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ATLAS. MSSM Higgs in ATLAS. Bill Murray, November 2001. Talk Overview. Introduction to MSSM Higgs What restrictions do we know? ATLAS benchmarks Beyond the benchmark Conclusions. Basics of SUSY Higgs. 5 Higgses: h, A, H, H + and H - Mass relations:
ATLAS MSSM Higgsin ATLAS Bill Murray, November 2001
Talk Overview • Introduction to MSSM Higgs • What restrictions do we know? • ATLAS benchmarks • Beyond the benchmark • Conclusions
Basics of SUSY Higgs • 5 Higgses: h, A, H, H+ andH- • Mass relations: • So MA and b (or tan b) fix 5 masses (at tree level….) Tree level
Masses of SUSY Higgses MH LEP limit Mh Log tanb MH+ Maximal mixing MA
Couplings of SUSY Higgs Tree level a is the h,H mixing h decouples for large MA
Couplings of the h to t and Z h-top coupling h-Z coupling SM like for MA>150 Drops for MA<150
Coupling of the h to the b/t/m h-bottom coupling Enhanced for low MA and high tan b. i.e. when the top and Z couplings decrease Gives h radiation off b quarks. Can be used at Tevatron as well as LHC...
Coupling of H to the b/t/m and t Enhanced at high tanb for mH>125GeV H-bottom coupling H-top coupling
Coupling of the A to the b/t/m A-bottom coupling Enhanced for any large tanb Careful - the A width also increases….
Existing Limits • LEP `benchmark’ scenarios • No mixing • Maximal mixing Least restrictive • large m • Maximal Mixing has: MSUSY=1TeV, M2=200GeV, m=-200GeV, mgluino=800GeV, Xt=2MSUSY
Maximal Mixing Limit Allowing MSSM scans (e.g. h00 decays) makes less than 1GeV difference in limit
Limits on mA, tanb - large m Two parameters: tanb, MA m held to 1TeV Regions of reduced Higgs to b coupling Probably LEP will exclude this scenario eventually
MSSM regions surviving LEP • A heavy: Decoupling region. • The h looks like the SM Higgs, mass below 130GeV • The A/H/H+ become quasi -degenerate in Mass • Mass scale NOT KNOWN • A light, tanb large. • The h may be hard to find • … but couples to down type (b,t,m) • The A/H/H+ become light and relatively easy to see
What if there was a Higgs at 115? • Essentially the whole unexcluded MSSM plane allows for a CP even Higgs at 115, depending upon loops…. • No guidance here!
Tevatron Potential • Can find h if we are in decoupling (heavy A) region, luminosity arrives, and mh<120 • For High tan b, see: Significant chance of 1 Higgs
Signatures in ATLAS • All SM channels relevant (hgg, tthttbb, HZZ) • If A heavy, h behaves like SM Higgs (de-coupling) • H may appear in SM channels • Decays assuming super-partners too heavy : • A, mm, tt, H hh, H+tb, cs, tn, t H+bcsb • May also have: • c20 hc10 ,h c10c10, A/H/H+ sparticles • Zoo of possible signatures, model dependent (h OK)
Higgs from Weak Boson Fusion • Motivation: • Additional potential for Higgs boson discovery • Important for the measurement of Higgs boson parameters • (couplings to bosons, fermions (taus), total width) • Detection of an invisible Higgs • proposed by D.Zeppenfeld et al. (several papers...) • s = 4 pb (20% of total cross section for mH = 120 GeV) • however: distinctive signature of • - two high PT forward jets • - little jet activity in the central region Relevant to MSSM
qqH qq WW qq l n l n • - PYTHIASignal and background simulations • - El.weak backgrounds (t-channel vector boson exchange from matrix element calculation, D.Zeppenfeld et al.) • - ISR & FSR included (PYTHIA) • Basic cuts on isolated leptons: PT > 20 GeV • | | < 2.5 • Basic cuts on tagging jets: PT > 20 GeV • > 4.4 • Dominant background at that level: tt production PT(tot) H tt • Additional rejection: • Mjj (inv. Mass of tag jets) • PT (tot) = PT(l1) + PT(l2) + Ptmiss + PT(j1) + PT(j2) • (less sensitive to pile-up than jet-veto over large rap.) • Jet Veto ( no jets with PT > 20 GeV in | | < 3.2 )
Main background: remaining tt background (13.1 events) WW el. weak background ( 7.1 events) mH = 130 GeV mH = 160 GeV e m decays e m decays • Much to be done: • proper estimate of forward jet tag efficiencies in a full simulation, • combination with ee and mm ignature, optimization of cuts • For the same cuts: significance is worse than in orig. publ. by Zeppenfeld et al. (ISR/FSR effects, jet calibration, efficiencies) • However: confirmed that WBF channel has a large discovery potential
qqH qq t t qq l n n l n n Combined significance (ee, mm, em): mH (GeV) 110 115 120 125 130 140 150 10 fb-1 30 fb-1 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 1.3 0.6 s 3.8 4.3 4.3 4.1 3.8 2.7 1.4 s - Similar basic cuts as in WW analysis - Tau mass reconstruction using collinear approximation - Optimized cuts for em, ee and mm channels mH = 115 GeV 30 fb-1 all channels (em best channel) S = 17.3 events B = 11.4 events S/B > 1 Preliminary, no systematics yet, l-had channel to be added
LHC discovery potential Assuming SUSY particles are heavy Not all channels shown No holes at low L (30fb-1) • Two or more Higgs can be observed over most of the parameter • space disentangle SM / MSSM
How many Higgses? For low MA no little h visible If we see h. or H, how do we know which it is?
Discovery potential for 10 fb-1 5s contours Large part of plane can be explored in 2007 Hole
Hole where h is hard to see bbhbbmm region expolits enhanced coupling Is cross section calculated properly? (bb structure functions?) Does experient allow for h width Can we plug this gap?? mh
A and H bosons • Large tan b: bbA and bbH enhanced • sMSSM/sSM~5000 tanb=30, mA=300GeV • H/A seen through: • tt - 300 times rate, missing neutrinos • mm - Good mass measurement • Small tanb : Would have been fun… measurement of many couplings • (including Hhh, AZh) Recall: mA > 200 GeV: A and H are ~ degenerate
A/H h+ h : Provides best reach for large mA. Signature: two stiff opposite-sign isolated tracks (PT > 40 GeV) PTmiss or 1 b-tagged jet (bbA/H) Main challenge: reject QCD jet background. (already at trigger-level) Feasible for mA > 300 GeV: (high PT hadrons, larger PTmiss, larger rejection from isolation) RQCD ~ 1010 QCD background << 10% (tt + Z/* ) mA = 500 GeV tan b = 25 mA = 500 GeV tan b = 25 b-tag requirement improves S/B CMS PTmissanalysis 30 fb-1 Mass resolution ~10%
Going beyond the Benchmark • bsg gives MH+>~350GeV: Benchmark simple! • Susy particles light. • Huge parameter space • Reduce by assuming (normally) mSugra • Discussed in next 2 transparencies. • nMSSM • Much more complex - I know no coherent study • General 2 HDM • Much more complex - I know no coherent study
ATLAS 300 fb-1 Higgs decays via SUSY particles If SUSY exists : search for H/A 0202 01 01 5 contours ATLAS: SUGRA scan m0 = 50 - 250 GeV m1/2 = 100 - 300 GeV tan b = 1.5 - 50 A 0 = 0 No CP violation Exclusions depend on MSSM parameters (slepton masses, m)
How robust is this potential ? SUSY ON ATLAS forbidden • SUSY loops can enhance/suppress Higgs production • (e.g. gg h) and decay (e.g. h gg) • A/H/H sparticles can compete with SM decays Preliminary study : mSUGRAimpact of SUSY on Higgs decays to SM particles is small : -- gg h 10% smaller -- tth/Wh 30% smaller -- ttH tt bb not affected -- BR (A/H/H SM particles) reduced by at most 40% Larger effects outside mSugra However : impact of mixing on couplings not studied for all possible mixing scenarios more work needed
Searching for invisible Higgs ? Signal: qq qqVV qqH Hinvisible • Cut on: • Trigger (needs h of 4.9 for jets) • Large jet-jet mass >1200GeV/c2 • Large PT miss >100GeV/c • Isolation of PT miss • Finally fjj
Invisible Higgs ? Assume no systematics in background... is fraction of SM Higgs rate For MH (or MA), below 400GeV/c2 can see a SM Higgs going 50% to invisible But IMHO systematics serious
Conclusions • LHC has a large discovery potential for MSSM Higgs Bosons • Some sign of MSSM Higgs sector should be observable • Two or more Higgs bosons accessible in many cases. • MA 200-500, tanb> 15 gives all 5 • Vector Boson fusion channel significantly enhances the discovery potential • Tau tau channel in the low mass region • Enhanced WW channels • Can it be used to see invisible Higgs decays ? • New promising channels also in the MSSM section • (Charged Higgs, had. Tau decays) • To be done: • Need improved calculations (K-factors for S and B) • MC work important (Follow Tevatron data MC LHC) • new topics (CP violation, ...) • Understand the measurements which can be made.