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NextGen eContent USER GENERATED CONTENT. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan. While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about Angela Schwindt. The Smart School initiatives …The journey continues.

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  1. NextGeneContent USER GENERATED CONTENT KementerianPelajaran Malaysia BahagianTeknologiPendidikan

  2. While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about Angela Schwindt

  3. The Smart School initiatives …The journey continues.. Strong foundation to path the way… Wave 4 Wave 3 • Consolidate & Stabilize (2010 – 2020) • Innovative practices using ICT • Making All Schools Smart (PembestarianSekolah) (2005-2010 • Leveraging all ICT initiatives • (Smart School Qualification Standards – SSQS; WebTV and Access Centre) Wave 2 • Post Pilot (2003 – 2005) • Massive computerization phase to all 10,000 schools • (Computer Lab, PPSMI, SchoolNet, Coursewares, e-materials) Wave 1 • Pilot Phase (1999 – 2002) • 88 schools were selected Source: MDeC Smart School Roadmap 2002 - 2020 Journey thus far…

  4. Evolution of Technology & Internet

  5. Evolution of Technology Web 2.0 NOW X Y Z Gen Gen Gen • born after the Western post–World War II baby boom ended • usually not later than 1982 • also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Next, Echo Boomers • 1980s to the 1990s • typically the children of Generation X • born between the 1990s to 2000s

  6. INTERNET Dalam Kehidupan

  7. Today’s Webscape More than 50% of all global traffic goes to 10 places

  8. DIGITAL NATIVES: LOCAL CURRENT SCENARIO Malaysia is one of the most prominent countries as it ranks as number 2, positioned just behind Singapore. Compared to the world penetration rate of 22.04%, Malaysia's penetration rate is well above the average

  9. DIGITAL NATIVES: LOCAL CURRENT SCENARIO 94.4% of Malaysian internet users primarily use the internet for obtaining information 84.70% use internet for communication purposes by text (email, chat) 64.5% of internet users use the internet for education purposes

  10. 1BestariNet Perkhidmatanrangkaian “End To End”(E2E) bagitujuanpengajarandanpembelajaransertapengurusandanpentadbiransekolah BTP 2011

  11. SchoolNet1BestariNet Inisiatif NKEA(CCI)EPP 6 : e-Learning PenamatanSchoolNet Laporan BCG :EPU CapaianLebarJalur 4 sehingga 10Mbps CapaianLebarJalur 2 sehingga 4Mbps CapaianLebarJalursehingga 50Mbps 17 Januari& 28 Mac 2011 EC PerkhidmatanKeselamatanTerurus Perkhidmatan Hosting Terurus PersekitaranPembelajaran Maya 8 Perkhidmatan 1BestariNet PenyenggaraanPersekitaranPembelajaran Maya Project Management Office BTP 2011

  12. PersekitaranPembelajaran Maya :1BestariNet • 01.01.2012 :1BestariNet bermulasecaraberfasa • 31.12.2012 :1BestariNet bagi 10,000 sekolah Rumah SPS+SPP IbuBapa 1BestariNet Sekolah Pengajaran & Pembelajaran aplikasi SPS + SPP teknologi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Murid PersekitaranPembelajaran Maya Guru DATA Pengurusan & Pentadbiran Pengurusan & Pentadbiran aliranmaklumat/data PPD SPS - SistemPengurusanSekolah SPP – SistemPengurusanPembelajaran KPM JPN BTP 2011

  13. Evolution of Education Content

  14. Rethinking Content For Education NextGeneContent eLearning Solution eContent System LCMS/LMS Teacher • Organizing • Indexing • Tracking • Distributing • Develop & deliver lessons • Integrate • Customize • Repurpose • Request & retrieve student progress data • Monitor • Chunks of activities • Reusable

  15. NEXTGEN eCONTENT : Characteristics

  16. NextGeneContent: Uniqueness JUST IN TIME JUST ENOUGH Learning objects are searchable, you can instantly find and take the component you need. If you need only part of a course, learning objects provide this supplement Part Total Course JUST FOR YOU Learning objects allow for easy customization of courses for a whole organization or even for each individual.

  17. NextGeneContent: Cost Efficient/Value for Money Lack of e-content experts • Innovative value = • Economic Value + Pedagogical Value + Media Infusion Technology limitations Lessons Learnt Rapid technology changes Prohibitive cost 21st Century Skills Targeted Outcomes to address Lack of interactivity Conventional instruction

  18. NextGeneContent: Repurposed Common element

  19. NextGeneContent: Activity Based • Describes a range of pedagogical approaches to teaching • Its core premises include the requirement that learning should be based on doing some hands-on experiments and activities • The idea of activity-based learning is rooted in the common notion that children are active learners rather than passive recipients of information. • If a child is provided the opportunity to explore by their own and provided an optimum learning environment then the learning becomes joyful and long-lasting.

  20. Difficult to Teach Subject 1 • Concepts that are difficult to visualize, for example the human respiratory system 2 3 • Concepts/topics that take a longer time to explain via conventional teaching methods Highly complex to explain, for example complex advanced mathematical formula

  21. Cross Border Appeal

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