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Margaret Tabunakawai-Vakalalabure I LOVE MY TABU AREA FIJI PRIDE CAMPAIGN.

Margaret Tabunakawai-Vakalalabure I LOVE MY TABU AREA FIJI PRIDE CAMPAIGN. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION. Site: Cakaudrove and Macuata Provinces. 8/15 districts 31/134 villages 24 MPA’s 39.06 km² Cakaudrove 8/12 districts 52 villages 17 MPA’s 40.71 km² Macuata Campaign Site

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Margaret Tabunakawai-Vakalalabure I LOVE MY TABU AREA FIJI PRIDE CAMPAIGN.

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  2. Site: Cakaudrove and Macuata Provinces. 8/15 districts 31/134 villages 24 MPA’s 39.06 km² Cakaudrove 8/12 districts 52 villages 17 MPA’s 40.71 km² Macuata Campaign Site Total Target Population: 13,265 ADD MAP CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  3. Loremipsumrectequesapientemvoluptatum et sed? Nobissoleatusuei? Cu quemverearpetentiumest, eulibriscommodoeuripidisnec! Omnesaliquip cum an, meliorephaedrumpri ad, ad detraxitintellegammei. Sit muneredelicatapartiendoei, ad quod eripuitnumquam duo! Ridensnonummydefinitionesei quo. Quo nullaquandopatrioque et, sedputantalterumconsectetuer in? Delenitialiquyamtemporibus ad cum? Seddicatdenique at. Nostrudluptatumvis ne, ex nislignota doming vim. To build on the successes of established LMMAs by reducing the threats of uncontrolled opening & closing of no take zones (tabus) and poaching of local communities in their own tabu area. BEHAVIOUR CHANGE: Fishermen: Stop poaching in tabu areas. Chiefs: Create a process for opening and closing tabu areas. Improve governance within communities around management of LMMA’s. The Strategy in Fiji. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  4. TARGET AUDIENCES. Fisherfolk (General Public) 2.Community Chiefs CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  5. FIJI ISLANDS. Theory of Change Results & Critical Analysis CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  6. CR Add relevant picture Conservation Result GoalA significant increase in fish biomass within the tabu area by asking 2 questions: Do fishermen catch big fish? (dates: 2008-2010) (ii) Are caught fish getting bigger (2008-2010)? Metrics: Average length & number, emperor fish, hand lining. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  7. K CR Knowledge Conservation Result Results 7.7% of fishermen say that fishing within a tabu area is the most important threat. Baseline: 5.0% CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  8. A K CR Add relevant picture Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Results 92.6% of fishermen agree that tabu areas must be respected by all in the vanua. Baseline: 95% CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  9. A K CR IC Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Interpersonal communications Results 35% in the fishermen will have talked to a member of their family/friends about poaching within the tabu area. BASELINE: 19% CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  10. A K CR IC : Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Interpersonal communications Critical Analysis: K,A,IC Multi answer question, all answers were of a equal range. No significant difference. Meetings /Workshops were events that we targetted. Should have looked at other events like bazaars and other key influencers like women and children to help spread the message. Materials not effective-brochures. Most impactful were the wristbands. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  11. BR IC A K CR Add relevant picture Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result (i)26 women trained as Trainers for Financial Literacy Training. Trained as a whole more than 100 individuals and more than 50 households. (ii) Booklet on Guidelines for opening and closing of tabu areas. (iii) Chiefs attended Leadership Management & Good Governance Workshop for Cakaudrove and Macuata. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  12. Barrier Removal Deep Dive L&M Training on Good Governance. To empower the chiefs to engage in conflict resolutions on how to deal with conflicts arising from fishing related matters. Financial Literacy Training-to empower fishermen to improve their financial management in households and as a community to decrease the pressure to open tabu areas. Booklet on Guidelines: This is a booklet with information that is a culturally accepted process for chiefs and Qoliqoli Committees on how to make decisions on how/when/to open/close tabu areas. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  13. BC BR IC A K CR Behavior Change Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result FISHERMEN: 65% of fishermen reported that they DID NOT go to the tabu areas. BASELINE: 80% CHIEFS: No baseline data. 65% of fishermen say that they have a seen a change in the direction of leadership regarding Natural Resource Management. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  14. BC TR BR IC A K CR Attitude Threat Reduction Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result Uncontrolled opening and closing of tabu areas: NO BASELINE DATA. 46% fishermen say NO, 50% fishermen are uncertain of any openings. (ii)Poaching within tabu areas: NO BASELINE DATA. 23% of fishermen say that poaching has increased.30% are members of the community, 39% are outsiders. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  15. BC TR BR IC A K CR Attitude Threat Reduction Barrier Removal Attitude Attitude Knowledge Conservation Result (i)Decrease in average number of emperor caught per person/ hour spent handlining (.79) and slight increase in mean size of emperor caught by handlining (.7) since 2007/08, however neither are statistically significant increases. (ii) Not much data enough to test from sites to make comparison e.g: # of fishing trips, # of emperor fish caught handlining. Inconsistency of reporting from sites. CPUE appears to have decreased- though it is not a significant decrease and it is also based on low 2009/2010 sample size. CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  16. Qualitative & Quantitative Results: • Constituency: with Qoliqoli Committees, communities, women monitors, chiefs/leaders, FLMMA partners. How we monitored success? 2009 CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  17. “The greatest outcome is the behavioural change • of the people towards marine conservation as we • have witnessed people either asking for advice or • have done the expected things. They are respecting • their Tabu Areas and its bylaws and are complying to • the Fisheries Act regulations. ” • (S. Waqainabete-, SFO & FLMMA Chairman) • “The greatest outcome has been the raised • awareness and improved capacity of Qoliqoli • Committees and leadership to take charge of the • management of the network of tabu areas within • Qoliqolis.“(K.Tabunakawai, WWF SPPO Representative) How we monitored success? • “I think the campaign helped to strengthen the FLMMA spirit of working together which had been challenged by some events in the not-to-distant past. • A number of the materials developed will be useful throught Fiji and LMMA throughout the Western Pacific. • Margie will be a much more effective and confident manager for FLMMA in the future.” • (B. Aalbersberg, IAS/USP) CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

  18. Where are we and where are we going? Where are your target audiences at on the Theory of Change? FISHERMEN CHIEFS K A IC BR BC TR CR What are your future goals to move them along the Theory of Change? Replicating more Social Marketing Materials Implement Monitoring Protocols for Leadership Management Expansion of the Financial Literacy Training Monitoring methods for recording poaching incidences and CPUE. 2010 CR Baseline CRITICAL ANALYSIS PRESENTATION

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