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1. accrue : (v) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result

1. accrue : (v) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result Syn : collect, accumulate Ant: dwindle, decrease. 2. annotation : (n) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work. 3. bedlam : (n) a state or scene of uproar and confusion

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1. accrue : (v) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result

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  1. 1. accrue: (v) to grow or accumulate over time; to happen as a natural result • Syn: collect, accumulate • Ant: dwindle, decrease

  2. 2. annotation: (n) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work

  3. 3. bedlam: (n) a state or scene of uproar and confusion • Syn: commotion, pandemonium • Ant: order, tranquility

  4. 4. covert: (adj) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded (n) a sheltered hiding place • Syn: undercover, clandestine • Ant: open, overt

  5. 5. debonair: (adj) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance • Syn: gracious, suave • Ant: boorish, churlish

  6. *6. dun: (v) to demand insistently, especially in payment of a debt(n) a creditor(adj) dark, dull, drab, dingy • Syn: pester, nag

  7. *7. efficacious: (adj) effective, producing results • Syn: efficient, potent • Ant: ineffective, useless

  8. *8. equanimity: (n) calmness, composure, refusal to panic • Syn: aplomb, tranquility • Ant: excitability, agitation

  9. *9. fortuitous: (adj) accidental, occurring by a happy chance • Syn: random, lucky

  10. 10. gist: (n) the essential part, main point, or essence • Syn: substance, core

  11. 11. gratuitous: (adj) freely given, unwarranted, not called for by circumstances • Syn: unjustified, uncalled-for • Ant: justified, wanted

  12. 12. imperious: (adj) overbearing; arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing and compelling • Syn: domineering, magisterial • Ant: humble, unassuming

  13. *13. invective: (n) a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language(adj) abusive, vituperative • Syn: abuse, diatribe • Ant: tribute

  14. *14. motley: (adj) showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors(n) a jester's costume or a jester • Syn: variegated, heterogeneous • Ant: uniform, monochromatic

  15. 15. munificent: (adj) extremely generous; lavish • Syn: bounteous, liberal • Ant: miserly, tightfisted

  16. 16. procrastinate: (v) to delay; put off until later • Syn: stall

  17. 17. provocative: (adj) tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating, annoying • Ant: dull, insipid

  18. *18. recondite: (adj) exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding • Syn: esoteric, profound • Ant: simple, uncomplicated

  19. 19. reprobate: (n) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person; scoundrel(adj) wicked, corrupt. (v) to disapprove of, condemn • Syn: immoral • Ant: saint, virtuous

  20. 20. sedentary: (adj) characterized or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place • Syn: stationary, static • Ant: active, migratory

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