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Apps and Other Innovations for Teaching LRW

Explore the use of videos and apps to enhance LRW instruction, including considerations, benefits, and limitations. Discover existing resources and learn how to create your own engaging content.

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Apps and Other Innovations for Teaching LRW

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  1. Apps and Other Innovations for Teaching LRW Presented by Maureen Moran Instructional Services and Legal Research Librarian/Assistant Professor of Lawyering Skills Pacific McGeorge School of Law

  2. Overview Using videos and apps to teach LRW What’s already out there Making your own videos and apps

  3. Using videos and apps for LRW Why use videos and apps? Considerations for videos Apps for law students and law teachers

  4. Why use videos and apps? • Some students are visual learners or respond better to interactive methods of instruction • And some students always have their noses in their smartphones, so why not reach them where they are? • Videos and apps are accessible outside of class time • Longer videos can be used as part of a flipped classroom strategy • Shorter videos can be used in class, then made available for refreshers outside class • Content may be provided by experts

  5. Considerations for videos • Know why you’re using them • What do you hope to accomplish? • Are the videos the right length and level of detail? • Consider breaking up longer videos into discrete modules • Are they accessible to students? • Consider hosting on Blackboard, TWEN, Sakai, etc., or a private YouTube channel • Do they actually work? • Both technically and substantively.

  6. Considerations for videos • Content • Research and oral argument/practice skills most amenable to video presentation • Longer videos (over 15 minutes) are more appropriate for complicated subjects, such as treaty research, EU research, or teaching oral argument or negotiation skills; these may be broken down into smaller segments • Shorter videos (under 15 minutes; ideally closer to 5) are terrific for showing students how to accomplish a discrete task, such as using digests or citators, or specific parts of an oral argument.

  7. Considerations for videos • Presentation • Videos should provide some kind of visual content or instruction • Avoid talking-head videos that don’t provide useful visuals • Show, don’t tell • When you watch a video to be used in class or assigned to students, ask yourself how useful they are and whether they have enough interest to keep your attention. If they can’t hold your attention, your students will probably find them less engaging.

  8. Apps for law students and law teachers • There are four main types of apps that may be useful to law students and law teachers: • Legal research apps • Subject-matter legal apps • Practitioner-focused legal apps • Calendaring, court rules, timekeeping, exhibit and transcript management, etc. • Productivity apps • Note taking, scheduling, anti-procrastination, etc.

  9. Apps for law students and law teachers • Benefits of using apps: • Greater student engagement • Some students may learn better when presented with interactive tools and technologies • Some apps, such as productivity tools, may be very helpful for students with time-management issues • As long as students can access them, they can have information available wherever they have their devices

  10. Apps for law students and law teachers • Limitations of apps • Accessibility: some apps are available for only certain devices and operating systems • Cost, if not free • Design • What kind of information can be delivered on a four-inch screen • Apps for what you’re looking for may not exist, or may not be in a useful format • But this can be fixed if you make your own

  11. What’s already out there Videos Apps

  12. Videos • Legal research videos • Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg all have video tutorials on their sites • Legal research videos are accessible via a search on YouTube – Harvard Law School’s Law Library produces excellent short “how to use this source” legal research tutorials • Legal skills videos • There are various paid services which have arguments, negotiations and mediation videos available • YouTube is also a good source, though quality varies widely

  13. Apps • How to find apps • Several law school libraries have compiled research guides to legal apps: • UCLA: http://libguides.law.ucla.edu/content.php?pid=112286&sid=845584 • University of Wisconsin: http://law.wisc.libguides.com/content.php?pid=363776&sid=2977335 • Boston University: http://lawlibraryguides.bu.edu/content.php?pid=315983&sid=2585625 • Georgia State: http://libguides.law.gsu.edu/content.php?pid=146733&sid=1255441

  14. Apps • Some examples of Legal Apps:

  15. Any apps for LRW? • There are really only two specifically for LRW:

  16. iWrite Legal • Developed by Kathleen Vinson at Suffolk University Law School • Contains checklists, legal writing and proofreading tips, and social content (Twitter feed, YouTube channel, and podcasts) • Limitations: Checklists are merely lists; legal writing tips are not searchable; social media content is thin, though the podcasts are active.

  17. iWrite Legal

  18. iWrite Legal

  19. Cite-Checker App • Subtitled Your Guide to the Bluebook, developed by Deborah E. Bouchoux • Companion to the book of the same name; part of the Aspen Law in a Flash series • Uses flashcards to help students learn Bluebook citation • Can be viewed in different ways: all cards, by topic, by tag, or by notes (created by user)

  20. Cite-Checker App

  21. Cite-Checker App

  22. Making your own videos and apps Why make your own videos and apps? Making videos Writing apps

  23. Why make your own videos and apps? • Control the content • If you have to rely on a YouTube search to find good examples for oral arguments, you may be searching a long time to find what you need. Why not make a video showing your students exactly what you want? • Ensure that the result fits in with your pedagogy • You can rely on videos produced by Westlaw, Lexis, etc., but they will focus only on their own products and they will downplay the drawbacks of their systems (as well as the cost)

  24. Making your own videos • You will need a script and visuals • You may have live-action shots, or you may use a program like Camtasia to capture what’s happening on a computer screen while someone provides narration • You will need someone who can do the production • You likely already have someone at your library or in your IT or AV departments who has the expertise and the equipment • You will need somewhere to put the finished product • Consider access, size of file, etc.

  25. Making your own apps • The first thing you need is an idea • Don’t be afraid to ask your students what they’d like to see in an app, or what might be useful for them • The second thing you need is a sense of how that idea can be presented in app format • Animations? • Quizzes? • Decision Trees? • Notes and tags?

  26. Making your own apps • Then, you need a code monkey who knows how to put apps together • Again, you should be able to find someone in your library, IT or AV departments who’s more than happy to develop app-building skills • Platform considerations • IOS, Android, web-based, or platform agnostic? • Optimized for a particular device within a particular operating system (such as iPhone5 vs. iPad)? • App-building software • Dreamweaver works for HTML5; AppArchitect is another option, though it will code for a specific platform

  27. Making your own apps: example • I’m in the process of developing an app. The following slides are screen caps of the rough development that my code monkey has produced from the PowerPoints I’ve given him of the content. • He used AppArchitect for iPhone, and reports that the most difficult part was coding the different sizes of text. • What you see here was done in a few hours.

  28. Making your own apps: example

  29. Making your own apps: example

  30. Thank you! Maureen Moran Pacific McGeorge School of Law (916) 733-2804 mmoran1@pacific.edu

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