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17 th Asian Liturgy Forum 第十七屆亞洲禮儀論壇 Pastoral Liturgy in Asia 亞洲禮儀牧靈 October 21-24 2013, Hong Kong Pastoral Liturgy in Hong Kong 香港禮儀牧靈 The origin and editorial ideals on H. K. Catholic Hymnal 《 頌恩 》 我主編 《 頌恩 》 的緣起與理念 Fr. Luke K.Y. Tsui 徐錦堯神父.
17thAsian Liturgy Forum第十七屆亞洲禮儀論壇 Pastoral Liturgy in Asia亞洲禮儀牧靈 October 21-24 2013, Hong Kong Pastoral Liturgy in Hong Kong 香港禮儀牧靈 The origin and editorial ideals on H. K. Catholic Hymnal《頌恩》 我主編《頌恩》的緣起與理念 Fr. Luke K.Y. Tsui徐錦堯神父
Itotally agree with that particular word in today’s theme “pastoral”. I cannot agree more with what Msgr. Salvador said that the liturgical presider should be acelebrant pastor. A pastor cares for his sheep. But who are those sheep? Where do they live? As a pastor, I deeply feel that what we knowor what we can do (capability) are not what the world wants. And what the world needs are things that we do not know nor capable of responding to. 我完全同意這次論壇中的一個字「牧靈」,我也十分同意Salvador蒙席說,一位禮儀主持人,也應是一位「慶典牧者」。一位牧者關心羊,但那些羊是誰?他們住在哪裡? 我也是一位牧者,我深深的感到,我們所認識和所能做的,其實是世界不需要的,而世界需要的,卻是我們不認識和不懂得回應的。
For example: poverty, (do we know that 25,000 people starve to death every day of whom 5,000 are children under the age of five?) Or environment disaster (are we aware that the whole world shall have no clean water to drink in 50 years’ time?) Iam a pastor, yes, but of whom? A pastor of a parish? Of a country? Of the whole human race? With this in mind, I started my“pastoral liturgy” journey,40 years ago. 例如:貧窮問題(我們知否每日有25,000人餓死,其中5,000人是五歲以下的兒童?) 生態災難 (我們知否五十年後我們已無水可喝?)我是牧者,對!但誰的牧者?堂區的?國家的?人類的?懷著這種信念,我開始了我的「牧者禮儀」之路,已經四十年了。
While serving as the Spiritual Director for HKCentral Council of Catholic Laityand HKCatholic Youth Council40years ago (1973-1977), we decided to produce a popular edition of the CatholicHymnal suitable for use by all the laity in the HK Diocese. So I started working with a small group collecting and composing songs ourselves, as well as writing and editing or rearranging the music and the lyrics. 四十年前,當我是香港教友總會和青年聯會神師的時候(1973-1977),我們決定要編一本普及聖歌集,讓全港的教友可以用來讚美天主。於是我和一個小組著手搜集歌曲、創作和改編或填詞。
In editing this hymnal, we had abided by these principles: 在編輯這歌本時,我們遵守以下的一些指導性原則: 1. It should be for use by the general public, implying it should not be costly, so that each liturgical participant can afford a copy. It is why the first edition was sold at one HK dollar (HK$1) only. 1.它應該是普及的,意即便宜,讓全港所有堂區都有能力買到讓參禮者一手一本,所以我們的第一版賣出價僅為港幣一元!
2.It should spread the spirit of Vatican II, especially the spirit of catholicity, mutual respect and inclusiveness embracing other religious faith. Ex: when composing or amending, editing the lyrics of existing songs, we took great care not to project the world as darkness or convey a conviction that unbelievers are doomed to hell. 2.發揚梵二的精神,特別是大公精神,和尊重及包容別的文化和宗教信仰。例如,我們在作詞或修改舊歌詞時,小心不把世界當成黑暗,或外教人一定下地獄等。
3. It should integrate faith with life or with practical living. We believe that Catholicism is God-centred, therefore it is necessarily people-oriented. We hope the message of the hymns enable us to yearn for a more abundant life. Hymns in the Hymnal such as “Walking with Christ”, “Rejoice” are particularly relevant to daily life. 3.讓信仰與生活結合。我們相天主教正因為屬神,所以十分屬人,所以希望聖歌的內容都能幫我們嚮往一個更豐盛的生命。例如:「與基督同行」、「歡欣」等等,都與生活很有關係。
4. We were very particular with the touch of religiosity, elegance and solemnity in the hymns, so we introduced many masterpieces by Lucien Deiss, such as Send forth your spirit oh Lord which has a very strong touch of religion. An old hymn Evening prayer to Mary was a hymn I was deeply touched when I was still a seminarian back in 1956, so I believed it would touch others as well. 4.我們很重視聖歌的「宗教感」、「優雅」與「莊嚴」,其中,我們引進了不少Lucien Deiss 的傑作,如「萬民!請讚美上主」便很有宗教感。「晚求聖母歌」曾經在1956當我是修生的時候,便已感動了我,所以我相信它也會感動別人。
Death and Resurrection by Fr. Lau Wing Yiu a local composer has a very strong lamentative feel. What I love the most is The Heavens are Telling by Beethoven for which I rearrange both the music and lyrics. It was really an embodiment of religiosity, elegance andsolemnity. 本地作曲家劉榮耀神父的「死亡與復活」很有哀思的味道。 我最喜歡的是我編曲和填詞的貝多芬名曲「諸天述說」,它集宗教感、優雅與莊嚴於一身。
5. We hoped this hymnal collection also would have a Chinese feel, so we collected a great number of masterpieces by the renown Chinese musician, Jiang Wen Ye. Hymns such as Ave Maria, Holy Innocence (Psalms 131) have a very strong sense of Chinese music. 5.我們希望這歌集有中國風或中國味。我們收集了大量的中國音樂大師江文也的作品,「聖母經」,「天真」(聖咏131) 都很有中國音樂的味道。
Conclusion: Since 1992 I have been traveling to China for evangelical work every month and have been to 73 places. I am aware that Protestants are garnering very good results in the mission work in China. In terms of numbers alone, they have outnumbered the Catholic mission work by ten times or more. One of the reasons being that when unbelievers go to their churches, they are at least able to enjoy quality and touching hymns. This is something we need to quickly catch up. 小結:我自從1992年起,每個月都去國內福傳,至今已去了73個地方。我發覺基督教在國內的傳教成績,單從人數上說,便超過天主教十倍或以上。其中一個重要原因,是外教人進到基督教堂,至少可以欣賞到有水準而動聽的宗教音樂,這是我們需要急起直追的。
胡樞機(教研名譽會長)與我們共祭 Thank you And God bless