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APCTP, Yonsei, Sep. 15, 2007. Current Issues in Leptogenesis. Eung Jin Chun. Korea Institute of Advanced Study, Seoul. I ssues in leptogenesis. To summarize (not so) new developments in leptogenesis = my two works done in Ann Arbor. Quintessence and leptogenesis
APCTP, Yonsei, Sep. 15, 2007 Current Issues in Leptogenesis Eung Jin Chun Korea Institute of Advanced Study, Seoul Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Issues in leptogenesis To summarize (not so) new developments in leptogenesis = my two works done in Ann Arbor. • Quintessence and leptogenesis with S. Scopel, arXiv:0706.2375 • Flavor-symmetry for resonant leptogenesis. with K. Turzynski, hep-ph/0703070 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Introduction • Non-zero neutrino masses and mixing angles provide a convincing evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. • See-saw mechanism: a paradigm to understand neutrino masses. • The see-saw scenario involves a high-energy scale where lepton number L is not conserved: baryogenesis through leptogenesis. Current Issues in Leptogenesis
W= Seesaw Mechanism Dimension-5 effective operator: added in Standard Model 3 singlet heavy fermions N (RHN) Current Issues in Leptogenesis
k>1 wash-out regime K=/H(T=M) k<1 out-of-equilibrium decay Leptogenesis Fukugita and Yanagida, PLB174, 45 Seesaw mechanism can meet the Sakharov conditions to generate lepton asymmetry from RHN deacy: • L • C and CP • Out-of-equilibrium decay → neutrino mass op. → phases in Y → Γ/H < 1 Hubble constant decay rate SU(2)L sphaleron interactions convert the lepton asymmetry into a baryon asymmetry Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Non-standard cosmology & leptogenesis • Standard scenario: 1) population of RHN due to thermalization -- independent of prehistory. 2) RHN freeze-out during radiation-dominated era. 3) Hierarchical RHN mass. • Non-standard scenario: 1) different origins for populating RHN: non-thermal like from inflaton decay. 2) the Universe before big-bang nucleosynthesis may be dominated by non-radiation energy density. 3) Resonance enhancement of CP/L asymmetry: degenerate RHN mass Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Quintessential Kination and Leptogenesis Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Dark energy & quintessence • ΩDark Energy ~ 0.7 may indicate the existence of a slowly-rolling scalar field, : Quintessence Caldwell et al., PRL80,1582 • A possibility: dominance in an earlier stage. Driven by inflation? Chung et al., arXiv:0704.3285 [hep-ph] • A thermal Cold Dark Matter particle decouples earlier and its relic density can be enhanced. Salati., PLB571,121 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Nb) Dark Energy Kination Cosmological evolution of Quintessence ρα a-3(1+w): equation of state: Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Tracking solution explainingm»DE Steinhardt et al., PRD59,123504 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Impact on Dark Matter physics During kination the Universe expands faster than during radiation domination a thermal Cold Dark Matter particle decouples earlier and its relic density can be enhanced Salati, PLB571,121 Chung et.al., arXiv:0706.2357 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Kination Cosmology Define Tr at which Tr is a free parameter with the only bound: Current Issues in Leptogenesis
a-6 ln(ρ) a-4 ar ln(a) Kination Cosmology isoentropic expansion (a3 s=constant): Current Issues in Leptogenesis
T3 T6 ln(ρ) ln(H) T4 T2 Tr Tr ln(T) ln(T) Kination Cosmology time time Current Issues in Leptogenesis
(kination) (radiation) Leptogenesis with Kination A useful parametrization: M≡RHN mass Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Leptogenesis with Kination g*r=10.75 g*(T)=228.75 (SUSY) When zr» M/Tr >>1 with Tr»1 MeV: Thermal leptogenesis can occur at low temperature. Require thermalization of SM particles & RHN: Γgauge ~ α2T > H Require sphaleron interactons in thermal equilibrium: Γsphaleron ~ α4T > H Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Wash-out parameter in Kination Leptogenesis RHN decay rate Effective neutrino mass Wash-out parameter: wide range of possibilities depending on zr, from strong (KÀ 1) to super-weak (K¿ 1) wash-out at fixed effective neutrino mass Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Super-weak wash-out regime When kination dominates, zrÀ 1: 1) Vanishing initial number density of RHN: decay & inverse decay too weak to popularize RHN efficiency of leptogenesis suppressed by 1/K 2) Thermal initial distribution of RHN: maximal efficiency Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Boltzmann equations CP asymmetry in decay: Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Decay & scattering rates decay t-channel scattering s-channel scattering N.B.) scattering is important at high temperature, z<<1 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Final lepton asymmetry Definition of efficiency: If RHNs thermalize early and decay out-of-equilibrium when they are still relativistic (K<1), we get η=1 With vanishing initial RHN distribution, we get » 1 for K» 1 and ¿ 1 for K¿ 1 or KÀ1. Current Issues in Leptogenesis
^ vanishing initial RHN density (N(0)=0) Super-weak wash-out regime (K¿1) Semi-analitic solution defining: negligible, main contribution from z<<1 (n=1 radiation, n=2 kination) Scattering dominates. Neglecting scattering: η ~ K2 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
^ vanishing initial RHN density (N(0)=0) kination radiation Super-weak wash-out regime (K¿1) freeze-out RHN production RHN decay lepton asymmetry produced early Current Issues in Leptogenesis
^ vanishing initial RHN density (N(0)=0) Strongwash-out regime (KÀ1) Semi-analitic solution Strong inverse-decay ) late decoupling (zfÀ 1) (n=1 radiation, n=2 kination) useful fit: For the decoupling to happen when kination still dominates (zf < zr) Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Strongwash-out regime (KÀ1) integrating BEs using saddle-point technique: n=1 radiation, n=2 kination RHNs decouple late, when scatterings are negligible decouple later for kination Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Strongwash-out regime (KÀ1) kination radiation RHNs thermalize before zf → thermal equilibrium erases any dependence on initial conditions Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Evolution of for various K Current Issues in Leptogenesis
radiation kination ^ ^ N(0)=0 N(0)=1 Efficiency vs. K Current Issues in Leptogenesis
radiation kination Tr=1 MeV→zr~108 Efficiency vs. zr • smooth transition • from radiation • dominance (zr<1) • to kination • dominance (zr>1). • strong supression • of the efficiency • if zr>>1 • increased efficiency • for 1<zr<100 • if m>0.01 eV Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Quasi-degenerate Neutrinos and Leptogenesis with L – L Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Neutrino mass pattern and non-resonant leptogensis • Efficient leptogenesis: • With Quasi-degenerate neutrinos: • Gravitino problem constrains RHN mass: Requires resonant mechanism Current Issues in Leptogenesis
L-L flavor symmetry Flavon fields and charge assignment: • correction forbidden by Zn : high resonance Fine-tunning: a2/X=bd/Y for m1=m2,3 Automatic maximal atmospheric mixing Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Solar mixing and mass differences Perturbative calculation from corrections with 3,4: correction for 23 for Fine-tunings for smaller solar mass difference: Consistent with large solar mixing Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Fit to Neutrino data Success rate AFM: 10-3 HKV: 10-2 Ours: 10-4 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Leptogenesis with L-L Baryon asymmetry with degenerate RHNs: CP asymmetry: Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Leptogenesis with L-L Degenerate RHNs ) Radiative generations of N & Re[yyy]23 Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Successful Leptogenesis Final expression for CP asymmetry: y2 dependence 2 suppression ) Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Fit to Leptogenesis Current Issues in Leptogenesis
Life in Ann Arobr Convenient rural life; can be boring Beautiful colors in Autumn Too long winter (6 months…) Fantastic spring/summer Current Issues in Leptogenesis