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Joint Support Office (JSO) for Enhancing Ukraine’s Integration into the European Research Area (ERA) EuropeAID/127891/C/SER/UA. Joint Support Office (JSO) for Enhancing Ukraine’s Integration into the EU Research Area (ERA) EuropeAID/127891/C/SER/UA. Ukraine. JSO-ERA Project.
Joint Support Office (JSO) for Enhancing Ukraine’s Integration into the European Research Area (ERA) EuropeAID/127891/C/SER/UA Joint Support Office (JSO) for Enhancing Ukraine’s Integration into the EU Research Area (ERA) EuropeAID/127891/C/SER/UA Ukraine JSO-ERA Project A Project funded by the European Union • Dr. Olga Kot A Project implemented by an ECORYS led Consortium Kyiv, 16 June 2011
Overall Objective To support Ukraine’s cooperation within the European Research Area
To raise public awareness on FP7 and to intensify Ukraine's participation in FP7 by providing information and technical assistance. To increase the opportunities of the Ukrainian research and business communities for integration into the European networks that support R&D and innovation To ensure capacity building and institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Education & Science (MoES) and of the National Information Centre for Ukraine-EU Science & Technology (S&T) Cooperation (NIP-Ukraine). To encourage the participation of the Ukrainian R&D institutions and SMEs in the EU programmes in the field of innovation and technology transfer. Specific Objectives
Increased public awareness about opportunities generated by the EU 7th Framework Programme and other EC-funded R&D programmes Increased number of Ukraine’s researchers, SMEs and business communities to participate in the EU 7th Framework Programme A sustainable Joint Support Office with a network of regional focal points is established to enhance the participation of Ukrainian researchers and enterprises in the EU 7th Framework Programme Increased integration of Ukraine into the EU R&D networks Support information provided to the Ministry of Education and Science concerning the innovation aspects of R&D activities Expected Results
JSO-ERA Activities carried out for & with Ukraine’s Innovation & Research Communities
Activities(1): Support offered to potential participants • Organisation of 10 Information Days • Lviv – Health 11.03.2011 • Kharkiv– Energy 20.06.2011… • Oganisation of 16 Training Workshops • Lviv - Transport 10.03.2011 • Donetsk – SME 24.05.2011 • Kharkiv/Kiev – Financial issues 1/3.06.2011…
Helpdesk Individual Consultations Registration in JSO-ERA Database of Ukrainian organisations (accessile through website) Organisation of meetings between potential partners (technical workshops) Activities (2): Support offered to potential participants
Partner search Use of PS Forms accessible on website Verification be experts Distribution to NCPs and potential partners Activities (3): Support offered to potential participants
Promotion of EU networks in Ukraine Brochure on the EU networks (published) Promotion of Ukrainian organisations in the EU e-Book on Ukraine’s S&T Landscape (in preparation) participation in EU Conferences (WIRE 2011) Quarterly e-Newsletter (8 Issues): No 4 - publishedin January2011 New NIP website: http://www.fp7-ncp.kiev.ua/ JSO-ERA project website: www.jso-era.org Activities (4): Support offered to potential participants
NCPs in Ukraine http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/third-countries_en.html
Organisation of trainings and developemnt of training content (training modules) to be used by NCPs Participation on NCPs in Infodays and brokerage events to present project ideas and look for partners: ICT in Budapest, etc. Training visits to 2 NCPs: Poland (KPK) and The Netherlands (EGLiason) Participation of NCPs in the EU Conferences to promote Ukrainian organisations, networking with NCPs and partner search. JSO-ERA support to NCPs in Ukraine
Kharkiv Kyiv Lviv Ivano–Frankivsk Zaporizhzhya Uzhhorod Odessa Simferopol JSO-ERA Project Locations According to the ToR, project JSO-ERA will set up a network of seven Regional Focal Points
NCP National Coordinator Mrs Olena Koval National Coorinator NCP, INCO NCP, Legal and Financial NCP, Mobility NCP Director, National Information Center for Ukraine-EC S&T cooperation post@fp6-nip.kiev.ua
NCPs Ukraine Leonid ChernyshevNMP NCP Frantsevich Institute for Problems in Materials Science (IPMS NASU) Inna GagauzNMP NCP Kharkov Technologies Aleksander GalaganSPACE NCP State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) Olga Kot SSH NCP and SIS NCP G. M. Dobrov Center for Studying R&D Potential and Science History (STEPS NASU)
NCPs Ukraine Ivan Kulchytskyy ICT NCP & SME NCP Lviv State Centre of Science, Innovations and Informatization ivanppp@cstei.lviv.ua Karina ShakhbasyanInfrastructures NCP & Regional NCP Centre of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Andrey Tarelin ENERGY NCP National Scientific Centre for Medical and Biotechnical Research (NSCMBR) Petro Smalko HEALTH NCP National Scientific Centre for Medical and Biotechnical Research (NSCMBR)
Regional Focal Points Nadiya Boyko RFP Uzhgorod nadiya.boyko@gmail.com Lyubomyr Nykyruy RFP Ivano-Frankivsk lyubomyr.nykyruy@gmail.com Aurika Murava-SeredaRFP Simferopol aurika.muravasereda@gmail.com Tanya StepanovaRFP Odessa stepanova.tanya@gmail.com Sergiy Kuzin RFP Kharkiv sergineer@yahoo.com Stanislav Selin RFP Zaporizhzhya birzha-intellect@mail.ru
CONTACT INFORMATION For further information please contact: JSO-ERA/NIP Project Office 22-B Saksagansky Str., Office 29 Kyiv 01033 – Ukraine Tel/fax: +38 044 289-13-15 E-mail: jso@jsoresearch.kiev.ua http://www.jso-era.org http://www.fp7-ncp.kiev.ua