
Executive Leadership • Met three times with CW and CU meeting more frequently than in previous year,(December, Feb, and April) • Drs. Wisnewski, Utsey, Wigg, Munsell, Sandor, Jansen, and Watowich (elected so that GSBS had representation on executive leadership) • Looked at overall goals, committee reports and progress, need for additional input from UTMB leaders
Have an active schedule of leaders meeting with Faculty Senate in order that Faculty Senators have an overall sense of leadership activities at UTMB
Maintain and improve communication between Faculty Senate and administrative UTMB leaders • Monthly meetings with Dr. Callender, Dr. Watson, Dr. Wisnewski, and Dr. Utsey • Meetings with Dr. Anderson/Dr. Watson/Dr. Wisnewski/Dr. Utsey- newly established (X2) • Council of Deans meetings with all Deans/Provost –(X2) • All Deans (Anderson, Cooper, Protas and Watson) attend monthly Senate Meetings, prepare extensive written reports; also give oral report; reports are linked to minutes; Posted on Senate WEB Site usually within a month of the prior meeting
Improve communication between Faculty Senate and UTMB Faculty • Faculty Senate Web Site: has motion tracking form and Question button which goes to leadership(new 2010) • Send out minutes notice to all faculty once posted • Minutes are posted within one month of meeting
Officers 2010-2011 • Faculty Senate Chair, Carolyn Utsey, PhD, SHP • Faculty Senate Chair- Elect, Sharon Petronella, PhD, GSBS • Past Chair- Charlotte A. Wisnewski, PhD, SON
Chair 2010-2011 • Carolyn Utsey, P.T., Ph.D. • Associate Professor, School of Health Professions • Faculty member at UTMB since 1990; • Appointed Chair Department of Physical Therapy SHP December 2008
Chair 2010-2011(continued) • Major Interests: • Physical Therapy, • Global Health Initiative, • Teaching and learning, • Self-regulation of learning, • Motivation and learning strategies • Women’s Health
Faculty Senate Responsibilities 2009-10 • Survey results from Sept. 2009 faculty luncheon • Discussed results at Faculty Senate • Resolution to many of the concerns • Work in progress on others • Motion Tracking Form on Faculty Senate website • Suggestion “button” on Faculty Senate Website.
Faculty Senate Proposed 2010-2011 Goals • Facilitate open communication • Faculty Faculty Senator • Faculty Senator Faculty Senate • Faculty Senate Appropriate Entity • Response disseminated so that all understand that the process/solution was completed
Goals Continued • Foster understanding of and meeting the needs of faculty based on • responses sent through the “suggestion button” • survey of Faculty satisfaction, needs, and recommendations • Utilize the experience and expertise of Faculty Senate sub-committees to accomplish the overall 2010-2011 goals of the Faculty Senate
Get Involved! • Communicate with your Senators • Attend Faculty Senate meetings as possible (second Monday of each month, 4:30-6:00 p.m.) • Volunteer to serve as ad hoc members of Senate committees when asked