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“National Perspective on High School Reinvention”

“National Perspective on High School Reinvention”. Sheraton Waikiki. Raymond McNulty, Senior Vice President. WWW.Leadered.com/Hawaiiconference.shtml. For PowerPoint's. Larry Gloeckler Tom Houlihan Richard Esparza Mimi Dyer Ada Grabowski Paul Curtis. Chris LaRocco Jim Causby

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“National Perspective on High School Reinvention”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “National Perspective on High School Reinvention” Sheraton Waikiki Raymond McNulty, Senior Vice President

  2. WWW.Leadered.com/Hawaiiconference.shtml For PowerPoint's

  3. Larry Gloeckler Tom Houlihan Richard Esparza Mimi Dyer Ada Grabowski Paul Curtis Chris LaRocco Jim Causby Ellen Harris Helen Branigan Louis Martinez The Team

  4. Schools and Strategies Granger High, WA Kennesaw Mountain, GA New Tech High, CA Charles D’Amico, NY Hardest to serve Data Driven Decisions Leading with Literacy Rigor, Relevance, Relationships Power of Networking Managing High School Reinvention Closing Achievement Gap The Conference

  5. Themes • Opening thoughts….. • What are we learning….. • Nine BFO’s

  6. Thoughts

  7. To Deliver 21st Century Skills & Content: The Common Core Ready for College Academic Outcomes 21st Century Skills & Content Information & Media Literacy Communication Critical & Systems Thinking Problem Solving Creativity, Intellectual Curiosity Interpersonal Skills Self-Direction Accountability and Adaptability Social Responsibility Financial Literacy Global Awareness Civic Literacy Specific Vocational Knowledge & Skills Subject Matter Knowledge Ready for Work Youth Employment Outcomes Cultural, Physical & Behavioral Health Knowledge & Skills Ready for Life Youth Development Outcomes

  8. Job Outlook 2002, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

  9. The Partnership for 21st Century SkillsValidated that the Public Recognizes the Skills Gap

  10. “How” we need to work must change. • We have to support each other in this work. • Collins says, “get the right people on the bus!” • You must build up to breakthrough. • Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.

  11. Goldcorp Inc. • Rob McEwen CEO, no experience • 50 year old gold mine, Red Lake Ontario • Without substantial new gold “close” • Find more gold on this property “staff believes he is now crazy” • No one leaves until we have a plan… • Few weeks later remarkable discovery “30” times the amount they were currently mining

  12. Goldcorp Inc • 1999 Rob attends a conference at MIT about Linux OS and learns about “Open Source” • Decides to make all data (1949) open to the public • Ask the world to help us find more gold • 2000 Goldcorp Challenge $575,000. • 2 weeks, over 1,000 ideas, 80% yield gold • $100m business to a $9 billion!!!!!

  13. Think Different Clip

  14. “Leadership is action, not position.” Donald H. McGannon

  15. The primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in schools or colleges, but to help them do well in the lives they lead outside of the schools and colleges.

  16. We’ve created false proxies for learning… • Finishing a course or textbook has come to mean achievement • Listening to lecture has come to mean understanding • Getting a high score on a standardized test has come to mean proficiency

  17. Learning should have its roots in.. • Meaning, not just memory • Engagement, not simply transmission • Inquiry, not only compliance • Exploration, not just acquisition • Personalization, not simply uniformity • Collaboration, not only competition • Trust, not fear

  18. Jim Collins, Good to Great 2001, p.205 “I am not suggesting that going from good to great is easy….. I am asserting that those who strive to turn good into great find the process no more painful or exhausting than those who settle for just letting things wallow along in mind numbing mediocrity.”

  19. So why did you come to this conference? How will what you learn here change what you do at your school or college?

  20. What are we learning…..

  21. KEY ISSUE In many cases, hard data is the total focus at the exclusion of soft data. This is often a short-term fix but a long term mistake!

  22. Rigor • Relevance • Relationships

  23. Relevance • Relationships • Rigor

  24. Relationships • Relevance • Rigor

  25. R X R X R = LCWRS Relationships X Relevance X Rigor = Life, College, Work Ready Students

  26. Rigor/Relevance Framework

  27. Knowledge Taxonomy 1. Awareness 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

  28. Assimilation of knowledge Thinking Continuum Acquisition of knowledge

  29. Application Model 1.Knowledge of one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations

  30. Action Continuum Acquisition of knowledge Application of knowledge

  31. Rigor/Relevance Framework Teacher/Student Roles KNOWLEDGE D C Student Think Student Think & Work B A Teacher Work Student Work A P P L I C A T I O N

  32. Rigor/Relevance Framework Did Students Get it Right? D C Rational Answer Right Questions RIGOR High B A Right Answer Right Procedure Low Low High RELEVANCE

  33. Relationships

  34. You can’t teach kids you don’t know….

  35. The Gap Problems Achievement Gap Participation Gap

  36. Participation Gap Personal Worth – belonging, heroes, sense of accomplishment Active Engagement – being involved, fun and exciting, curious, creative and adventurous Purpose – taking responsibility, confidence to take action, believing in self

  37. 8 Conditions that make a difference • Belonging • Heroes • Sense of Accomplishment • Fun and Excitement • Curiosity and Creativity • Spirit of Adventure • Leadership and Responsibility • Confidence to take Action


  39. Student Survey Responses

  40. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) SCHOOL/CLASSES 64% School is a welcoming and friendly place. 51% I am proud of my school. 37% I know the goals my school is working on. 49% I enjoy being at school. 21%I have never been recognized for something positive at school.

  41. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) SCHOOL/CLASSES 46% School is boring. 58% At school I am encouraged to be creative. 38% Students council represents all students at school. 40% My classes help me understand what is happening in my everyday life.

  42. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) TEACHERS 46% Teachers care about my problems and feelings. 50%Teachers care about me as an individual. 49% Teachers care if I am absent from school. 50% If I have a problem, I have a teacher with whom I can talk.

  43. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) TEACHERS 66% I have a teacher who is a positive role model for me. 58% Teachers enjoy working with students. 39% Teachers have fun at school. 32% Teachers make school an exciting place to learn.

  44. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) RESPECT 55% Teachers respect students. 41% Students respect teachers. 31% Students respect each other.

  45. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) RESPONSIBILITY 75% I push myself to do better academically. 67% I put forth my best effort at school. 55% I am excited to tell my friends when I get good grades.

  46. Selected Data—My Voice Survey (n ≈ 150,000) PARENTS 93% My parents care about my education. 85% My parents think going to college is important. 60% My parents feel comfortable talking to my teachers.

  47. Staff Skills

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