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AHSGE Social Studies Review. Workbook – Section 1-3 Exploration & Colonization of New World. Middle Ages. Period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Protestant Reformation 500 – 1500 AD Western Europe became isolated from rest of the world
AHSGE Social Studies Review Workbook – Section 1-3 Exploration & Colonization of New World
Middle Ages • Period of time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Protestant Reformation • 500 – 1500 AD • Western Europe became isolated from rest of the world • Invasions and wars were common in Western Europe • Also known as the medieval period
Feudalism • System based on giving land in exchange for loyalty and military service • Also known as: feudal system or manorial system
Monarch • Single ruler of an area • King or Queen • Owned the land • Feudalism started with the monarch • Gave land to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military protection
Noble • A person who promised to protect the land given to him by a monarch • Often lived in a castle
Manor • The home of a noble • Usually made up of a castle and the lands around it • May include one or more villages
Knights • Professional soldiers who would fight for the land when needed • Nobles gave part of land to knights in exchange for military service
Peasants • Poor farmers who worked for landowners • Did not get paid • Had to pay to stay on the manor • In exchange protected by the owner
Serfs • Peasants who were bound to the land • Could not leave the manor unless granted freedom by owner
Events leading to the Age of Exploration • Crusades • Renaissance • Reformation
Crusades • Known as Holy Wars • Started 1095 • Religious wars between Christians and Muslims • Fought over Holy Land (Palestine) • Christians tried to free Holy Land from the Muslims • Lead to the breakdown of feudalism
Breakdown of Feudalism • Crusades helped to weaken the power of the nobles • Many were killed, sold their fortunes, or lost their fortunes because of the wars • As a result, kings grew stronger • Powerful monarch ended the feudal system
Crusades led to Increased Trade • Western Europeans discovered silk, woven rugs, Asian foods (rice, oranges, dates), and new spices • Arab traders had been selling Middle Eastern and Asian goods to Italian merchants, but they were very expensive • Crusades increased the demand for these goods at a better price
Banker • Merchant who loaned and borrowed money • Before these merchants had to barter goods • Money – gold coins – used in exchanging goods
Protestant Reformation • Movement that split the Catholic Church • Started by Martin Luther • Disagreed with teaching of Catholic Church • Called Protestants because they “protested” the corruption of the Catholic Church
Corruption of Catholic Church • Church acquired land and wealth • Sold church jobs • Sold indulgences (pardons for sins) • Church leaders lead immoral lifestyles
Renaissance • Means rebirth • Period of renewed interest in arts and learning • 1300 to 1500
Classical Culture • Art, literature, and learning of the Greeks and Romans
Humanism • Interest in Classical Culture
Johannes Gutenberg • Renaissance inventor • Invented movable type • Led to his invention of the printing press • Made spreading new ideas of Renaissance much easier • Made books faster and cheaper to produce
Corporations • “Corpus” is Latin for body • Body or group of people doing business
Joint-Stock Company • Corporation that sold shares to raise money • Helped to finance colonies in the New World
Monopoly • Means one group provides the goods or services • Without competition
Navigation • Art of steering ships to distant ports
Latitude • Mapping lines that run at equal distances around the Earth • Run east to west • Measure north to south
Longitude • Lines used in mapping that run from the North Pole to the South Pole • Measure east to west
Elimination of Italian and Arab Traders • They had monopoly on Mediterranean routes • Western Europeans could not trade directly with the Middle East • European merchants could sell goods cheaper and for a higher profit
New Technologies • Compass – points north • Astrolabe – navigate by stars, moon, stars • Caravel – sail against the wind
Christopher Columbus • Sailed for Spain (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella) • 1492 – discovered New World
San Salvador • Island where Columbus landed in the New World
Indians • Name Columbus gave to natives he found on island
New World • Name given to the continents between Europe and the Far East • Now known as the Americas
Columbian Exchange • Exchange of plants, animals, and disease between Europe and the Americas after Columbus • Know chart on page 51